Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Day Three: No Furnace

 Still no news on a new furnace.  They must be hard to find.  

I finished up the Christmas Letter and Christmas Photo Card project. 

I have four folders full.  Some of the longer photo cards had to be trimmed. 

It is fun to read all the old letters again.   


We are staying warm. Sometimes it is a bit chilly/drafty in the house so we run the fireplace for awhile or the furnace fan to help circulate the air.   If all else fails the corn bags get heated in the microwave and join me under the down comforter!  Far Guy sometimes wears a stocking hat! 

Our weather is still horrid I believe our high for the day was -5 F. 

Far Side


  1. Hang in there... this too shall pass. I hope you get your furnace today!

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. Thank God for the fireplace and space heaters. I would be bundled up with so many clothes I would hardly be able to move. We need a picture of Far Guy wearing his hat. Stay warm and praying you get a furnace soon. -11 degrees here this morning.

  3. You sure have a good attitude about all this, my friend. If it were me I fear I'd be madder than a wet hen (& very vocal about it) and *somebody* would install a new furnace just to shut me up! I'm glad you're staying warm though and I pray for someone to show up with a new furnace soon... even TODAY!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. Oh NO! There has been a lot of furnace issues in our area too, when the intense cold arrived I guess it strained a lot of heating systems. Frigid this morning, but we got warm yesterday! 0! And it felt nice!
    Stay warm.

  5. We're having the same cold weather here in SD. We got propane so our gas logs are fired up. Karen

  6. I hope you get your furnace soon. The weather should improve if you do, of course. :-)

  7. That is such a nice way to keep those cards and letters, mine are just thrown in boxes along with other photos and I don't think I kept the Christmas letters. It would be something nice to keep on the coffee table during the holidays. I sure hope they get your furnace fixed soon!

  8. It's good to be a hardy Minnesotan! You have some good survival techniques, but hopefully that furnace will be replaced soon. Currently is 1 degree here with a "feels like" temp of -13. I'm dreading having to go pick up my groceries and stop at the bank later this morning.

  9. Oh my goodness! I sure hope they find something quickly. I love the way you are saving your photo cards and letters. I bet it is fun to go back and see the past ones.

    You two are in my prayers to get a furnace soon!

  10. Awwww man, this is just so bad. I'm glad you're getting by, but seriously I thought you'd have a furnace by now!

  11. That fireplace looks so cozy!
    I currently sleep with three quilts, and a furry throw on top (plus a cat or two). I wear full pajamas and knit socks! My husband... boxers and ONE quilt. I don't know how he does it. I'd freeze within an hour.

  12. Golly this is terrible. I hope you can get a furnace SOON!

  13. Good golly - they need to find you a furnace!! Did everyone's furnace need replaced this year? I know we have a boiler and it was difficult in our area to find someone who installed them. But once we found the right company, it went pretty quickly. Hoping for good news tomorrow.

  14. Certainly hoping the furnace will be available and installed soon. Thank goodness for a fireplace too.

    Take care, stay well.

  15. It's cold here too, but so far so good in the RV. I hope you hear about a new furnace today! I worry about you two. I'm glad you're keeping busy and thank goodness for the fireplace and heaters.

  16. Hope a warm furnace is coming soon.

  17. Sorry about your furnace! Hope it gets taken care of soon. Where did you find those pages for the Christmas cards? I have a bout 20 years worth of cards to figure out what to do with.....

    1. Amazon page protectors with 5 x 7 slots
      Search for Dunwell 5x7 Photo Sleeve Inserts

  18. Unbelievable that they can't get a furnace for you.

  19. Do you have a propane fireplace? I'm thinking of changing over as there are no chimney sweeps around here anymore. Stay warm! I love your albums...what great memories. Now, I wish I would have saved all mine over the years. I do now but I didn't years ago.

  20. Sorry about the lack of furnaces available. I've heard that there was a great lack of freezers available but now furnaces too? Good thing you and far Guy are hardy souls and can manage.

  21. You are so organized! I don't do card saving anymore.
    Thanks for letting us know that you are still OK and managing.

  22. Oh, I hope you can get your furnace soon. This made me think of when we had the ice storm in 2001 and no heat. We piled the blankets on, bt it was still so COLD! I love the idea of your card albums...I have years and years of cards in plastic bags. I need to do something with them. Hope you get some new heat soon!

  23. Oh my gosh! what a bad time to be without a furnace. We heard about your cold weather on the local news tonight. Dan asked, don't you know somebody who lives there? Hope you get one soon. Your fireplace looks warm and cozy. I love the way you've done the Christmas cards and pictures.

  24. Gosh.....aren't they telling you when the furnace will be coming? Should you try other heating companies? How horrible, in this weather. You're in my prayers....please do all you can to stay warm and not get sick. So sorry you're going through this!

  25. Glad to hear you are managing to stay reasonably warm. Hope that furnace arrives soon.

  26. Both my neighbors on each side replaced their furnaces. I was concerned that they would jinx mine. I guess their houses are older than mine but I would think a furnace would last more than 16 years. I hope that the guy who promised you a furnace gets his act together. He could drive to the cities and buy one at Mennards and bring it home.

  27. Oh my, I hope the furnace dilemma is solved soon. That's darn annoying. Our son in Edmonton is having similar weather to you, and his power went out last Saturday. Fortunately the electric guys got the snapped pole replaced fairly quickly. They have a pellet stove and furnace for heat, but unfortunately the pellet stove needs power to run the hopper. They were able to borrow a generator to get them through until they got power back. I'm not sure I could live somewhere that got weather like his and yours. We are getting a mini cold spell this week. Low of -10C one night. Yes you can laugh, lol. Hopefully sometime next week Spring will return. We could already see the grass growing. Stay warm!

  28. Glad you're finding ways to stay warm, and also that you managed to finish another project.


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