Sunday, February 28, 2021


 I found this photo on the SD card that was in one of my old point and shoot cameras. 

It made me smile....the green almost hurts your eyes. 

It is my parents yard in town.    Last year they did all their own yard work.  My other baby brother takes care of their snow removal needs during the winter.  I  have shoveled only once this winter, when my baby brother is here he helps them too.  My Dad has a nurse that checks in on him once a week.  Other than that they do pretty good for old folks in their 90's. 

I visit with them on the phone or from their deck with their door wide open.  Soon my Mom will go to have her second vaccination.  Dad is done with his vaccinations. 

 My Mother is a very social person so Isolation has been hard on her, she wants to be able to go to church again...I told her she could go two weeks after her last shot...but she could not hug anyone...for her that will be a challenge. 

Far Side


  1. You're so lucky you still have both your parents. WOW... how wonderful! My daddy died when I was 30 years old & pregnant with my son. My mom died when I was 52 years old. The loss of mom wasn't as hard as the loss of dad. Maybe I was used to it by then. I think the older age helped too. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Glad to hear that your loved ones are getting their shots. Yesterday, Jeanne and I saw redwinged blackbirds at Cedar Pond which is in Charleston Falls Preserve. First ones of the seasons.

  3. I love that your parents are still doing their own yard work, keeps them young and gives them purpose.

  4. Their yard sure does look beautiful. Stories of your parents always amaze me!

  5. Sometimes I find it hard to have amazing parents. I ran across a picture of me and my mom in 2002 - she is 77 - and she could work rings around me now at 69.
    I understand about the hugging - my mom-in-law would have had such a hard time as well. She passed some years ago so she didn't have to withhold hugs. It's tough on them.

  6. Beautiful yard! It's marvelous that they can continue to be in their own home with a little assistance. My Dad, even after his stroke, was able to live on his own for three years after mom passed away with the assistance of home care. He was 96 when he had to move to the nursing home after a fall.

    Take care, stay well.

  7. That green is a wonder to see this time of year!

  8. I am used to green, living here in the Pacific Northwest, but that is still quite eye catching.

  9. So glad your folks are doing well and both going to be fully vaccinated soon!
    Yes, the green almost hurts my eyes--but in a good way. ;)

  10. Your parents are amazing people! It is so much better for elderly people when they can stay in their own home. I lost my parents over thirty years ago and I still miss them. Yes, going to church and not hugging people is hard!

  11. That is such a nice picture of that green lawn. I am glad your parents are being vaccinated. But, it isn't over until it is over. You still have to be cautious.

  12. I've said it before and it's still true....your parents are an inspiration for me. I want to be able to stay home and enjoy my yard and flowers when I get to be their age.

  13. Ah how I miss green. The folks are in their 90's and still hugging people. Longevity gene! Many more years to come! I can't think of a single family member who made it to their 90's. ( So I will be the first!) And how can you go to church and NOT hug people? It is like having a birthday but not being able to eat your cake... or ice cream!

  14. It's wonderful that your parents can still do so much for themselves well into their nineties.

  15. I hope she gets to attend church soon.

  16. So happy you are all getting the vaccine. Here's hoping to long visiting this summer in that beautiful yard!

  17. Wow that is bright! When we had the snow storm, I couldn't hardly look outside it was blindingly bright. Hurt your eyes bright! I'm glad the snow is gone for now and I hope to see the green here soon.

  18. It's wonderful that your folks are doing so well and that they got their shots. I am not a social being so it hasn't bothered me at all except for missing my family. I'm used to being alone. My neighbor does call me now in the morning as a check-in for both of us.
    It's been raining yesterday and today and the grass/weeds are greening up! OH no! I do not look forward to summers's weed heaven before it even dries out. I like long winters! LOL! I may hire someone this year to do the yard work. I loved it up North but here it is too hot!

  19. Your parents are wise to keep on being independent.

  20. That is a beautiful yard and hard to imagine two people in their 90's maintaining it. Good for them! I lucked out and got Dennis an appointment tomorrow for his first vaccine. A friend called me at 5:00 Friday and said this place had a few appointment left. She works in health care so she had gotten a notice. I got online right away and got the second to last appointment left. He's supposed to get the Phizer vaccine.
    Wishing you a wonderful day.

  21. It looks sunny and warm in that picture!

  22. That green photo must be a relief to see, in the middle of winter! Sometimes I think we are built with a "minimum daily requirement" of seeing both green and blue, and it gets hard to handle when we don't get the chance to get out and take it all in for days on end...

  23. I was surprised when some of the snow melted near the house to find that my plants underneath were still green looking instead of that icky brown dead looking stuff!
    Not looking forward to all the mowing, but I guess I am looking forward to spring weather which we will have this week.

  24. It is a wonderful yard that your dad maintaines. The family is all abuzz as to my being allowed to mow my own yard. I guess I have a few more months to see what happen. I am sure your dad is proud of his lawn.


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