Sunday, February 14, 2021

Still cold and a new computer

 It was -40 F when Far Guy got up on Saturday morning.   I snuggled back in for a bit and then got up to take a photo. Which at some point will appear on this blog....maybe.

***** Update: I had a facetime tutorial with Jen...I loaded this photo from my old computer onto a flashdrive and got it to the new computer and drug it over to the desktop...all by myself.  It might be a miracle!  Jen gave me a great tour...and now my head is full of stuff to process. 

After household duties were taken care of we moved my old Windows 7 across the room.  Then we unpackaged and set up the new computer an IMac...desktop.  I ordered it a few weeks ago. 

So...I am learning more about Magic Mouses and Lightning Cords and red, yellow and green dots... and I have no idea where or how I got that photo up there but there it is..I took that photo this afternoon and found it under ...recents.  It is someplace that has liquid water! AND get this the screensaver changes with the daylight the stars are out...:) 

I tried to import bookmarks from Chrome...I got some really really old ones...but it was better than nothing.  It all takes time.  I have sound now...I didn't for a while and it was bugging Far he fixed that for me.   I stupidly plugged in my old speakers which obviously were not compatible.

We are cozy and warm and we are expecting another brutal night of sub zero weather.  At least we have electricity...some people do not in all the ice storms around the country.  What a bunch of crazy weather.

Oh yes Happy Valentine's Day to my husband!  He is a keeper! Everyday is Valentines Day around here!!

Far Side


  1. - 40 is that one degree where F and C are the same - and it is COLD however you measure them. Happy Valentine's

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Far Guy. You two are doing well this furnace and new computer.

  3. Transitioning computer (and phone) platforms has a big learning curve. Unfortunately they don't play together very nicely, crossing over either way. Lots of helpful easy to digest info online. Macs are much easier IMO. I am biased, been an Apple/Mac girl since they were first created. You will grow to love your new iMac!!

  4. Have a great time with your new toy. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Far Guy! Stay warm!!!

  5. Ooooooh lordy, is that ever cold! I'm glad you're staying warm... and are managing to figure out your new computer. Switching those photos and learning about this and that sounds like a day from h*ll to me. Oh how I loathe technology. I have absolutely not one thread of patience for it. Not one. I fear what will happen when this old desktop computer I'm using gives out. Probably go to the library, when I want to go online, and use theirs. *lol* ~Andrea xoxo

  6. It has been a long time since I have had to endure -40 weather. It's the same Celsius or Fahrenheit, did you know? -10 C here this morning.
    Oh new computers are a pain, it's like having a new pup that you have to train!
    Good luck navigating a completely different system.

  7. Interesting: I also got my new computer yesterday. Even staying with the same platform (Windows) it was still a headache to transfer my files (I let the 'tech' guys do it). It took them 3 days which means I would never have been able to figure it out. Our upstairs IMAC will be replaced next year.

  8. Learning new technology is exciting, frustrating, and a little scary, but in the end, new stuff is usually cool.
    Not cool like your weather. :-/

  9. Good luck with the new computer. The new furnace will be way easier to get used to--LOL!
    Stay warm!! :)

  10. Congratulations on getting the iMac! I love desktops. I can type so much better on them. 💖

  11. Having read your blog for some time, I have to say I truly believe it when you say it's Valentine's Day every day for you and Far Guy. That is so wonderful!

    Thankfully we missed the -40 here though it was that cold in other parts of the province. Take care, stay well!

  12. Changing computers is stressful. You'll get there.

  13. Once you get used to your Apple Computer, you will LOVE it!!! There is a slight learning curve but you can Google any question and get tons of answers. You are smart and enjoy broadening your horizon so this is very doable for you.
    One of the best things - - - you don't have to SAVE documents because it does it for you!!! There are a lot of other good things you will discover. Praying the file transfers go quicker than anticipated.

  14. It’s always a challenge to get used to a new computer, but switching to a Mac from a PC has a bigger learning curve. Once you get used to it however, you’ll feel like a pro. I’m still a PC person, but all of my “other” devices are Apple.

  15. Happy Valentine's Day to you two! Your temperatures are just toooo cold! We woke up to 1 degree, but hey it was plus not minus like it had been in the night. It seems like the whole country is in the deep freeze.

    That's great that you have your new computer up and running. I bet you will love it. It's also wonderful that you can ask Jen if you run into any problems. Enjoy your Sunday!

  16. Great that you have Jen to give you pointers as you get used to your new computer.

  17. Doens't it feel good to do these things yourself

  18. I don't think I ever want to experience such cold temperatures. We got into the teens and it was brutal! Happy Valentine's Day to two very special people! :-)

  19. Happy Valentine's Day! We are expecting up to 12 inches tomorrow so we have been laying in supplies. Our town was out of salt, so we had to travel to the Lowes in a nearby city. My husband is now on trip 2 to the same store; he decided he wants a backup belt for the snow blower. I have plenty of food and several gallons of milk. We told our children that they need to pack extra underwear and pajamas for any children that require daycare. Keep warm!

  20. New Computer - I find technology most times very frustrating :) I think that it is because with work it seems like there is always an issue. Good luck - sounds like you have a good handle on it and Jen to help! Stay warm! Happy Valentine's Day to you both!

  21. Good job on getting to know your new computer! I have a new one sitting beside my desk, still in the box...One of these days ....... Yes tonight will be a doozy for cold but then we're supposed to start slowly easing out of this horrible cold weather this week. I can't wait! Happy Valentines Day to you both.

  22. Happy Valentine's Day. I have an iMac and really love it - very user friendly. Hope you enjoy yours.

  23. Yes, a new computer will keep you busy for a long time. And just about the time it feels like second nature .
    .. tada, time for a new one!

  24. Happy Valentine's Day to you 2 lovers! Your new computer looks gorgeous!
    I hope that temperature was for the outside?!?!

  25. We both have each had our Mac's for three years and we love them. There is too much to learn and not enough time.

  26. Oh, wow, I know exactly how you feel, wrestling with learning about those red, yellow, and green dots--and all the rest of it! I'm going through the same process right now, too...only you're way ahead of me already...I was supposed to start with Christmas =/

    Glad you found your Hawaii pictures. Hope looking at them will at least make you feel warmer than -40!

  27. Ugh, new computers... Have fun with that! ;-)

  28. Glad you got the new computer set up, and still have power. Good luck getting used to it, and I hope your power stays on.


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