Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday Roundup

 Here we are at the end of another week.  My online grocery order was number 45. They keep track.  This week we were missing Yogurt.  I spent some time planning meals...Far Guy had a couple of requests. 

I waded through the Insurance and Medicare paperwork that you get in the mail...not sure why I keep them...I suppose in case I have a question. They are now shredded.  New folders were made to collect the 2021 papers. 

I am still working on the granny square a couple more days it will be done.  I am working on the border now.  Not sure how wide of a border I will put on it.  

I am reading the book for Book Club.  It is a good read so far.  The Untamed Land by L Snelling...about Norwegians coming from Norway and making their way to the Red River Valley in North Dakota and Minnesota.  

I am enjoying the Discovery + news...just perfect.  I watch a number of cooking shows.

Far Guy reports no horrid side effects from the vaccination...his arm was a bit stiff.  One of his infusion nurses said it is not really a is a protein that protects you from the virus.  She also said the Moderna is 80% effective shortly after the injection and then goes up to 95% after the second injection.  The Pfizer injection is just the opposite....begins with 15% and goes up to 95%.   Far Guy's sister and brother in law in Indiana are supposed to get their shots today.   Far Guy is a bit bugged that I do not have the shot yet...I told him that he is the important one as he has to go out to the Infusion Center once a week...I do not have to go I am very safe at home. 

A cheerful photo I took last year inside a grocery store. 

Our weather has turned cold...down right bitterly cold.  Normal for us in January. 

Far Side


  1. Just so you know that if you are in the CareGiver program for the VA you can get the shot, I'll email you the link....that I think is wonderful news!

  2. Love those pretty flowers. And I am still waiting for my shot, too. It's hopefully coming soon, like within a month.

  3. I save the Medicare paperwork too and I also am not sure why! It is rumored that our state (NY) will run out of the vaccine in the next couple of days. If that happens we will not be able to get our shots on the 1st unless they get a new supply.

  4. Love the cheerful photo! Sorry to hear about the weather. Stay home and bundled up!

  5. One of the best things we ever did was switch from the "small dish" ($100 a month) to internet streaming on Acorn, Hulu ($18 for both), with no commercials, and Tubi for free, which does have few commercials. We love not being bombarded with commercials. Weather is cold here too, but not like yours!

  6. It's snowing here this morning! Sigh!! I'm ready for warm weather. You've reminded me that I have a pile of paperwork to shred too. Another sigh!! Have a good weekend.

  7. Sounds like your throw is coming along nicely. Glad Far Guy still reports no issues from the shot. It got colder again here too, though not as cold as the kinds of temperatures you're likely getting. Some of the ads are amusing, but I do like that you can just enjoy the show or movie in peace on streaming services.

  8. Good to hear that the after affects of the shot were minor for Far Guy. Hope you are able to get yours soon. I expect it will be months yet before I have the opportunity but I don't mind waiting as long as those who are most vulnerable get theirs first.

    We're cold here too, and had more snow over night with some falling right now. Yep, it's January!

    Take care, stay well.

  9. Beautiful, cheery bouquet! I would have been tempted to bring it home. Interesting about how the two different vaccines work. I hadn’t heard that. We are on a waiting list to be called and given an appointment, but it will be weeks as there isn’t much vaccine here.

  10. I got rid of tons of paperwork when we moved but it still accumulates, even here in the RV. We have one file box. If it's full, I have to have a shred day.
    I'm glad Far Guy did well with the vaccine. I heard on the news last night that there is another Vaccine awaiting approval. It's a one and done shot! That would be nice wouldn't it?

  11. We are still paying a fortune for a cable package on which we watch reruns of 70's sitcoms and dramas. Our big night tonight will be Hill Street Blues (we stay up late for it). I am very excited about Sunday nights on PBS this winter. We are looking forward to the second episode of Miss Scarlett and the Duke at 8, All Creatures Great and Small at 9 and I think a new series starts next Sunday at 10. I pay for PBS Passport with my donations, but I like having a set time that I "have" to watch my shows. I believe all these series are currently streaming for free on pbs dot org.

    At 64, we have no idea when we can get shot. Our state lost 840 doses this week for improper storage. The state to the north lost even more. C'mon people!

  12. The vax program here is missing. Our guy is having a hissy fit about the cancellation of Keystone.

  13. You've reminded me that I need to do that year end switch over of medical and insurance papers. Yuck. The flowers are lovely. A special treat to see during a cold January. You two have a good weekend.

  14. You remind me to go through my files this winter.
    I hope you can get your shots, too, soon.

  15. you remind me that I have to set up my January file, to hold 2021 papers until the end of the month, when I will start collecting tax information and clean out my 2020 papers.
    It took a lot of persistence, but we finally waded through our Kaiser Permanente bogged down computer system and got appointments for our COVID shots. First one Feb. 6th, second one a month later.

  16. Missing items from out grocery shopping is bloody annoying but at least we get most of what we ordered

  17. The flowers are beautiful! Thanks for the info about the covid vaccine.

  18. Looking like a cold old week our way too. At least the sun is shining in all it's glory.

  19. I'm so glad Far Guy didn't have any side effects to speak of, after his vaccine. Be sure to remember tho... that the vaccine means he is immune (more or less) from getting the virus but he is 100% capable of carrying it... and passing it along to others. So nothing's changed as far as behavior: mask-wearing, hand-washing, etc. I understand you not wanting to get the vaccine, as I'm still in the vascillating stage too, trying to decide. ~Andrea xoxo

  20. Glad Far Guy had no serious after effects of the shot. We are so messed up here I don't know when we'll get it. Husband is 68, so is eligible but there are no appointments available. I'll turn 65 in April. I figure by then they might be more organized. I can hope anyway. I should read that book, we have family in Norway, one of which traveled to the US and started the US line of the family. We went to Norway a summer before last to meet the real Norwegians! It was sooooo beautiful there!

  21. My daughter and son in law got their shots. I’m still waiting. I feel like you do. I’m pretty healthy and can stay home, but I will be glad to have my turn.

  22. I really likeThe Red River Series by L. Snelling. And The Return to Red River follow up. I have read another book or two of hers that were good. But not as good. Right now I am listening to them on audio when in the kitchen. It has been a long time since I read them, and though I would try the audio...

  23. Those flowers are so beautiful. A nice splash of colour.
    We're experiencing cold weather here too. Not that it would be considered cold compared to yours though. minus 4C is the low tonight.

  24. Beautiful picture of those flowers in the store. So you're still working on your lapghan....I can't wait to see the finished's going to be so pretty. Glad far guy is still doing OK from his shot. Sounds like lots of people are getting them now. Hope everybody does well.

  25. Interesting to learn that about the 'vaccine'.
    Your flowers picture is certainly cheerful.
    Stay warm and keep safe :) xx

  26. Because I tend to question a lot of things that don't make sense to me, I googled about the vaccine, because that nurse said it wasn't really one.
    Here's a definition of a vaccine...A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.[1][2] A vaccine typically contains a biological preparation from disease-causing microorganism or made synthetically that resembles it. This preparation is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as a threat and starts producing antibodies against it , so as to further recognize and destroy any of the microorganisms associated with that agent that it may encounter in the future.......Proteins are mentioned.
    And then this link explains how they work. Proteins are mentioned again.,making%20T%2Dlymphocytes%20and%20antibodies.
    I don't think that at as a child I was always asking 'why?' but I sure am as an adult.

    We are slated to get the vaccine by the end of June, supply permitting of coarse. We lead a pretty isolated life, although I do go in some stores.

  27. We were told that they would let us have shots for Feb. but then they said that the appointments are already booked and they really don't have enough of the vaccine. Maybe in March now.

  28. Interesting info on the vaccine. I hope folks in the area can have access to the vaccine soon.


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