Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 It is cold here...start the car and wait a while cold.  Wear a scarf around your head cold and wish you had heated mittens when you go to get the mail.  I shoveled a bit in front of the garage.

Cold quiet day activities; laundry,  finishing the book I read for book club...I give it a 7 out of a 10... A Untamed Land  by Lauraine Snelling.  Of course I would have written it differently...the last parts of the book were very sad and depressing.  Guess she had a story line to finish up.  Next week is book club so I have finished in time to discuss it. 

The afternoon movie was so bad I fell asleep.  I was about to rise from my slumber to put supper in the oven...when Far Guy said "I can do it sweetheart!"  So I hunkered down to finish my nap....waking up for the news and to check on supper...Pork Chops and rice. 

I started a new to me crochet project...not sure it will turn out the way I want it to or not....time will tell.

Far Side


  1. Love the "saying" at the end of your blog, so true. We had snow here yesterday, and lots of it. I was snowed in - driveway filled to capacity, thanks to the snow plow, and drifts, and thanks to the wind. All totaled we hd about 10 inches. So thankful for my neighbor who snowblowed my sidewalk and part of the entrance to our driveway so hubby could at least get the car off the street in order to clear the driveway when he got home from work. My neighbor is retired and must have been bored as he did my other neighbors sidewalk and driveway also. Sure hope we don't get hit like this again. Stay warm my friend.

  2. I like that phrase; it's a good one to remember. I am watching "Last Tango in Halifax" (on Netflix) and enjoying it very much, but it's almost finished.

  3. So sweet that Far guy got dinner going and let you finish up your nap. Stay in and stay warm today!

  4. It was cold here too & we had pork chops for supper cooked in green beans. I've been reading the Little House book series & need to get back to it. I'm on the last book. Karen

  5. So very cold with wind chill warnings--good time to take long naps.
    What a sweetie pie to let you sleep longer. :)

  6. A wonderful book that you may love would be The Land Remembers by Ben Logan. I read this book about farm life circa 1930's and forward. Ben grew up not far from my farm and I read this book years before I moved here. My first accidental visit to this area made me love it. Then I found out that the book I'd read was about this land around me. I had fallen in love with the land in a book and then ended up there years later.
    Just a thought.

  7. Love the quote. All yesterday I had this quote running through my mind: "Let Go and Let God".
    I wish my husband would make supper sometimes. If I want him to cook I have to plan BBQ.

  8. Stay warm! I don't think we've had a single day below zero yet this winter. Such a strange winter anyway. Today it's about 14 degrees, so cold but still and grey. I'm hoping to spend some of this day sewing.

  9. Sounds like a great way to spend a cold day.

  10. I noticed the cold today more as I didn't dress warm enough to take a letter to the box, I did shovel a path on my deck to get to the feeders. No melting here for a lonke time.

  11. It's chilly here too and lots more snow coming down today. So far a couple of inches since I woke up. Big, fluffy flakes. Love the saying at the end of your post. It's so true. I tend to be a worrier, but spending more time in prayer seems to be helping. Far Guy is definitely a keeper! (As if you didn't know that already.)

  12. You're tough there. You'll just keep on being outdoors and enjoying it.

  13. 39 and cloudy here, but at least the cold rain has stopped for now. It will be another inside day. I guess it's time to look in that fabric scrap box.

  14. I love the quote. Stay warm and hunker down, it's just that time of the year. We had more snow here last night and it's very grey outside. You two take care!

  15. When Paul says he will make dinner it’s because he wants popcorn! Oh, well. I like to get a break, even if it means popcorn for dinner. Are heated mittens really a thing???

  16. Like the last quote, so good..............
    No snow just rain here

  17. Cold here in Iowa as well. Predicted to get colder. Good time for warm soup and hot chocolate.

  18. We're supposed to get less cold temperatures tomorrow. It's been warming up throughout the day, from -27C (-17F) to -18C (0F) at the moment. Of course now it is starting to snow. Can't win with winter weather, lol.

    Take care, stay well.

  19. That was sweet of Far Guy making supper and letting you finish your nap. I didn't nap but I didn't do much that was useful either. After my morning walk I sat around and read.

  20. What a great husband to tell you he'll put supper in the oven, so you can keep napping. Yes, it's darn cold here too....Jim was going to grill a few things, but I told him to wait a couple days and it's going to warm up a little bit anyway. How would we make it thru this life without our faith? Take it easy you 2. God bless you both.

  21. The cold is blasting in here tonight and on through the weekend. I shoveled a path to the bird feeder across the back porch but other than that, haven't been out. I threw a frozen beef roast into the oven then went for a lay down.

  22. An "I can do it, sweetheart" is worth an extra kiss before bed, I'd say. :-) Our cold blast is supposed to start tonight, here in northern-most Indiana. Our snow storm didn't amount to much, praise the Lord, so that's one positive thing anyway. It was like a "snow sandwich" when I shoveled yesterday morning.... there was an ice layer next to the ground, then snow on top of that, then an ice layer on the very top of that. I don't think I've ever shoveled that heavy of snow before. Yikes. I only shovel the path out to the birdfeeders, then a nice big area at the base of the feeders, and then a path to the woods, which I line with sunflower seeds for the squirrels. I usually just have to push my shovel and that's it but this time I pushed the shovel about 2 ft. and then had to lift the snow because it was too heavy to just push out of the way. Hubby uses the snow blower for the driveway. Try to stay warm and snuggly indoors. Spring is right around the corner... I hope! ~Andrea xoxo

  23. Cold here too! What a sweet husband you have who cooks dinner so you can finish your nap!

  24. It's cold here....not as cold as you probably but below freezing! It warms up during the day but not much. I never could get into discussing books but that's just me...I just like to read them. LOL! Oh, a new crochet project....don't tell me because I always want to do what ever you do and I have too many to finish! Enjoy it though!


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