Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Smile

 I smiled when I opened this Christmas Card. 

I thought it was just perfect. The photo is of my other baby brother's grands. 

14 was so happy with his sign that he ran with it!   As you can see it is even 7 boys and 7 girls.   It has been a joy to watch these little ones grow up. 

10 1/2 years ago there were only 7 grands  and they were so little!  This was the oldest boys (the twins) 5th birthday party back in June of 2009.


Far Guy reports his arm is a bit stiff after the Moderna Vaccination...other than that he has no symptoms. 

Far Side


  1. What a lovely photo! Much more fun than if number 14 was standing still.

  2. Oh, your brother has twins among his grands! I have two sets of twins among mine. It's such an intense unpredictable experience.

  3. Those are such cute pictures. Grandchildren are truly a gift from God. Glad Far Guy is doing okay after his shot.

  4. Sounds like a good day. I'm glad FG hasn't had a reaction. When can you get yours? I'm not old enough which is funny in a way. I will be in a few months I guess. ") Love all the pictures of the grand kids. I only have 5!

  5. Glad he got his shot. Hoping for mine

  6. Such adorable photos, especially the first one with little 14 taking off. Glad Far Guy is doing well after the vaccine.

  7. That first photo is sweet, the second is two, but it's the sheet joy in the run of the littlest one that makes me smile.

    Take care, stay well!

  8. Glad he hasn't had any ill effects of the vaccine. My daughter said their hospital has done some data that suggests that younger folks are more likely to feel sick next day and older folks are more likely to just have the stiff arm.

  9. Little fourteen is a delight! I love the idea of using numbers for the photo.

  10. Great photos and I love the numbers. :-)
    Glad Far Guy is doing well. Will continue to pray for him.

  11. So many grandkids, so much fun!

  12. Great photos! Glad Far Guy had no ill effects from the vaccine.

  13. They had a good ide for a Christmas card.

  14. Love the photo with 14 escaping in joy.
    Glad no side effects for FarGuy. :)

  15. Glad to hear that Far Guy is doing well. I love the little one running from the picture. And I bet that was the best one of the lot! When we only had eight grandchildren, and thought that was it, I paid for a photography session with all eight in adorable fall outfits in colors to match mimi and grampa. We posed in the woods next to a red vintage pick up truck. With the oldest of eight only eight years old himself, you can imagine the high jenks. Tears, running, pouting, tantrums, screaming. She got one photos with everyone standing (some back to camera) while I was doling out M&Ms to try to keep them in the frame. The only ones smiling are the two six month olds. I love the picture! It is real life. Honestly, this one is much more flattering to the children and you can see their faces, too!

  16. This picture really is a big smile! I love the way the little one is running away with the sign. That was a neat way to get a picture with the numbers. Good to know Far Guy has no symptoms other than arm stiffness. We are all new at this vaccine. Our state did not receive nearly enough doses so no telling when we will get ours. I hope you will soon get yours!

  17. What a fun Christmas card photo! That's a whole bunch of grands!.

  18. That photo would make anyone smile it did me

  19. What a great picture! I laughed too at 14 making a quick getaway. You are so fortunate to have such a great extended family. :-)

  20. That top photo is an amazing shot. The little guy just does not understand what is happening. My three grand kids would make it a small shot. After Feb. 1st we will be competing for appointments for the shot with more old people that shots available.

  21. That's a lovely bunch of grandchildren. I always thought our 5 kids would provide us with a little tribe but we have 5 grands and that appears to be it.

  22. Wow, fourteen grandchildren! I don't think I will ever have more than two :)

  23. How fun is that?! And what a great picture idea--and attentive photographer! It is sometimes harder than you think to capture real life.

    Glad Far Guy's side effects don't amount to much. What a relief to know.

  24. Love that pic of your brother's grandkids. They're so sweet. What a cute idea. Glad far guy doesn't have any bad symptoms....and hope his arm will be feeling better very soon!

  25. You family is beautiful and looks joyous. I saw your comment on Linda Letters and see we have similar political views. Glad Far Guy reports no side effects, I have my appt. tomorrow for the vaccine.

  26. That's a lot of grandkids your brother has, and how cool that it's split equally between boys and girls.

    Glad Far Guy doesn't seem to be having any issues from the shot.

  27. Great cute those grands! So glad Far Guy is not having any serious reactions to the vaccine.

  28. That is such a cute picture and made me smile.


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