Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Snow again

 It snowed again, not much about an inch just enough to shovel. 

My other baby brother came by and cleared out our yard. 

He is working on June the snowbank.  He stopped moving snow for a quick visit. 

We puzzled...Jen and Andy are ahead of us.  They are remodeling Adam's bathroom...he is getting new cabinets, a new paint color, some wallpaper and a new floor. 

We are in a winter weather advisory for a few days....supposed to snow and maybe blow around. 

We have no place to go so we will be safe at home. 

Far Side


  1. We are waiting for a large storm coming in today. We could get 10 inches and some ice with it.
    I read it, looked outside and thought about the driveway a bit.
    Then decided since we don't have to go anywhere, we just shouldn't worry about it either.
    I shoveled yesterday too from the 4 inches we got on Sunday.
    I think the rest of the week will be snow...or rest of the year?
    Have a great day.

  2. the puzzle is coming along nicely, a very appropriate scene!Jillxo

  3. Oh I love that machine! So handy. Actually my dream machine is a big Cat loader, the bigger the better!

  4. Safe at home is a good place to be!

  5. Maybe you'll be able to surge ahead in the puzzle department. I forgot about June, glad she's on her way back. :-)

  6. I'm glad you will be home and safe during that kind of weather. Get moving on that puzzle! ;)

  7. I've finally made some progress on the difficult puzzle we have been working on. My husband has lost interest in it. LOL Home - safe and warm - a good plan for here today too. We have a winter storm going this morning.

  8. Looks like a fun puzzle and a good pass time for wintery weather. I have a big stack of puzzles with varying piece sizes to keep me busy this winter. Most of them came from the thrift store at a quarter apiece.

  9. 4 to 8 inches supposed to come here today. Northeast Iowa.

  10. We're definitely into winter. I'm quite happy to hibernate as much as possible. ;)
    Take care, stay well!

  11. Your making good progress on the puzzle. A couple of inches of new snow last night, so my world is blanketed once more. Take care and stay well.

  12. It's winter so what can we say?

  13. Hubby just left to make a curbside pickup of a few groceries from Walmart, before our inclement weather sets in. There's a winter advisory out for today & tomorrow but then a pretty significant ice storm predicted for New Year's Eve and beyond. We'll be staying comfy cozy at home too & I'm grateful for the fact. Keep warm~ Andrea xoxo

  14. Your baby brother has a real handy machine there! He is sure nice to help you out. Your puzzle is looking great. I don't like to finish them too quickly as I enjoy working them. We were under a winter weather advisory last night and this morning. We had quite a bit of ice with a little snow this morning. We are staying in too today!

  15. How many times in years past when we had to shovel our own snow did I wish for one of those to get it cleared easier and faster! Especially the two winters we kept having FEET of snow at a time! It's absolutely pouring rain here today, has been since the middle of last night. Now why couldn't we have had this back in July and August when it was so dry! Those are a lot of small puzzle pieces. I used to do puzzles, but now I get antsy halfway through and can't concentrate to finish lol. Be blessed!

  16. Safe at home is a good thing. :)

  17. Winter storm warning for us tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night with snow predicted every day through the weekend. Bleh. I got out this morning to do a few errands that couldn't be put off and Dennis has to work until New Years Day so he'll be out in it every day.
    Stay safe.

  18. Currently snowing in Iowa. Winter storm warning, watch... whatever. Bad time for travel plans. Also.. very windy. Looks like you are slowly accumulating snow on the snow stick. Cheryl says we should get one, but the snow comes and melts so often, it would never be deep enough for very long.

  19. Your yard looks beautifully fluffy white! We are getting snow here tonight. Looks like your puzzle is going well. So glad your brothers come over and help you out. So nice to have family close by. Stay in and warm!

  20. Home is the best place to be when a storm is on the way. Stay safe and cozy.

  21. Looks like we have enough this round to shovel and move again. We are hoping for snow since we would like to get the snowmobiles out.... Hopefully the roads clear off good before the end of the week.

  22. Wintry weather sounds like a great time to finish your puzzle :)

  23. I Love the Desert because I don't have to shovel Sunshine, but I do recall White Christmases and living in climates that had lots of Snow, like Upper Michigan, where we had to put Orange Balls on the Antennae of our Cars to find them in a Snowbank after they got buried under Snow and you had to plug the Car into the House! No more of that... of coarse Summer here is like the Surface of the Sun... guess you can't have it all? *winks*

  24. Our storm came on Tuesday and now left us with lots of snow and it is very cold. Your all white photos of outside look similar to mine.

  25. Glad you don't have to be out in the bad weather. We got about half an inch of snow, but that's it. Not enough to need to shovel, and mostly it's either melting or turning to ice already anyhow.

  26. The puzzle looks cute. I love winter weather advisories! Just make sur eyou have food and tp!


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