Saturday, December 19, 2020

Glass bulb ornaments 2005

In 2005 I used small glass bulbs to make the ornament that year.   I have always regretted that decision...I wonder how many were broken.   I know I broke one...but I had an extra...I always have a couple extras of every ornament we make.  ( The bulbs came in packages of four or five they were small lights used in candelabras)

This is a clear decorative glass bulb painted red...many coats of red.  A wire is attached to the base of the bulb and then a face painted and then lots and lots of snow.  It is cute...but breakable. 

I bought this glass creation about the same isn't exactly a tree ornament but it could have been.  This one has a copper wire soldered to the underside bulb so it can be added to an arrangement or put in a house plant.  A smaller copper wire with tiny beads is attached with a bit of glue to the base of the bulb to be wings and antennae.  I bought it at a small antique/craft shop in Walker Minnesota.

This pretty bulb is in the tin Chickadee container in the window. 

Not sure where I got the container...probably from the local dime store....and the fru fru sparkly stuff probably the same place. 

Far Side


  1. I love your painted bulbs, I hope not many got broken.

  2. That was before I knew you, I guess you have been making annual ornaments for a long time now. Sure is pretty! :-)

  3. Fru fru stuff is good as well as your decorations which are bright and cheery.
    I have a chickadee scrunchy holder which holds the scrunchy you made!

  4. How do you get your inspiration for each year’s ornament? I’m totally intrigued by this wonderful tradition.

  5. It is always sad when Christmas ornaments break. I made a set of ceramic ornaments when Dagan was a toddler (he's 46) and many had broken over the years. They got handed down to McFamily a few years ago since I don't have room for an actual tree anymore.

    Those are so pretty. That flash of red bulb against the green made me think of the striking male cardinals. :)

  6. That was a really cute ornament so I hope not many got broken. I guess you live and learn not to use breakable materials. The tin chickadee decoration is really pretty too with the bright red bulb.

  7. I have never seen bulb ornaments. Both of those are really cute! I think you could make something beautiful out of most anything with your talents!

    I am another one that misses Dime Stores. I have not been in one since I was a kid. I always loved them when I was young as you could find almost anything at a decent price. You two enjoy your weekend!

  8. Awwwww... what a beautiful Christmas decoration is that chickadee container & with that beautifully decorated bulb too. I love that little ornament from 2005 but I can see how it would be fragile. ~Andrea xoxo

  9. I love all your ornaments...especially the santa with the snow! I love those oldie but goodie bulbs in your header too...and I especially love that sweet dog in the header, although he looks a bit melancholy in that picture. Did you get all your ornaments delivered? Hope so.

  10. I'd like to find some of that copper wire with the little beads. I'd give it to my daughter and no doubt she'd make something pretty with it.
    I think Dollar stores have taken the place of Dime Stores.

  11. I still think the glass ornaments of any kind are the best. Yes they get broken sometimes but fragile is fragile. They are still some of the most pretty.

  12. This reminds me of a coke bottle someone had painted as a Santa. It was an
    old fashion sized bottle. I wonder if I even moved it with all the rest of the stuff. It may be buried in a box.

  13. Lovely ornaments but I can see the fragility! I saw someone take old burnt out Christmas tree lights and make them into reindeer heads.


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