Sunday, December 6, 2020

Company bearing gifts

 Our youngest daughter and my sister are having a Christmas Gluten Free Baking Adventure.  They hiked over to visit.  They are baking at my baby brothers lake home. 

We visited outside on the patio.

My sister and her Boston Terrier

They brought gifts.

My sister made potholders for my birthday...they are too pretty to use!  Chex mix and a yummy Rolo, pecan, pretzel treat. All Gluten Free as they both have Celiac Disease... it comes from my Fathers side of the far I have escaped it. 

Soon they got cold and left.  They had many more gluten free recipes to try.  Shortly before they came over they baked some Ginger Snaps and were not sure if they were going to be Ginger Snaps or Ginger Folds. 

Nice to have company.

Far Side


  1. So nice to have visitors. Enjoy your gifts, and happy birthday!

  2. That is so great!
    I really do miss having my friends come and stay. The confusion, the running in and out of the kids, the dogs playing, the mess...
    I like it that you were able to get in some human face to face time even though it was outdoors and distanced.

  3. Nice to have visitors and what great gifts too!

  4. What a nice treat to have gift bringing visitors. Sunflowers & snacks!

  5. We visited outdoors at my daughter's house a week ago. It is an hour and 45 minute drive so I had to mask up and use their bathroom when we got there. They had pizza and drinks for us, but I was afraid of facing the ride home. It was great to see my grandchildren in person and not on a screen! I told my husband, we paid a third as much more for our current vehicle than we did for our house 45 years ago. You would think they would come with a bathroom!

  6. It is nice to have company----a break in the same-o-same-o. Terry, Misty and Linkin all have Celiac disease. We think it came down through Terry's Dad, Jack' Mom and Grandmother.

  7. How nice to have visitors, especially when they come bringing treats!

  8. It's so nice when visitors drop by, especially gift bearing visitors!

  9. I like the gifts they brought. Chex mix is always good but that little Rolo and pretzel and pecan treat… It is super yummy. They are so easy to make and so delightful to eat!

  10. How nice to have some family to visit. The cold cuts visits short now, but they are precious. :)

  11. What an enjoyable visit, seeing family like that. I hope you all get to do it again soon.

  12. I am wishing I knew when your birthday was, so I could wish you a happy one, but I guess I'll just have to end up wishing you a happy YEAR! Great pictures and a wonderful visit you shared.

  13. You are very highly disciplined when you do your visiting outside.

    1. Probably not as "disciplined" as it is "smart"!! Anyone reading the headlines and still gathering with people from multiple households, inside one house, must have a death wish. ~Andrea

  14. I love that picture of the girls walking down the dirt road, with the dog. It belongs in a magazine! So glad you got to visit and did it the safe way. ~Andrea xoxo

  15. That must have been a great visit with your sister and your daughter. And treats are extra special when you don't have to make them yourself.
    It looks cold out your way.

  16. I'm sure it was nice to have company for a little while, even outdoors in the cool weather. The potholders are beautiful - I agree I'd hate to use them. Funny, about the Chex mix, my daughter asked me yesterday if I'd make some. :)

    Take care, stay well!

  17. How wonderful to get a visit with them and treats too!

  18. That is so great to have company. I really like the little dog.

  19. Yes, some safe socializing is a great thing. We met Meredith today for a saunter with the dogs. Just about 16.5 year old Jake isn't very speedy, and does a lot of stopping to sniff, but it makes for easier conversation. An hour and a half and it was dusk when we were finished.

  20. How fun that your company could just hike over. Or did they drive? Anyway how fun to see them and even receive gifts from them!

  21. I long for the days when we can once again visit freely.

  22. Chex mix! Brings back such great memories from Holidays past. My mom made the best! The stuff in the store is terrible! She used to make it for the holidays and we would snak on it while watching Christmas Specials on TV. Good times.

  23. How wonderful to be able to see your daughter and sister face-to-face, even if it was outside and they did bring some lovely gifts along with them.
    Two of our grandchildren have Celiac Disease. Our DIL has it too and so does her brother and Dad. The kids have adjusted really well. They know what to ask for in restaurants, (back in the day when you could GO to restaurants.) Piper is highly allergic to dairy, as in she had to go to the hospital in a rescue squad because she stopped breathing at 2 weeks! All from one cup of coffee Mandy had put cream in. It came through the breast milk. The allergy has never gone away like the doctors hoped it would.
    So, three grands, 2 with Celiac and one with a critical milk allergy. When they are all with us for holidays, making a meal for everyone is an adventure!

  24. How nice to bring treats! I love those Rollo pretzle things and Chex Mix...I better start making my Christmas baking list so I don't forget the ingredients when I oder groceries! Those potholders are too pretty to use.

  25. That is a great visit ~ the little visits we used to take for granted are very uplifting (a reminder of what the old normal was). As you can see I am catching up on blogging, we seem to keep busy with work and stuff over here!


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