Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas Letter and Card

I doubt that I will ever make a tri fold card again...although they turned out pretty good.  I made 132 of them and still ran short and had to use some others that I made. 

Far Guy wrote the Christmas Letter. 

We enjoyed our Zoom time with Jen, Andy and all of our grands and great grands on Christmas Day in the afternoon.  It was good to see them. We facetimed with Trica in the morning. So we got to see everyone.  It was a good day. 

Far Side


  1. That is a really neat card! And I love the letter- Gene has a great sense of humour.

  2. Your cards are amazing, absolutely gorgeous! I love Far Guy's Christmas letter, he did a great job on it. So glad you were able to enjoy your Christmas! We had a very nice Christmas too :)

  3. I love FG's humor. Ears. Who would have thought about it?
    Life in the Fast Lane.
    Oh and those cards were beautiful!
    We had some phone calls and texts, but all was so quiet and peaceful, it was wonderful.

  4. I loved your card and Gene's letter. I shared it with friends who visited one evening before Christmas. I knew they would appreciate the card and the letter and they did. My daughter and the grandchildren who live close all have jobs that require them to carefully follow the Covid guide lines so we felt safe celebrating together. We did spread out through the house instead of gathering around the dining room table like we would in a usual year.

  5. Wonderful Christmas letter, and your Christmas card is Beautiful! So much work in them, and to make that many, all I can say is WOW!!

  6. Great Christmas letter & ohhhh those cards. Time to start Christmas things for next year since it's 364 days away.

  7. Your card was lovely and I got such a kick out of the letter. I love getting cards and letters and family photos in the mail at Christmas time.

  8. Glad you got to see everyone one way or another, and that you had a good Christmas.

  9. I'm chuckling at the Christmas letter, Far Guy has a wonderful sense of humour. 2020 has sucked but he's found the blessing.

    As for the cards, they are stunning! The amount of work that goes into them is staggering for me to think about. Well done.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. I love your amazing art! And I enjoy FarGuy letters.

  11. We loved both, the card and the letter. Far Guy's sense of humor is very evident and priceless. I think he and Dennis would get along well!

  12. The letter is just perfect!!!! Merry post Christmas

  13. Those were difficult cards to mass produce, for sure, but they are so pretty!
    I always look forward to FarGuy's Christmas letters. :)
    New Years is almost here and goodbye 2020! ;)

  14. I adore this card and the letter too. I sent a couple dozen cards this year but didn't get even a dozen in return. I guess few are in the mood this year. ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I'm so happy for you that you got to Zoom or Facetime with everyone! I love your beautiful Christmas card and Far Guy writes a heck of a Christmas letter!

  16. We were so honored to receive one of your cards, and we loved that letter!

  17. I really enjoyed the card and the letter. I just got another card today which I will have to find a card to reply. A lot of people did not send cards this year. It was good you got to talk to all of your kids and grandkids too. Our oldest son son called early morning and the one from Maine called late evening.

  18. Those cards are beautiful and Far Guy must be a hoot to live with! He's got a great sense of humor. So wonderful that you got to video chat wit h your whole family! I first have to fins out if a cell phone will work in my house....most people have to up to the golf club (highest point). Maybe it's better now. I could get a laptop that would probably be the best with a bigger screen to video chat. I got through another Christmas, I had my moments but I kept busy and that helps. Now, for a New Year which we will all welcome with open arms I'm sure!

  19. Now that is awesome, the card so lovely and the letter so touching

  20. Awesome letter! "Irritating Connie is his job at this moment?" Sounds like something I could do for Cheryl. ( I think I'm already doing it without even trying.

  21. The card is lovely. I'm sure I would have trouble making one let alone 132. I hope to show your card to my daughter who has the ability to recreate such a card. Hope you don't mind her stealing your idea.

  22. So glad you had a good Christmas and got to see and visit with everybody. We are still trying to catch up with one branch of the family. We had a good Christmas too. Wishing you guys all the best as the rest of this very weird year winds down. May God stay close beside us all in 2021.

  23. Glad you enjoyed your Christmas Day - and I just enjoyed a chuckle over Gene's letter :))

  24. Beautiful card!! Nice to see I am not the only one that still hand makes cards. Curious about your creative process. Are the flap shapes hand cut, die or pre cut? Are the images stamped, then water & hand colored & embellished? They are so nice & look hand drawn. Guess I shouldn't whine about making 40 cards!! I switched over a decade ago from all stamped images to using one of my photos as the main image, then embellish, stamp and color the interior greeting. I enjoy the crafty process, once I am done lol!! Your hubby has a good sense of humor, his letter was great!

    1. The Images are stamped and I have a Misti so it is exactly the same on all cards. I used different watercolor techniques...two kinds of water color pen and pan colors. I embellished with different kinds of glitter and found that Hobby Lobby has some great paint on glitter. I made a template to mark the cards and cut them out with a scissors...envelopes were ordered from a place called The Paper Company.

    2. Thanks for sharing your creative process! I will have to google what a Misti is, never heard of it. There are so many different craft options, much has improved over the years. They are always coming out with cool new stuff for us to spend money on lol. You did a fantastic job with the images, and card in general. I usually fill my stamped images in with colored pencils. This year for the embellishment I threaded two tiny jingle bells on each card, and ended up having to glue them. SO many steps!

  25. Your card is the only one I still have sitting out. You always do such a fabulous job and the letter keeps me laughing as well.

  26. So glad you did a post on this. The card is absolutely perfect and so is the letter. I sure enjoyed receiving them both.

  27. Thank you for the lovely comment on my Sunday post. It was hard to write it, but I could feel people who love others surrounding me. You are there, always. I love looking at the Christmas card you sent me. Thank you.

  28. Best end of year letter. Wonderful sense of humor, you two.

  29. Your card is absolutely beautiful! and a keepsake for future Christmas decorating! We always enjoy Gene's letter. Many wishes for the new year!

  30. That was definitely the best letter I've read in a long time. Gene should write a book. Have a happy and healthy 2021.

  31. Best Christmas letter ever! 🤣 Your cards look absolutely beautiful! With all the wonderful detail and artistry, whoever received them I'm sure will cherish them for a very long time.


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