Friday, April 10, 2020

Town Report

Since we only go out once a week it is the highlight of our week.

I dropped Far Guy off at the Clinic for his infusion.  One nurse was at the door taking temperatures a post it note goes on your chest as proof that someone was doing their job.  They also gave him a fabric mask to wear instead of the papery mask he was wearing.  The fabric mask can be washed.  He saw the temperature nurse and one gal over at registration.  He takes the steps upstairs so he doesn't have to push any buttons in the elevator.    He has his infusion and he calls me when he is done and I pick him up at the door.

I did errands while he was getting infused.  The grocery store, a different one this time they are not as organized as the usual store but more people are ordering online and so I missed my delivery time at the other store. Groceries were brought out to the vehicle.  I need to be more organized about my online ordering!

 I stopped by the Post Office...they have red x's marked on the floor with red tape.  There is a sign that says stay 3 feet away from the  counter.  They have spit shields up and the workers are wearing gloves....they have to take them off to type.

I went by the butcher shop and got some meat...a roast beef to make vegetable soup, some hamburger for chili and some bacon because everything is better with bacon!  You call in your order and they bring it out to the vehicle.

I stopped by the liquor store to get some Fat Tire beer for the chili that will be made today.  We freeze it in individual servings.  I was the only person in the store.

Back at home everything was wiped down with Lysol Wipes and we threw all our clothing in the washer and washed up real good.

We did what we could to stay safe. 

I finally took the snowmen down and put up a bunny.  It snowed icy balls off and on all day...with some snow squalls.
Far Side


  1. It feels so strange when our everyday normal activities, like shopping, take on such importance to our very survival.
    Your bunny is so cute, and I love his carrot!
    Stay safe and be happy, Mxx

  2. I really enjoy reading your town reports. We haven't stepped foot out of here in 3 weeks so it's hard to imagine what it's like out there. We are up to 60 cases in our area now so we have no plans to go anywhere. Araignee

  3. I walked around in the sunshine yesterday and it made me feel so much better. It was the first day since last Thursday that I actually accomplished all my steps for the day. :-)

  4. I have been trying to take a walk every day-weather permitting. I still go inside the grocery store but I only shop every other week. And then I use the six foot rule. Sure can't wait for all this craziness to be over. Love your bunny, he is so cute. Yesterday we had snow squalls all day.

  5. I went to the post office yesterday to mail my cousin's Quilt of Valor to Virginia, and saw the same precautions except for the gloves. But the worker had a big bottle of hand sanitizer at his station that he was using. And today I need to get groceries. No new cases have appeared in our county in 3 weeks but we still need to use caution of course.

  6. Almost Easter---what a strange Easter this going to be. No family around. Sigh.

  7. Luckily we have a chest freezer so buying meat or much of anything is low on our list. I am enjoying the alone/me time.

  8. Glad your weekly shopping and Far Guy’s infusion went well. I’m still eating from my pantry and freezer, so I haven’t been out for a couple of weeks.

  9. You guys are doing the very best you can at keeping safe while being out, that's for sure. We all want you both to stay safe and well!! :) Got your pretty Easter card! Thanks, Connie. Happy Easter to you both, too! :) :)

  10. I have been trying for well over a week to schedule a grocery pickup order but there have been no times available. Last night I set my alarm for midnight, 2 and 4 a.m. to check for openings as I was told they open them up at midnight. Finally at 4 a.m. I got a time slot for a store on the other side of town. I'll take it anyway. It will give me an excuse to drive almost an hour and get out of the house.
    I'm glad you take such good precautions after being out.

  11. I'm glad that you're trying to stay safe. I go to the pharmacy, and that's it. All our food is being ordered, and I even had an online doctor's appt this week.

  12. It truly is a highlight to get out of the house, even briefly. Hopefully the precautions will continue to keep us safe. Take care and stay well!

  13. You take some good steps to try and remain virus free. I wish more people would do what you do including me. Happy Easter.

  14. I don't know what an infusion is, but I hope your husband is feeling better.

    1. He gets a weekly infusion of a protein that protects his lungs:)

  15. You two are doing a great job taking precautions. I wish everyone would take even half the precautions you are taking. We have many cases in our area and it makes me very uneasy to even go to the grocery store. We are going two weeks at a time now between shopping.

    I've never put beer in chili but I bet it's good. Can you share the recipe?

    You two take care and enjoy that chili!

  16. You had a busy shopping trip. I wonder if our habits will have changed when — if — we ever go back to normal.

  17. It use to be so easy to get the things that you want. I bought a lot of things today, meat especially. I did a lot of walking back and forth to remember everything. I go to the tp aisle first. I was shocked to find some.It was not going to last for very long with a town of eighty thousand people Easter is going to be an oven roasted chicken. I am glad you made it out.

  18. Well of course it snowed when you took down the snowman. Mother Nature proving she is still in charge. I used my last onion last night, will use my last apple tomorrow, ran out of tomatoes last week, might have 2 more days of salad. Other than that I could probably go another 5 days before I need to go to the store. Told my husband we're just going to forego fresh stuff for awhile, as our state is peaking this week with the virus and there's no way I want to go to the store for anything.

  19. At the East Indian fruit and veg market this morning the silly girl at the till tried to make my DH and myself stand 6 feet apart. I was so flabbergasted that I was speechless. Luckily another customer set her straight. We should be good for fresh stuff for at least a week now.
    Stay well.

  20. Sounds like you're doing all the right things when you go out of the house. Glad far guy's infusion went well again, and you got some errands run. Fat Tire beer....what a funny name. I never heard of that. Hope it tastes better than it sounds! Chili and Veg. soup sounds delish to me. Wish I lived near by so I could smell the good smells coming from your kitchen! Stay well you two. Happy almost Easter!

  21. Grocery shopping is a lot of work these days, but we have been going once a week during senior hours. The store was almost empty of customers yesterday morning. We spray down the car, wear masks and gloves, wipe things down when we get home, clean the kitchen counters and leave our jackets and shopping bags outside in the sun or in the garage for several days. You do even more, but you have to.

  22. Hard to imagine great globs of snow coming down only days before Easter! Glad your errands ran smoothly and Far Guy got his treatment safely taken care of. What a different world it is turning out to be out there.

  23. Glad your weekly trip to town went well.


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