Monday, April 20, 2020

Dust and the lake

The dusty open shelves have been cleaned up...everything is sparkling again.

I have a love hate relationship with the open shelves...I love that dishes are in reach to use and to put away. I hate them when they get dusty...and that top shelf is a real dust collector.  Far Guy did the ladder work for me and took the plate rack all helped!

I am done in the kitchen for now, the fridge and the oven await my attention some other day.

After our kitchen accomplishment we took a ride down to the lake.

There is still ice...I figured as much as the wind has been real cold.  Where the water isn't rippled is the ice.

Something large plopped into the water near the dock...a beaver, muskrat or maybe a turtle.
The Pussy Willows are out.

Spring might be coming soon. The light in the evenings is pretty much a waste as it has been too cold to enjoy an evening outside.

We are both feeling just fine.  No new cases of Covid-19 in our County the count remains at 2.
Far Side


  1. Grandma used to call that 'rotten' ice. And...I love your shelves! I don't think I could keep open shelves that tidy and dust is a continual issue here until I have the carpet in the living room torn out.

    Good to hear that you guys are doing well. Same here. Quiet.

  2. I love the look of your shelves but I get how hard they are to keep up. Right now I am living out of boxes in my kitchen and I think that actually is the way to I am happy I didn't just get my kitchen done before the lockdown though. I would have gone crazy trying to keep all my new stuff nice during this mess. My kitchen is virus scrubbing central. The place is covered with wet rubber gloves. Araignee

  3. I love the concept of open shelves, but have never thought they would work for me, I an not that organized...and now I'd be thinking about dust! And the plate rack...those are cool, but I didn't think about how you'd get in there to clean them!

    We had 50s and wind yesterday. I got to sit on the deck for a few minutes but then got cold. Katie, on the other hand, loves it.

  4. I love your open shelves but know what you mean about dust. For some reason my house is a real dust collector, so open shelves would drive me nuts. Glad you both are doing well.

  5. I don't worry about dust until it gets thick enough to write my name in. Then I am shamed into dusting. No open shelves here. :-)

  6. The open shelves are very pretty and seem practical but I have never had any myself. Won't be long and all the ice will be melted and there will be evenings you will be able to enjoy the sunsets in a jacket. ;)

  7. Different surroundings bring new life to your life. The lake.
    Oh, how I wish my kitchen looked like yours.

  8. What a pretty scene, Connie! Our weather was cold-cold-cold lately too but now yesterday & today it's pretty decent. So hopefully the warm-up is headed your way too. We had a snow storm two days last week... woke up to everything covered in several inches of white stuff. So Mother Nature still hasn't made up her mind what she wants to do. Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. I also have a love/hate relationship with open shelves. They look great and are handy but so hard to keep clean. I have had them in the past but not in this house. I never had a plate rack though and hadn't thought about how hard it would be to keep it clean.
    Spring is finally here. The ice was gone at the lake yesterday! Hallelujah! Now if we could just stay in our trailer.

  10. I've no open shelves, and I'm happy with that because I'm such a slacker at dusting.

    Glad everyone is doing well. Take care!

  11. Your open shelves are beautiful and I love all the blue ware you have! I'm afraid if I had open shelves it would look messy in no time as Tom would be putting all kinds of things on them. He is one that leaves a trail of tools around the house! So happy to hear you are both doing well. We are too for the most part, just wish this covid would go away for good!

  12. Such pretty dishes to show off on your open shelves. My conglomeration would not look so pretty and I think they are better off behind closed doors! I love pussy willows. We used to go pick them in the spring in a special spot in the country where my dad knew where they grew. Some people call them Pussy Toes which is so lovely.

  13. I feel the same way about open shelves but more love than I dust and wash as much as I feel I have to. Nobody's going to run their finger along my shelves, hopefully.

  14. Your kitchen is so pretty! No one can see the dust way up there so that's a plus! I got little done today so you put me to shame! LOL!

  15. It's been a very cold spring .Spring has sprung here in the last two or three days. Lots of snow melting.

  16. I do like the look of open shelving.

    We're up to 646 cases of COVID-19 in my county. Sigh.

  17. Our cases are climbing here...I'm tired of the shut down.

  18. Wouldn't it be nice if spring came soon!

  19. A crisp day here, still in lockdown here but coping

  20. You are about where we are in early February, but at least the pussy willows are out. Spring will come.

  21. I'm with you on the open shelves - great for ease of use but horrid to keep dusted! Yesterday I gave our fridge a thorough cleaning with baking soda, so it is sparkling now. The oven I don't dare look in - I think I will leave that to son to clean :)

  22. That first picture today is just beautiful. I love the color of your wood. Everything looks like it is sparkling! We have just a small area of ice still on our lake...the rest is flowing nicely and the loons have returned. Today started out sunny, then rained...then snowed....then hailed....then snowed again HUGE flakes. Such is life up North as you well know. Take care you two!

  23. The only open kitchen shelves we have I use for recipe books. It's for the best, since I'm rubbish at getting to things like dusting. Anyway, glad your Spring cleaning is going well, and Spring seems to be showing up where you are... If slowly.

  24. Dust is a nightmare here.
    My sister designed her own kitchen, no upper cabinets, and all the lower ones are drawers. Ideal! Needless to say, she has a large kitchen.Love pussy willows! I have an antique spitoon that I like to put dry arrangements in- bulrushes, pussy willows, lavender- whatever I can find.

  25. The shelving unit in the kitchen is wonderfully design. The wood that was used really made it look good. Our numbers for the whole state are getting worse instead of better. They have hidden a couple of hundred illegals in one plant which were all carrying the virus. That plant is now down for a very long time.


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