Thursday, August 20, 2015

Weather and Projects

We are 40 degrees cooler than last week.  Yesterdays high was 58 F or 14 C eh!

We got 1 1/2 inches of rain.  That will help the trees.  I knew the rain was coming so I mowed the lawn. 

I now have 56 out of 73 carved Christmas Ornaments ready to deliver.  17 to go.   I have been carving on the challenging Trillium…Far Guy is doing way better with his than I am with mine…I will push through…but I am getting really tired of that project.  Yesterday and the day before we carved in the greenhouse/woodshop…it is nice and cozy in there.

IMG_9765 When I get bored with carving I walk over to glass alley and see what I can put together.


Four pieces of glass. A candleholder, a ashtray, a small blue plate and a vase.


This one is five pieces of glass.  The center is a small coke glass, followed by a bowl, the turquoise piece is some kind of divided glass dish, a plate and a vase.


This one is five pieces of glass. A candle holder, a custard cup with a ruffled lip, a ruffled bowl, a plate and a vase.


This one is four pieces of glass, it doesn’t show well in the photograph but the upside down vase is a pale pink. A heart votive holder, a very old  fancy goblet, a ruffled bowl and the vase.

I was using some coiled copper tubing for the glass flower vases to hang on…it was wimpy.  I gave up on that idea and went to town and bought some PVC pipe, Far Guy had some blue spray paint so I used it!  The stakes are easier to pound into the ground.  I have another batch that I spray painted a copper color.  The guys at the helpful hardware place cut the 10 footers into three equal lengths for me.

Some of these flowers will be gifts.  I put them at the edge of the woods and in the yard to make sure that the marine glue holds and I enjoy looking at them!  So far the only failure I have had was a piece that was painted glass that was bumpy…It was a piece I gave JoLynn so I fixed it for her.

I completed another five or six that are still curing in the greenhouse/woodshop. I need some more medium size plates and bowls (garage sales!!)

I walk up and down glass alley and see what looks good together…sometimes I am not sure so I just set the pieces on top of each other for a few days…then I come back and look at them again…sometimes even a third time before I scrap the idea or put the pieces together.  Lawn Art doesn’t happen overnight.

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  1. Look at what you've been up to! They're gorgeous! I've missed you and found myself worrying/wondering how you guys were doing. How's Far Guy with his in-house nurse? It is 54 here this morning! Yes! I feel so bad that the kids had it so hot to work in while they were here and after they were done it dropped to the 80's...oh well....we all survived....even grandma! LOL! I still have to "catch up with you" but I wanted to drop by and say hello.
    I love your glass creations! They are so pretty and thanks for telling us what materials you used. I'd like to make some when I get up north again. I hope Chance is doing alright too. I have to take Nitty for her allergy shot today. Wait until you see how Miss Peeps has grown....she's wreaking havoc around here! LOL! TTYL!

  2. I love your pretty lawn art. They would also make wonderful gifts, but your carving seems to be what you most like to give away, it seems to me. I am jealous of your rain! But it will come, I know it will. Just not today when I go hiking, please. :-)

  3. I love your lawn art. They are all so pretty.Do you sell any of them? It finally cooled off around here also. All the windows are open this morning and I am so enjoying the cool air.

  4. That is a lot of Christmas woodworking projects. It's good that you have these beautiful glass lawn art pieces to mix it up a bit. You have a great place to lay out your glass to experiment. You are very creative and talented.

  5. Your glass flowers are gorgeous, and using PVC pipe for the stakes is clever. I bet your friends love the ones you give them - lucky people.

  6. I *love* your blog. I've followed for a few years. I just shared this page in Facebook. You are such a creative woman and a wonderful photographer.

  7. I love all your glass creations!

  8. Hmm, maybe I should get the window sill cleaned off in my sewing room and spread my collection of glass all along there. It is wide and deep, and the sun will shine though it in the afternoon. Maybe then I will get inspired to put some together. Your's are very pretty! Have you ever tried using re-bar? Thinking that it can be bent so that the stems look a bit more natural and you can make the flowers point at a 45 degree angle. Oh the things I want to play around with.....thanks, keep inspiring me!

  9. I like to put colored glass in the windowsills so the sun shines through it. Maybe I should move some out to the yard. I like the one with the turquoise small bowl. It really looks like a flower.

  10. I really like those glass sculptures! If I ever do any, I think I'd place them over our little solar lights, so they'd sparkle at night.

  11. So very pretty. I think they resemble solar lights too and I certainly would try to make that happen. Beautiful!

  12. You are amazingly talented!!


  13. You have a lot of fun and let your creativity soar with these pieces of glass that you combine.

  14. I love love love your glass flowers and so glad you've shared. As for the tiring trillium - walk away for a while and your heart will tell you when to go back! :)

  15. "Lawn art doesn't happen overnight." Words to remember! I love your well stocked art-and-crafts supply areas and the creative combinations you develop. .

  16. You really are making some neat pieces. Art is hard. People don't know about the trial and error of all creating but once it gets figured out, people say that must have been easy. ( Multiple tiered glass piece that allows you to serve many candies and nuts.)

  17. Very amazing creations. You sure do keep busy!

  18. You are so talented!


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