Friday, August 28, 2015

Trilliums Finished!

I wasn’t planning to paint Trilliums this week…but Far Guy started painting by himself…so I joined him.   Like he said “It will feel good to get them done!”

Trilliums Finished

They turned out pretty good, I am pleased.

I got a little carried away when I added the stamens to my carving.

Lots of stamens

The stamens are thorns from the Thornapple Bush rolled in glue and sawdust…Far Guys idea and it worked wonderfully!

Cross a woodcarving project off the list!

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Intense Guy said...

Wow! They both look super-awesome amazing!

Anonymous said...

Very lovely. Wishing you all a nice weekend.

Sam I Am...... said...

You 2 are amazing! What a team and what beautiful creations out of "a hunk of wood" and the hands God gave you.....truly magnificent! Pat yourselves on the back.

Cathie said...

They are exceptionally beautiful. Great job you two!

linda m said...

I think they both turned out simply awesome. They are so pretty. Always feels good to cross something off the list. Have a wonderful weekend.

Lynda said...

That is a huge accomplishment completed! You two deserve more than a pat on the back. Sounds like a good steak dinner or a Bed & Breakfast reward.
Are any of the grandkids or nieces and nephews interested in learning this gorgeous art? Someone needs to carry on the tradition and legacy.

The Furry Gnome said...

Amazing how a chunk of wood and a lot of patience and skill produces a result like that!

Buttons Thoughts said...

WOW you two are very talented. They are beautiful. Hug B

DJan said...

I LOVE them both! Those stamens are a kick, too! :-)

Linda Kay said...

I'm very impressed with your talent at woodworking! Those really turned out lovely.

thecrazysheeplady said...


Unknown said...

Your carvings are just beautiful.

Shirley H.

Jennifer said...

They are beautiful -- nice work!

Patsy said...

They are just lovely! You both do great work.

Tired Teacher said...

Fantastic! Are you going to enter them in a show or exhibit them somewhere?

Leah said...

They are beautiful! Well done!

Linda W. said...

Beautiful carvings!

Jenn Jilks said...

These are beautiful!!!!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Muffie said...

They're gorgeous! You two are very talented!!

Terry and Linda said...

You could enter these in the State Fair and take Grand Champion!!!


Cynthia said...

They are beautiful! Well done, you two!

Henny Penny said...

Oh my! And I thought the unfinished Trilliums were amazing. These are so pretty!

Melody said...

Wow, those are gorgeous! You two are very talented.

Red said...

Nicely done!

L. D. said...

They really are very nice sculptures. You have done a great job on them and the paint jobs really gave them a great final finish.

Granny Marigold said...

They turned out very very nicely!

Linda Reeder said...

Wow! Those are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

How absolutely gorgeous they turned out. Congratulations! You should sell them to the highest bidder....but I guess you don't do it to sell them! Just know that they are just beautiful and you two should be very proud of your talent and the joy you bring to others, just letting us see your handiwork! Awesome.

marlu said...

Amazing! And beautiful.

Country Gal said...

These are beautiful wonderful work both of you do ! Thanks for sharing , Hope Far Guy is feeling better . Have a good weekend !

MTWaggin said...

YAY am sure that feels good to finish and I think BOTH of them look marvelous!