Friday, February 14, 2014

Sweetheart Bench

Take some time today to sit down with your sweetie, hold hands and gaze into each others eyes….in Minnesota this will have to be done quickly or you will turn into a snowman!

Sweetheart bench

Happy Valentines Day!

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  1. I think I all ready did :). happy Love Day, Francine.

  2. Happy Valentines Day to both of you . LOL ! Cute post and photo love that snow man lol

  3. That is so cute. Happy Valentine's Day

  4. MY sweetie bought me flowers! I was indeed surprised as he hasn't done it for years. Happy Valentine's Day to you two, as well as Chance. :-)

  5. Ha- even the snowman wants up out of the snow! Don't forget to give Chance some love from his blog fans today.

  6. Happy Valentines Day! Wonder who that was on the bench...who sat there too long! :)

  7. Oh, how cute!!!! Thanks for sending us a LOVE-ly smile today! We will be having a steak dinner with my SIL's family and our kids. That is LOVE-ly, too.

  8. Great snowman! Happy Valentines day!

  9. Cute! I hear we maybe having some snowman weather soon. Happy Valentines Day!

  10. Now that is just ADORABLE!

  11. wonderful!

    We have sunshine today...hope it scares the snow off the ground.

  12. Happy Valentines to you. It sounds like you took your own advice as you found out conditions are risky.

  13. We did just that today, my feet were cold and I got him to sit on them.

  14. The snowman on the bench is awesome. Happy Valentines Day!

  15. We exchanged lovely cards and Tom brought me flowers. There were hugs and kisses and a few tears. Tom has been a wonderful caregiver to me as I recover.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your Far Guy, too, Far Side! At least your snowman's got some spring colors!!!

  17. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope that's not you frozen out there on the bench:)


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