Friday, February 21, 2014

Ice Caves and the Crud

Have you all heard about the Ice Caves over in Wisconsin?  This is the first year since 2009 that The Apostle Island Ice Caves  have been safe enough to visit.  Here is a link to their facebook page.  Bayfield is only 253 miles from us, and the lure of the Ice Caves is oh so tempting.

Icy world

I wanted to go, until I heard that they are getting over 10,000 visitors a day on weekends.  It is at least a 2 mile hike in icy conditions on the lake…and if you walk along the shore looking at different caves and have a parking spot a long ways away it can be a six mile hike in who knows what kind of weather.  Probably freeze your butt off windy weather.  So I am not going.  Icy Artwork 

Chance and I entertained ourselves photographing the ice on the woodshed.  He followed me around looking up wondering what in the world I was doing. Oh well you have to work with what you have sometimes.

Ice  on the woodshed

Far Guy has the crud ( head cold, body aches, cough) which has made his Trigeminal Neuralgia almost unbearable.  He sleeps a lot and I encourage him to drink plenty of fluids etc…hopefully he will be better in a few days.

I don’t have the crud yet.  Hopefully I can escape it.


  Chance doesn’t have the crud either.  I have become his favorite ball thrower.

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  1. I am so sorry to hear about Far Guy, being on the tail end of a cold myself. I can imagine he's miserable, so I'm sending him lots of virtual hugs, carefully placed and wishing him well. I like the dripping ice pictures. :-)

  2. Interesting about the ice caves.
    I'm really sorry about FG. Praying he feels better soon and that you will remain healthy.
    Chance looks so happy in his picture.

  3. Wow!!! Those ice caves are beautiful...hope you don't get the crud Connie, poor Far Guy, hope he feels better.........Go Canada Go, watching the men' s hockey today. sorry, Blessings Francine.

  4. I am sorry to hear about Far Guy. My hubby had the crud two weeks ago. Now he is all stuffed up and "draining" like nobodies business - guess he never got over it. I saw an article in the Journal Sentinel - our local parer - about the ice caves. They sure look interesting but I don't need to be around that many people nor do I need to hike that far in this cold weather. have a good weekend. I like your ice pictures.

  5. I hope Far Guy feels better soon.

    The ice caves would be a great place to visit if the weather was nice.

  6. I'd never make the six mile hike even in good weather. I'm happy to have left the ice behind once again.

  7. May he heal quickly. Beautiful pictures.

  8. Wow, 10,000 visitors a day! That would make the ice melt!

    Love your photos. Here's wishing Far Guy's crud passes quickly and that you don't get it.

  9. Hope Far Guy feels better soon . Nice photos . It is like our great lakes here , this is the first year in many years they have completely frozen over . . The ice caves would an amazing photo opp . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  10. I'm sorry Far Guy has the crud and hope he feels better soon. I hope you and Chance don't get it.
    My daughter, son-in-law and grandson visited the ice caves and she send me a couple of pictures. I am hoping to get a post together that includes them. I haven't been very motivated to do any posting lately.

  11. Forget those 10,000 visitors! Looks like you've created some "ice caves" of your own!

    Hope Far Guy gets some relief soon. Sounds like prayers are in order. Hope you and Chance stay healthy :)

  12. Yes Chance can become flexible when a ball is involved. The crud has passed around throughout the school, a few people at a time. That is what the teacher had in which I subbed for all week. I didn't want to sit at his desk.

  13. You don't want to get the crud either. It lasts about 6 weeks.

  14. I'm sorry to hear that Far Guy is so sick. I hope he feels better soon.
    I did see news about the ice caves on TV and I wondered about all of those people streaming in, and kids free ranging. Kinda' sounds like a mess.

  15. The caves are indeed alluring. But I agree, I'll watch the beauty from my home. Im glad some are enjoying the phenomenon. Best wishes to your man to get well soon

  16. I don't think anyplace is worth fighting that many people to see. I love your local ice shots just as well. Hope Far Guy gets better soon and you escape the crud.

  17. I saw the ice caves on TV. I would probably be afraid to be in all that ice...I don't know why. Glad you and Chance are well. Hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  18. I do hope Far Guy heals quickly.
    It's funny you mention the ice caves and that they are safe. I had read they were complaining that 'global warming' was destroying them.
    I would not go with that big a crowd, either. I'd look at pictures on the internet, though. ;-)
    Have a great weekend!

  19. I had the same thought process. Wow, gotta go! Wait, 10,000 other people, 6 mile walk in these temps? No thanks!
    Poor Far Guy. Hope he is feeling better soon and you can avoid getting it.

  20. Six miles in freezing weather? I'd pass, too.
    Sorry to hear FarGuy is so sick. I hope it passes quickly. Rotten time of year to be sick.
    Chance looks very happy that the photographer turned into his ball thrower. ;)

  21. I'm sorry Far Guy is under the weather! Chicken soup...I always go for chicken soup...I don't know why, seems to work.



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