Saturday, February 22, 2014

Colors to get lost in

Living in a sea of snow makes me yearn for a bit of color.

Colors that make you forget all about the wind blowing the snow around so hard the poor dog must be accompanied outside to do his duty…perhaps he is afraid he will blow away…or get lost in a blizzard.

Peacock feathers so pretty

A long package arrived in the mail.  It was for Far Guy. I figured the Class of 1968 Graduation Tassel was for him and the rest of the package was for me.  We argued a bit about so.

Color Peacock feathers

I put them in a vase.  I photographed them…I am drinking in their beautiful colors.  All the way from California just for me.  Peacock Feathers

They are a bright spot of color on the fireplace mantle, I am certain I am enjoying them far more than my husband so they must be mine.  Thanks a bunch to a weekend rancher in California!

Far Guy is feeling much better today, I just have to keep him hydrated and resting throughout the day and I think he will make a full recovery.

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  1. They are so beautiful! Glad to hear Far Guy is better. Those sure do look like eyes, don't they? :-)

  2. What a clever gift, and so perfect for this time of year.
    I love the logic - the person who's enjoying the gift most must be the intended giftee!

  3. Those are gorgeous, and must be so cheering! We all need a bit of color to offset all the white outdoors. Have a great weekend.

  4. Those peacock feathers are BEAUTIFUL! Glad to hear Far Guy is starting to feel better. I thought the ice caves looked like a great outing too and checked a few weeks - the timing wasn't good and now I agree there are too many people and could be a very long day with the Lake Superior winds. Happy weekend

  5. Good to hear that Far Guy is on the mend. I love peacock feathers - they would make me smile and dream of warmer days, too.

  6. Gorgeous peacock tail feathers. They certainly dispel the gloom of winter! Thanks for sharing!

  7. One of my fly tying materials. The trout like peacock feather too....;)

  8. Glad to hear Far Guy is on the mend. So far we have been lucky and avoided any colds or crud. What a lovely colourful gift, they are on the mantel where you can both share them:)
    We have some very light snow falling this morning, but it will only be a small amount and won't last long.
    I checked out the pictures of the ice caves, they are beautiful, but the cold and all those people would probably put me off too. On our drive home yesterday we did see lots of frozen waterfalls hanging off the rocks.

  9. Glad FG is improving. The feathers are gorgeous. Take care.

  10. Gorgeous color to brighten these cold wintry days. Glad Far Guy is feeling better.

  11. My granddaughter is crazy about peacocks. She would love this bouquet of beauty. I find the colors so amazing as they shimmer and blend and glow.
    I'm relieved that Far guy is on the mend.

  12. Hard to believe such a gorgeous array of colors are on mere feathers. Nature is remarkable.

  13. Wonderful Peacock feathers . We had a neighbor who had a Peacock their plumage is soo pretty . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  14. Beautiful feathers. Glad Far Guy is feeling better.

  15. Oh peacock feather colors are amazing. I love their jeweled tone

  16. Nothing like a good tiff to brighten up winter. Yes, the feathers bring some brilliant color into our winter.

  17. They are definitely a bright spot in a white day! I'm thinking of buying myself some flowers tomorrow for that purpose. Peacock feathers will last longer though.

  18. The crud hangs on. I hope he can see a better day tomorrow. The feathers are so amazing. I remember their call and it is so great sometimes spooky.

  19. The peacock feathers look wonderful!
    And so glad to hear that Far Guy is feeling better. :-)
    Have a wonderful Sunday! ♥

  20. I love the colors in peacock feathers and the way they glisten and shimmer in the light. What a bright gift for this long winter. Glad FarGuy is feeling better, too. :)


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