Monday, February 17, 2014


We went for a drive, up to the Tall Grass Prairie.  We are supposed to get a little snow that may blow around some Sunday night into Monday morning…imagine that.Tall Grass Prairie

Not much to see this time of year.  A bunch of brown sticks catching snow.  All of that snow that is captured will give rise to something to behold in July.

Tall Grass Prairie

Green so brilliant it almost hurts your eyes.

I am hungry for green.  As I look back through my photographs I am always drawn to summer photos.  I suppose we need the long winter to really appreciate the short summer.

Purple Prairie Clover (2)

We only have five more months to wait for July and for the Purple Prairie Clover to bloom.

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  1. The green meadow and purple flowers are so refreshing right now. When I lived in Phoenix for four years the one thing I really missed about this area was the color green. Too much brown out there.

  2. I get plenty of green around here, even in winter. Most of it is evergreens and moss, but there's also ferns and stuff. I would miss it if I didn't have anything but brown and white. :-)

  3. We have several large native tall grass prairies nearby. And a close friends who has re established one of about 3 acres. My favorite places to hike....

  4. Wow, we have similar posts today. Longing for spring and summer.

  5. As we drove through Arizona yesterday we passed a field of brilliant green (winter wheat?!) It was in such stark contrast to the dull brown all around. It made me smile!

  6. Oh thank you for showing some green Connie, beautiful, Blessings Francine.

  7. Oh, yes! Craving green here too. What a miracle that it all comes back . . . Eventually.

  8. I love the change of seasons. I think they really do create a deeper appreciation for what we enjoy the most.

  9. I'm right there with you -- waiting!

  10. Lovely shot of the clover! I'm always hungry for green after a long winter.

  11. I think all of us who have been hit with a tuff winter this year are looking forward to spring and summer , I know I am . We are to have snow fall this evening and into tomorrow then temps to warm up above 0 and a day of heavy rain so with a bit of luck all this snow we have will be have gone down a lot by the end of the week ! Nice photos. Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  12. We have had a very mild winter here, but the sun is coming back and days are getting longer.

  13. Five more months make it sound awful. It's only about 6 weeks until we get crocuses.

  14. I think your Diary Queen's open a whole 2 months before ours do in Chicago!
    I just know the snowdrops are going to be gone by the time the snow melts!

  15. Yup. Need the bad to appreciate the good. I'll try to remember that when I'm whining about the heat this summer!

    Hope you all have a good week, Connie. ♥

  16. We had a rain snowstorm this morning. I had never seen it snow like that before except in fake movie snow scenes. I am glad that he light is changing which means we are getting close to spring. The birds are certainly coming your way as we see a lot of flocks of birds. Grosbeaks are coming your way also. Maybe someday there will be a day that we won't have to speak of snow again........soon I hope.

  17. I love seeing the green grass and the clover. The days are so dull right now.

  18. Persistence and patience are definitely attributes one needs to live where you do!

  19. Our snow is amazingly melting...and lo and behold, it's brown underneath. I think I like the white stuff better.


  20. That certainly is an eye-catching green, especially the second photo with the purple accents. I can sure understand how starved your eyes would get for seeing some green like that. Five months sounds like too this case, I certainly hope time does some of that "flying" it's always rumored to do ;)

  21. WOW!!! I love that Purple Prairie Clover. Nothing so delightful here!


  22. I've never seen that purple prairie flower's beautiful! Spring is on it's way to a neighborhood near you!


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