Friday, May 10, 2013

Visitors and Volunteers

We still have our usual birds.  Nuthatches both White Breasted and Red Breasted, Chickadees, and Downy Woodpeckers.  The Redpolls are still here off an on..I think many of them have gone north.

Two new visitors:Goldfinch

An American Goldfinch already dressed for summer.

White throated Sparrow

A White-Throated Sparrow..who is supposed to sing but I have not heard him yet.  I think he may just be passing through.  He has a bit of yellow above his a bit of fancy eye shadow. 

Two old friends:

Pair of Downy Woodpeckers

I was lucky one evening and caught a pair of Downy Woodpeckers chasing each other round and round the tree trunk.

It has been a really busy week at the Museum.  I had some wonderful volunteer help; Far Guy, Gravy and his wife Dawn (who is a remarkable woman with organizing skills that won’t end) and Marie a board members wife ( who showed up everyday this week and asked “What can I do?” )  Thanks to them the museum is ready for the Open House today.  I could not have done it without their help.  Four rooms in the museum were totally torn apart and had to be put back together again.  I finally got the extra shelves I wanted in my office/gift shop..It will make my life so much easier.  My office is so much brighter now that it is an off white instead of a navy blue.  The Military Room was baby blue and it is now off white…big difference in that room also.  I will take some “after” photos one of these days..I know I have some “before” photos in my archives.

The Governor or the Lieutenant Governor may show up for coffee at the museum today..we will see.  They were both invited.  We are serving egg coffee and cookies at our open house.  There are supposed to be 10,000 visitors in town this weekend, all the gas stations increased their prices yesterday to $3.79 per gallon..nothing like making everyone feel  welcome:)


  1. Morning Connie, love the new visitors to your yard, I have the White- Throats here but not the Finches yet.....great pictures of the Downy's, fun watching them.......Enjoy the weekend, Francine.

  2. I love your new visitors. Good luck with the open house. It makes you wonder when gas prices go up just in time for a major event! That kind of action makes me mad.

  3. Oooo - love those woodpeckers! Seems as if spring has arrived!

  4. Your gas is higher than ours here in Bellingham, notorious for the highest prices in the state. I would have loved to see those downy woodpeckers chasing each other. Must be love... :-)

  5. I always like your running commentary ;-). Good luck with the open house. Can't wait to see some after pictures.

  6. Good help is always a plus.

    May open house be a great success.

  7. Lovely photos ! I hope all goes well with the open house ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  8. Have a great weekend Connie and take a breath (rest) on Mother's Day!

  9. Good luck with the open house and don't great volunteers just make the day shine!!!!

  10. Your open house will be a success! More so because the fishing opener is not! The White-throated sparrows are singing here, so you should be hearing them soon.

  11. Glad to hear that you had volunteers to help you prepare the displays and to help with the Open House. The Governor will be there, politicians rarely pass an opportunity where crowds are gathered.

  12. I hope your open house is a smash hit! I sure understand what it takes to make things like this happen!!!


  13. The birds in your photos are some of my favorite birds, and your open house will be a grand success I am sure. Re gas prices, in the USA they have doubled since the day Obama took office (just sayin').

  14. Been thinking about you today, and glad you had such diligent volunteers to help get everything ready for the big day.

    Wish I could get to be there too...rather a long drive, though I wouldn't mind showing up for those $3.79 gas prices...a real bargain in our neck o' the woods...but I'll be satisfied with seeing a post of the "before" and "after" pictures. :)

  15. It's really great to have competent volunteers. You not only get things done but don't feel that all work is abandoned for you to do. It's support. white throats have it both ways . They are attractive and great songsters.

  16. Great bird photos!
    I love how the gas stations always raise prices, too, for the travel weekends.
    Glad to hear you had great help for the museum!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Sweet variety of winged visitors. I hope you get some interesting visitors at the open house, too.

    Good old dependable gas companies. We can always count on them to raise the prices over the summer months for tourist season and really jack them up right before any holidays where the populace is known to jump in their automobiles to go visiting family. ;)

  18. The birds are beautiful. We are loving among the trees again and the variety of birds here.


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