Thursday, May 16, 2013


There was a wildfire about twenty miles south and east of us.  It started on Tuesday afternoon.  The wind was horrid, gusting to 45 MPH.  The fire travelled fast.

The first indication as we left home

As we left home you could see a cloud of smoke.

Wildfire one

We drove the back roads ...having heard that some roads were closed. 

We did not want to be in the way..but we  wanted an idea where the fire was and I wanted to take some photographs.  We only met one fire truck.


This was a crowning fire..the Pine trees heat up and then they go “whoosh” and are totally engulfed in flames.

I was in a crowning forest fire only once in the 1990’ is scary and you can hardly breathe the smoke is so thick.  I asked Far Guy if he knew the way to the lake, he didn’t so I pointed in the direction of the lake and said if we get separated and the fire turns is that way and I will meet you in the lake.  I was never so happy to get out of a fire..I coughed for days.  We were in the forest when they dropped the airplane tankers of water..that is something to see.  Someone said they saw fish flopping around..what a strange site to see in the middle of a forest fire.

Anyways..I am way to old to fight anymore is really hard work.

Wildfire two

We were about three to four miles away from this fire.  We never got into the smoke at all.

Wildfire three

The winds were strong from the west and north west.   The area in the path of the fire was evacuated.   Highway 40 where we took these photos from turns a bit south up where those red buildings are on the right.  We didn’t go any further.

Wildfire south of Park Rapids

12 homes and 45 out buildings were lost in the wildfire.  It is being called the Green Valley Fire, it started in Becker County in Green Valley Township and moved into Hubbard and Wadena County. 

Firemen are still out there, the fire is 25% contained as of last night.  Us “gawkers” have stayed away..when it rains over the weekend we may go for a then it should be completely contained and the firemen and their equipment will be gone.  There is plenty of time for more will be black for awhile.  I believe about 7,500 acres burned, no loss of human life has been reported however a number of dogs and cats perished ( Mostly because their owners were at work when the fire reached their homes.)

I hope it rains soon:)


  1. Awe poor animals . I am glad now one else was hurt though ! It is scary when it happens . Hope they get it put out soon and can contain it from spreading ! All mother natures way of dealing with things !Have a good day !

  2. Oh the poor animals! I don't like these fires...last year was just awful with the drought here where I live...I don't want another repeat of that- it gave me nightmares.

  3. Oh hate hearing about those forest fires, poor animals left to burn, not fair, Francine.

  4. Thank heavens no human life was lost!! Oh but how painful to loose those beautiful forests!!

  5. I feel so bad about the animals that were lost. At least no human lives were lost. One would think that with all the rain we have had that there wouldn't be any fires. Yet, I heard we had one in Northern Wisconsin also. What is up with Mother Nature?

  6. Oh gosh - that is a huge smoke cloud! Hope it rains and puts out those embers.

  7. I feel so bad about those poor animals. Not only having lost their homes and possessions but their family pets, too. My heart goes out to those people.

  8. We have been to the small city housing the command post twice this week ~ there is lots of activity and many fire trucks.... the path of the wildfire reminds me of a tornado a building burned down here but next door a home not touched... seeing the destruction there are many blessings to be counted and a tremendous number of thank yous sent to all firemen and firewomen.

  9. Would not think fire season would be in your area so soon after so much snow. Large fire here in CA started yesterday, was at 3000 acres last night after first 6 hours, that's fast. Cousin was just here last week, it's burning just a few miles from his house. Take care, wildfires are no fun for anyone, man or critters.

  10. Wow, already, after that snow hanging around so long. We are very familiar with wildfires in our province, and there have been several already, with evacuations happening. In our area because of the high rainfall, forest fires generally aren't a threat. Unfortunately the majority of them seem to be caused by humans. How sad to lose your pets in something like that.

  11. Wildfires are frightening and destructive things. Certainly glad that no one perished.

  12. Oh how awful. I hope you get some rain, it is hard to believe that it is so dry after all the snow you had.

  13. I know how you felt....we have them here in Texas. I once, even had a small fire in my pasture. It is very frightening until the fire truck arrives.

  14. Never good news to hear when it comes to fire of that magnitude! Glad that there was no human lives lost. Hope the rains come quick.

  15. That's a little too close for comfort...they can turn and go forward so quickly.

    I'm so sorry for the families that lost their houses, and their terrible.


  16. Scary. But at least you know the area and where to go to get out....

  17. It's much too early for this. We finally got rain here in Montana this afternoon, but it's sooo dry. It doesn't take much to set one off.

  18. Amazing the amount of smoke generated by these fires. We have a couple of nasties that have been going on for a week. Two towns have been evacuated. We have rain in the forecast.

  19. Wow that is a lot of smoke! good pics

  20. My goodness! You just got rid of the snow and ice and now wild fires already? That's some crazy area you live in.

  21. I hate fires but prairie fires are SO much easier to deal with. It's sad that so many people lost homes in this one.

  22. We are getting some rain today so hopefully heading your way but not before we had 9 wildfires within 20 miles of town (different directions) this week. All set by an 18 year old and 3 are still being fought.

  23. We really do need a couple good thunderstorms and downpours. That's so sad about the animals trapped at home and the loss of all those homes. So glad you weren't too near that dangerous fire. Stay safe--and pray for rain!! :)


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