Monday, May 6, 2013

Confirmation 2013

Fourteen years ago a tiny baby was baptized.  Our first Grandson.


And then he grew…and grew…

Hansom Tall guy

Into this handsome very tall and still growing guy that affirmed his faith In Jesus Christ!  Baptism day to Confirmation day…how time flies.

Confirmation Sunday was yesterday.  We got up early and traveled north..along with  potato salad in a cooler.  After Confirmation it is customary to have a lunch.  We had home made buns with ham and cheese, fruit, vegetables, potato salad, chips, nuts, mints, and cake.  A perfect lunch for 21 people. ( A ice cream pail of potato salad will feed them all with just a tiny bowl left over.)

Noahs Confirmation Day Great Grandparents

Noah and his Great Grandparents (my parents)

Noah and Jen May 5 2013

Noah and his Mom..I think I will frame this one.  I love the love that they have for each other and it really shows in this photo! 

He wanted me to take a reflection photo in his really cool sunglasses so I did. 

Noah reflection in his sunglasses

He is growing up..not only taller.. so fast.  It is almost scary for this Grandma.

There was some discussion about his hair.  His Mother thought perhaps he should get a haircut for confirmation.  He  told me he liked his hair just the way it was..and so did I.

One cool dude

If you ask me he looks like one cool dude:)

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  1. Morning, I agree, one good looking cool dude.....wonderful pictures, Francine.

  2. He's a very handsome young man. How time flies! He sure does look tall for fourteen. Is he going to be a basketball player? :-)

  3. God's blessings to Noah. He is very handsome in the three-piece suit.

    I agree that the photo of Noah and his mother is a keeper!

  4. It's amazing how they sprout up isn't it? Lovely mother and son photo.

  5. Oh, where does the time go? He looks so handsome and I love the photos. Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. Very special photos. I'm especially fond of the one with the great-grandparents.

  7. What fun and good for him, another big step for a tallllllll young man!

  8. Congratulations. He's a fine boy ... sorry, dude.

  9. I agree about the photo of Noah and his mom. It shows the love between them and mom looks so very proud. Nice pictures from a nice day!

  10. Good Looking Kid and his hairs just fine.........

  11. what a busy fun weekend! Great pictures ~ what a great group of kids!

  12. He looks really 'cool' with his hair, the sunglasses, the suit and that look of love for his mom!


  13. Noah has grown up fast these past few years. It is great he gets such a good recognition for this time of his life.

  14. As we sometimes say, "This guy's a keeper." Everybody looks very happy and why not. It's a great occasion.

  15. A cool dude, indeed. And apparently a fine young man, too.

  16. Handsome, loving, and cool. Way to go, Noah! And congrats to the three generations raising him.

  17. Congrats to Noah! He is a handsome young man and I like his hair, too. Of course, I was a teenager in the 60s and Noah could have it down his back as far as I'm concerned--as long as it's clean. ;)


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