Sunday, May 26, 2013


We have company for a bit.  Chance too!

Chance has company

Little Elvis and Miney brought their boys.

The parental units hadn’t been gone an hour when we had our first casualty.

First Weekend Casulty

Someone’s Grandparents took them to the candy store and somebody had a lose tooth, so the tooth came out.  I guess when you are eleven that happens.  It was an Now and Later Long Lasting Apple Flavored Chew that was responsible.

We have a Candy Store in Town called Kissin’ Cousins.  All the grands love that store.  It was interesting to see what they picked out.  Did you know they make a candy in the shape of Legos?   Adam says they taste kinda like Sweet Tarts. What did I pick out..why licorice pipes of course…my favorite…and some Jelly Beans..coconut and pear and peach..summer flavors!

A long time ago, that candy store was purchased and staffed by one family all summer long. It is only open from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend.  The store was bought for the sole purpose of employing family members during the summer and ultimately putting a whole bunch of kids through college.  Sweet:)

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  1. Morning, love the dogs running, cute......Sounds like my kind of store, have a sweet tooth.....Oh I love pipes too, yum yum......Happy Memorial Day, Francine.

  2. What a great idea for the candy store. John also loves licorice.
    I know you, FG and Chance are having fun with your visitors!

  3. Now that is certainly a "candy" store.

  4. Ah, summer is really here, isn't it? I just got to thinking that it won't be long before your pretty chairs will be displayed in your blog. I can't wait! :-)

  5. Your grandson looks like he is taking it all in stride.

  6. Your grandson looks like he was having a good time. I hope he didn't swallow the tooth. :-)

  7. A summertime candy store...what a great idea!

  8. He's got a super smile for being a casualty! And the only thing grandparents are for is to spoil their grands. You're doing an excellent job.

  9. Sweet indeed. And I can still manage to destroy teeth by eating candy - even at the very far side of fifty.

  10. Oh, fun! That candy store sounds wonderful!

  11. What a great post and what a great candy store. I wish I could visit!
    I know you will all have a wonderful weekend! ♥

  12. Candy and grandparents seem to go together...:)

  13. Sweet, indeed...especially considering the cost of college nowadays! Touche for that family!

  14. Sweet...for sure.

    I saw Licorice pipes the other day at the hardware store, and I thought of you right away.

    The customer was saying that they should not be sold...bad influence to kids...the cashier put her straight, and said that there was so many bad things on TV and in the world that a little bit of candy wouldn't


  15. Sounds like a great candy store.

    As you know, liquorice pipes are everywhere here in Sweden!

  16. I remember shopping at that candy store when we were in the area in 2003. I bought licorice, too.

  17. I remember a little yellow gas station us kids walked a mile or so to get to. It was a holdover from the pre-new suburb days and had a wall of penny candy! We'd save up our allowance and make the hike to the yellow gas station and slowly walk back munching from our small bags full of candies--and be on a sugar high the rest of the day--LOL! Remember when there were candies that were 5 or 10 for a penny? And the real big hershey bar (which they reduced in size decades ago) was a nickel? It doesn't surprise me that the kids love to go to the candy store. I guess things haven't changed all that much in over 50 years--lol! ;)

  18. It sort of reminds me of loosing my last tooth, but it didn't fall out. I did have gauze for half of a day trying to stop the bleeding. I like that age of kids. I work with kids that age at school.

  19. I remember our favorite general store we all walked mile to just to get a treat when I lived on the farm as a kid ! Wonderful photos ! Have a good day !


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