Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Aunt Senia

My Aunt Senia died last Friday.  She was 95 years old.  She led a good life until the last five years.  She has been in the Nursing Home for some time.  For a long time she would know you..or she would ask “Who are you?”  Prompting you to say your name and recognition would dawn on her face and you would get a hug..and she would be so happy to see you!  The last time I saw her there was no recognition on her face..no big smile and hug.

It is difficult for me to mourn the death of someone who had a full and active life.  She was more than ready to leave this earth.   I am grateful that she was a good Christian woman who knew she was saved by grace and grace alone.  So I cannot be sad.

Senia was married to Wilbert; my Dads oldest brother.

Uncle Wilbert and Aunt Senia

Uncle Wilbert and Aunt Senia

Uncle Wilbert died in 1990, my Aunt Senia was very lonely, they had been married 54 years.  I visited with them often enjoying cookies, coffee and conversation when my Uncle was alive, and the visits continued after his death.  Aunt Senia had quite a sense of humor and I enjoyed visiting with her.

Life goes on..widows are pursued…she was a good cook and homemaker.  At the age of 78 she remarried.  She took good care of Ralph..until he died.

They lived on the way to the raspberry patch.  I stopped there with fresh raspberries for them.  She was thrilled..probably not so much with the raspberries but with company.  One summer she had a garage sale..I bought her pickle dishes.

She would be at the family picnic in the summer and at the Christmas Party that the cousins have for Uncles and Aunts every December.

Aunt Senia

We went to the visitation at the Funeral Home.  I am just not feeling up to attending the funeral today.  I have given my condolences to my cousins.

The funeral home had a wonderful photo presentation with many old photographs.  I enjoyed it very much..however Far Guy and I both thought that the somber piano background music should be replaced with rock and roll oldies when it comes our time to go:)

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  1. I played the piano last Saturday for a service for a 96 year old friend and I didn't play any sad sounding songs. Just good old favorite hymns that she would have liked.

  2. So sad, but you sure are right, celebrate the lovely life she led and all the people she touched!

  3. I never heard of the name Senia before. It's an interesting one, and she did live a full life and was ready to go. Godspeed to her on her journey into Heaven.

  4. You are right to celebrate her life and not her death. She seems to have touched your life in a lot of ways. Those are some lovely memories. May God welcome her with open arms into His fold in Heaven.

  5. Hugs. I hope YOU feel better today --

  6. No doubt, your Aunt Senia saw a lot of changes in 95 years, and it sounds like she truly enjoyed life.

    This afternoon, brew a cup of tea and "share it" with Aunt Senia while you reflect on her life and old photos.

  7. What great memories of a life fully lived. The thoughts about her will always be with you. The last years are always so tough but I am glad she is at peace.

  8. I agree with you on the music:) I felt the same way as you when Larry's mother died. She had lived a good healthy life and passed the 100 year mark. We can only hope for as much.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  9. The memories of a long life lived well will be with you forever.
    I totally agree on the music. We had a slide show with some of my mom's favorite songs playing at her visitation. That's what I would want.

  10. Sorry for the loss of your Aunt . Wonderful memories you have of her . Sounds like she lived a full life and that's the main thing !

  11. A long life, well lived. A little celebratory Rock and Roll would be in order.

  12. Sympathy to you for the loss of your aunt. It sounds like she was a lively character. My Dad died at 95 and the last year was not good.

  13. I agree with your idea about peppier music. A life well lived should be celebrated with the joy of that life.

  14. Wonderful, a great life well lived, Blessings Francine.

  15. I know what you mean about not being sad because she lived a full life of faith--and yet being sad because she isn't still living. It's hard. I don't think even a change in the music would make it easier...

  16. As you say, she lived a full life and was ready to go home. I enjoyed the photos and memories very much. Have you shared the pickle dishes before?

  17. She sounds like an amazing woman, all of her years...how wonderful to be in her circle of friends, and relatives.

    Yes to the Rock n roll..you have to choose what makes your life worthwhile.


  18. I don't want people to grieve for me either...have a joyful song or so and go home happy. It's just a short time here then we will all be together again!


  19. My sympathies. I'm getting news from my Kelliher friends that there are fires south of Bemidji. Praying all is well with you and your loved ones.

    1. There is a huge fire south and east of us, but we are in no danger. The wind is horrid and from the west..for now. :(

  20. That's a new name to me, too--Senia. Pretty.
    I agree. It's hard to feel too sad for someone who's lived a long life and is kind of past ready to go. I had a grandmother who lived to be 104. Best rejoice the life they had and play happy music--yes!!


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