Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dakota RIP

The grand girls dog died on Wednesday May 15th. 

Dakota was a Sheltie and they got her when they lived in Illinois.


She must have been about twelve years old.  She didn’t do “old age” well, she suffered many strokes and had a problem with her thyroid.  We saw her several weeks ago, she looked terrible, her eyes were as dull as her coat, she looked miserable.  She nuzzled my hand and wagged her tail..I wished her a pain free journey and hoped she would go to the Rainbow Bridge soon.

When Trica and her family lived with us..Dakota would come and lay her head in my lap and stare up at me when she had to go out.  Sometimes I would holler at Maddie to take her out..Maddie would say “How do you know she has to go out Grandma?” I would answer  “Cause she told me.”  We kept track of her thyroid medication on the calendar, and would usually hide the pill it in a small slice of cheese. Some dogs do fine on that medication..Dakota just seemed to get more cranky.

Dakota tolerated Chance..but she didn’t like him very much.  She didn’t like other dogs. Sometimes she would growl and snarl at you would have to tell her to “Knock it off.”  She snapped at a few children in her younger years..and would bite the bottom of the girls pants trying to herd them. I never trusted her around small children that she didn’t know..sometimes she was very protective over her girls.  She loved to be brushed and petted, and would always nuzzle your hand to get your attention to pet her.

Sanvannah and Dakota Easter Sunday 2009

Savannah and Dakota in 2009

Grands 2004

Here she is behind all the Grands in 2004 ( Their Grandpa made them all walking sticks.)

The grand girls grew up with Dakota or “Kota” as they called her, they loved her…she will be missed:)

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  1. I always feel heart sick when a child looses their pet. I do have a heart.

  2. I hope she is reunited with her loved ones one day over the Rainbow Bridge. Safe travels, Dakota. And all the love and devotion they give us has a price, since they just don't live long enough.

  3. It's never easy to let go. She is pain free now.

  4. One of the hardest things.... rest in peace Dakota! Girls hold your memories tight ~ she will continue to be by your side.

  5. Always sad to lose your beloved dog. Godspeed, dear Dakota.

  6. Oh, so sorry to hear this.

  7. Sorry for your loss; it's never easy to lose a beloved pet.

  8. Sorry for the lost of such a beautiful dog.

  9. She was beautiful and I know she was loved and will be missed. I'm sorry.

  10. Sending prayers to the kids, hard to lose that first beloved pet and one that they've grown up with. Dakota can now be happy, healthy and pain free! YAY!

  11. Oh, how sad :( I hope your grand girls are coping with this news as best they can. It's so hard.

    We do that pill-in-the-cheese trick, too. Sometimes, it's the only way to get the pill to go where it's supposed to do you explain that to a dog? Or worse, a cat?!

  12. It's rally hard when our four footed friends take their leave. They have been very important to us.

  13. How sad:( It will be hard on the girls, but at least they are old enough to understand. Fly free sweet 'Kota'~

  14. It will be hard on the kids having grown up with her. Sounds like she was quite ready to go, though, poor thing. It's always so hard to lose the furry family members.

  15. It is so hard to lose those we love. And losing a furry friend is just as hard as losing a beloved Aunt or Uncle or Grandparent. My heart goes out to your family!



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