Saturday, May 4, 2013


Last night after supper we went for a ride.  On my way home from work I saw the loons on the Mill pond.  A pair.  They mate for life..but take separate winter vacations..then meet up again in the spring to fool around and raise babies then in the fall they leave  as a group with other loons and go their separate ways for the winter.

Pair of Loons

I watched this pair for quite some is magical to see them again.

Loon May 3

They are waiting at the Mill pond for the big lake to open up.


Not much chance of that happening real soon.  Usually Straight Lake has three pairs of loons.  They are very territorial..and will not share “their” part of the lake.   Usually they have laid their eggs by now and are sitting on the nest tending them. 

Here is the link to the loon cam, it is not active yet but should be any day now.

It is still cold here in Minnesota. It freezes at night, and barely hits 50 degrees F during the day.  The wind has been howling the last couple of days. 

With the electric heater in my office at the museum it got to 54 degrees F (12 C) today! Work is progressing at the museum.  I had some wonderful volunteers this past week! If you keep moving all day long you don’t get the bone chilling cold shivers until the end of the day.

I guess the Governor will fish on the river.  It should make the National News..Minnesota is so cold they still have ice for Opening Fishing.  One more week will tell the story:)


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  1. I didn't know that about loons. I recently learned that we have loons here, too, but they are different. They probably have the same mating habits, though. We could learn a lot from the birds. :-)

  2. I used to enjoy the loons when I went to camp in Canada. I loved the echoing call at night. However, I never knew anything about their life style - love that they go their own way in winter... a lot of human couples would be better off taking separate vacations!

  3. It is a bit warmer here in the Netherlands and the sun is showing its face too. I am ever so grateful for the sunshine because it has been a long winter without. I hope you get warmer weather soon. Those loons need a place to breed.

  4. Loons were one of my favorite parts of living in MN. Went camping in the Boundary Waters once and as we were talking around the campfire, a lone male loon swam up to the shore. Whenever I would speak, he'd call, saying nothing when the guys were talking. I think he was a widower and my voice reminded him of his dead wife....

  5. Happy to see that the loons have a bit of open water. How far South do they fly in the winter?

  6. You will need one of those propane blowers that they use to keep the greenhouses from freezing...isn't there rules against frozen employees?

    I saw a loon the other day, the first one I've seen in years.


  7. I have never in my life seen or heard a real loon. I have seen and heard them on shows. You are very lucky to have those beautiful birds in you neck of the woods!


  8. I'm in awe of the loon's beauty. It's VERY rainy and cool in GA, too.

  9. Remember Teresa's post about "things I can't live without"? Loons.

  10. The loons are beautiful. What a nice story about them!

  11. Thanks for the Loon info! I love to hear them call, and have been quite shocked the occasional time to see them on the ocean, or maybe I should say, hear them.

  12. I dunno...flying south for the winter and all, I don't know about that "separate winter vacations" stuff...

  13. The loons are fascinating birds. It's got to warm up at your place pretty soon. We've had a week of high winds. Now we are in for some warm stuff 20 C (69 F) to 25 C( 78 F) I can't guarantee that the warm stuff gets to you but I'm sure the snow loves to go your way.
    It's a bummer to have to work inside at those temps.

  14. Not that different from people really, if folks only got together to fool around once a year that would pretty much be our life. Husband and wife (who could clearly learn something from the birds) split up in the morning, do their own thing, and even send their kids off in a different direction, then they get back together in the evening to "fool" around.

    Amazing that you are so cold. Around here I've been noticing how some things are way ahead of usual and somethings are right on time. I think that is interesting.

  15. There's something about the song of the loons across a lake at dusk. :)
    Yup--such a chilly spring this year. Supposed to warm up a bit this coming week, but I'll believe it when I see it--LOL! I hope you're wearing lots of layers to work!! ;)


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