Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wistful Wednesday : In Laws

I ran onto an old photo yesterday.  Taken 1976… There was a family gathering in the summer.  My Aunt who used to live in Washington was home for a visit and almost the entire family gathered for a picnic at my parents resort.

The In Laws in my Dad’s family.  My Grandfather with his son and daughter in laws.

Most are gone..but there are a few left.

The Outlaws

Back Row: Aunt Violet, Aunt Lila, Uncle Stanley, Uncle Otto, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Grace

Front Row: Aunt Jenny, Aunt Senia, My Grandfather, My Mother Madeline, Aunt Mia

There were two Aunts missing from the photo: Aunt Joan and Aunt Eleanor.

Those still with us are Aunt Lila, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Grace and My Mother.

One by one this generation is leaving us behind.

When I look at this group..I remember, hunting, apple strudel, black coffee, flat bread, chicken and dumplings, cookies of all shapes and sizes..and from my Grandfather the smell of moth balls on his wool clothing and the taste of the pink peppermint candies that he used to carry in his pocket…good memories all:)

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  1. Wonderful photo and memories ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  2. What wonderful memories. I have many like that when I look at old family photos. Have a great day.

  3. Wonderful old photo and memories, so great, Francine.

  4. Great old photos and lovely memories!

  5. I was just thinking about all the Aunts and Uncles I have and how many are "gone" now yesterday... I miss them all - there aren't any left but one aunt (far away in California) now.

  6. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't around any aunts or uncles from the time I turned six (or any other relatives other than my parents and sister). Sometimes I envy people that grew up with family close by instead of a nine hour flight away.

  7. I really enjoy your wistful pix and the little anecdotes you add.

  8. Hard to believe that eventually you will be that generation. It sure is nice to know the past generations. My family was one of those that didn't have pictures and family gatherings. Which makes it very hard to even know who was part of our history! You are very lucky to know yours!

  9. I love the last paragraph of this post - memories of smells and adventures with each person - perfect.

  10. Yes, we all have to leave this world, don't we. I hope the next one will be all that we hope it to be. Very nice family photo.

    I recognize all that polyester! :)

  11. You dig up the memories that are familiar to me. Since I'm a little older, my dad's generation are all gone.We're next!

  12. Connie, are you affected by the wildfire? Yesterday was quite a day for fanning the flames; I hope it dies down soon.

    1. The wildfire was about 20 miles away. I took some photos. I will post them tomorrow:(

  13. Yes, we are losing that generation too fast. Now we are the elders.

  14. I know what you mean about that generation leaving us quickly.
    Good picture and a wonderful post. ♥

  15. It's strange that 1976 doesn't seem all that long ago to me, but it is. It was a different time, and the picture captures the feeling of that time to me.

  16. Wow! 1976. My Dagan was two years old! Seems a lifetime ago now...and yet so close in another way. Amazing to me that even my son can look back decades now. Geez! ;)

  17. So have you ever noticed in your photos when the big switch from women mostly in dresses to women mostly in pants came? My friend and I were talking about that recently. I remember my mother and other women mostly in dresses unless we were camping or doing hard yard work. Then all of a sudden, boom, no more dresses unless it was an "occasion". With all you photography work I would think you would be able to see that time change. But maybe it was slower than I remember. But all your aunties in slacks totally reminds me of that time.


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