Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: Superman is 14

Birthday wishes go out to Superman. (This Grandma thinks he is a super man!)

Noah 1 year old in 2000

Noah was one year old in this photograph taken in 2000.  It is one of my favorite photos.

Noah is our first born grandson…he joined our three granddaughters ( his three cousins) and made our grandchild count four.

When we walked into the hospital in Hutchinson Minnesota very early in the morning we could hear a baby screaming at the top of his lungs was Noah, his Dad was giving him his first bath.  We watched from the nursery window.

What happiness to see an brand new perfect grand shortly after they enter the world. We went to visit his Mom and a little later we got to hold him..he was just perfect..and still is:)

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  1. Oh my, what a cutie, great picture of Superman, Happy Birthday, Francine.

  2. Even Superman grows up! He's adorable in that picture, and I'll bet he still is. Did you embarrass him with this picture? :-)

  3. Happy Birthday to Noah. He sure is superman.

  4. Happy Birthday to Noah. He sure is a superman!

  5. He is indeed a cutie pie! Now a teenage cutie pie!

  6. Noah has a sweet smile and expressive eyes. Happy Birthday, Noah.

  7. Happy Birthday Noah . My how they do grow up so fast ! Hope you have a great day !

  8. What a cutie he was and I bet he still is. Happy Birthday Superman!

  9. Happy Birthday to Super Grand Noah!

  10. I totally understand your sentiments. We feel the same way about ours.

  11. Of course....for a moment you had me, wait Superman is older than that.

  12. I've been following your blog for about 5 years and have enjoyed watching him grow up. He is a fine young man and I know you all are proud of him.

  13. This guy looks like he has it all. Happy birthday Noah!

  14. What an adorable photo! I sure hope he had a great birthday today!

  15. That is a darling photo! Happy birthday to Noah! :)


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