Sunday, May 19, 2013

Some Blues

It was a long week. 

Last night I spent some time sitting outside in the yard listening to the thunder up north.  It was almost a constant rumble..Chance even deserted me.


Yes the Burr Oaks are still skeletal looking.  They have tiny buds…they take forever to leaf out.

IMG_7676 I love how the light plays on the was going north of us.

The woods was alive with bird song, the Loons down on the lake were calling to each other.  The Gold Finches were singing like there will be no tomorrow.  Robins flitted in and out of the yard, the Chickadees were dee dee deeing, and then there was a squawk. A flirt

This guy was being a flirt…he strutted his stuff…

Blue jay

Finally the lure of the suet was just too much…

Lure of the suet was to great

See how tiny the buds are on the oaks?

Tiny buds on the oaks

The Blue Jays don’t come into the yard too often..this is the first time I have gotten decent photographs of them!  I would say it was patience..but I know better..I was just too tired to get out of the chair.

I hope to get caught up on some rest today!

Far Guy is feeling a bit better..not perfect..but better:)

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  1. Incredible pics, Connie. Wishing you a restful day and I hope you and FG both feel better.

  2. I love your pictures. The only thing I miss about living on the ranch in Nebraska is the birds. We had so many bird feeders. Now that he's gone, I live on main street in tiny town Kansas. I mean ON main street.. my front door is six feet from the street.. not much chance to enjoy the birds here..

  3. We have so many birds in this part of the country, and on our hikes I hear probably a dozen different birdsongs. Most I can identify, but not all. The Pacific wrens are my favorite right now. Glad you are getting some much needed rest. :-)

  4. Beautiful pictures. I love bird watching!

  5. Happy resting! Your Jays are different to ours.

  6. I've only seen a blue jay once in central Wyoming: I think he was lost or his GPS was malfunctioning.

  7. I like watching the big thunderstorms. The cloud formations are awesome. Good to hear that Far Guy is improving.

  8. I love your pictures. While you're getting returning birds, many of our birds are returning to the mountains for the summer. I will miss them.

  9. Bluejays are so noisy, but they are fun to spot. And, as you note, tricky to photograph. Last year we had a pair nesting in our big spruce, but this year they moved somewhere nearby, apparently. Rest up and feel better, both of you!

  10. That is one beautiful blue bird...we have Stellar Jays here, not quite the same.

    Spring will happen, it's just been a little absentminded in your parts of the woods.

    Take good care of yourself, and Far Guy.


  11. Great photos. Glad to hear Far Guy is a little better. Hope you are feeling better too and that you are both well soon!

  12. I love the crispness of the contrasts in lines and textures. You are certainly getting a handle on that "new" camera of yours. Beautiful shots.

  13. It is certainly the season of the bird! The calls are full on right now, lots of bird fights in the yard and territory take overs. Your shot of the blue jay is the perk of having no strength to get out of the chair? That's rich. It is amazing the things I think I have notice these past two weeks that maybe I wouldn't have normally. But then there is lots I've slept through as well. Hope you all feel better soon. Oh and on the bird note thing. Yesterday while I went out to check on my crazy highway bed of dahlias and perennial sunflowers, I passed by one of my apple saplings and out flew a blur of brown. Hmmm. So I looked at the base of the little tree and there it was, a perfectly crafted nest with four tiny bluish speckled eggs. Bird watching. Get well soon.

  14. Love storm clouds! Blue jays are so pretty, but can be so mean! One pair built a nest in my aunt and uncle's back yard and every time they walked to the garage the jays dive bombed them. One day my uncle walked in the house with blood dripping down his face and scared my aunt to death! The jay dove and pecked him right in the forehead! Left a scar! I still love birds, though. I wouldn't have deserted you. Glad FarGuy is feeling better. :)

  15. Love your blues and the blue Jay...we don't have them here as far as I know. I am also glad you are starting to feel somewhat better.


  16. It's nice that the birds are decorating the trees until you FINALLY get some leaves!


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