Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wistful Wednesday: Christmas1965

My baby brother and I reminisced about a trip a long time ago. We drove with our parents and our other baby brother to California in 1965.  We left from Minnesota and drove what seemed like forever before stopping all night in Provo Utah. Apparently my parents took turns sleeping and driving.  I remember being discouraged at not being able to stop at The Great Salt Lake.  I was very impressed with the mountains in Provo. We either ate or hid all the fruit we had in the car at the California Border.  We didn’t stop at many restaurants..we ate sandwiches and fruit along the way.

We went to see my Dads Aunt Anna and Uncle Stanley and cousins Clark and Leann for Christmas.

Disneyland California 1965

My Mom took this photo.  It is marked Disney Land 1965.

My other baby brother Jody, My Dad, Me, My Aunt Anna hugging my baby brother Carey and Cousin Clark in front.

We went to Church at Midnight on Christmas Eve, after a supper of Pork Roast, Potatoes and Gravy and Lutefisk at Uncle Stanley’s parents.  I can still smell the Lutefisk cooking. Uffda.  Lutefisk is the Norwegians idea of a is dried cod that is soaked in lye and then cooked. 

As for the trip to Disneyland..I enjoyed the Jungle Cruise and the Haunted House the best!  The weather in California was wonderful.

My Dad shared that one time during this trip my baby brother and I were fighting in the backseat.  He stopped the car and made us get out and drove away.  Of course he didn’t drive far..and when we got back in the car we were well behaved:)

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  1. Wonderful post. Nice memories to have. Loved the photo ! Have a wonderful day !

  2. I went to Disneyland in the 50s and remember Mr. Toad's Wild Ride as being my favorite. And the riverboat cruise where I saw mechanical hippos in the water.

  3. Nice photo and memory! That's funny about your dad stopping the car and letting you dad used to threaten to do that to us kids, but never actually did it.

  4. Did you fight your brother over the Lutefish seconds? :)

    That looks like a wonderful trip... Ahhh the good ol' days!

  5. Soaked in lye? Now, that could be a whole new kinda heartburn! Heehehee!!!

    I too went to Disneyland when I was five, it was very new back then.

    I remember those long trips to Albuquerque to visit my Grandmother Dow. Mom would make bologna and cheese sandwiches placin' them in the back seat window so the cheese would melt. Glory, I don't know what kept us from dyin'!!!

    I always enjoy your wonderful post sweetie!

    God bless ya! :o)

  6. When we come to see you, we're definitely stopping to see the "Great Salt Lake". That pic is pretty cute!!!!!!
    Mom always talk about how gross lutefisk smells when Dad puts it in the microwave.

  7. It must be a wonderful adventure to drive across a continent like this. I can see why it is a memory that lives long in your mind.

  8. I recently watched a whole Food Network show on Lutfisk. My goodness. I think it's an acquired taste. It sounds just awful, but it's all in what you grew up with.

    My parents always made road trips at night so us kids would sleep. My daughters have great memories of our road trips. We just made it a big game.

    Sounds like you have some pretty great memories too.

  9. Love the photo. My parents were not up for road trips, so Christmas was always at home. Alas, I've never been to Disneyland.

  10. I love these old stories. I can picture the whole thing. You have a great memory is you can remember the dinner you had.I can't even remember what I ate last week. It's funny but if my sister and I go out to eat, she reminds me of what I had last time. I ask her if I liked it and she actually remembers. Cracks me up.

  11. You know, the California border "fruit check" was closed for many many years - and then this summer when we drove to Disneyland - it was open....we actually had to stop and tell them whether or not we were bringing fruit in.

    It as a surprise after many years of not having to stop!

  12. I'd harass you about the lutefisk, but I eat hominy.

  13. That was a wonderful year (I was born)! Sounds like wonderful memory!

  14. Those "cruises" way back when were quite the adventures. Disney land through the eyes of a kid are a parents great treasure.

  15. My Dad always said be good or he'd stop and let us out. All he had to do is take his foot off the gas and all bad behavior stopped. We were sure if he stopped he'd lets us walk home! But the longest drive was to Wolf Lake about 30 miles. Oh yes there was 12 of us in the car.

  16. Those are two of my favorite rides!

    I can just see your dad driving away. I be the looks on your faces were priceless!

  17. Great memories and Way To Go Dad. So funny.

  18. Christams at Disneyland must have been great fun!

    The Swedes eat lutfisk too... (It's horrible!)

  19. Uffda, is right! That Lutefisk smell permeates even the curtains and the woodwork, I swear.
    Nice picture and memories. :):)

  20. Dirt would say that the Swedes invented lutefisk and are the only ones who know how to cook it right. Well he doesnt' say that last part, he leaves that up to Norwegian friends who eat his properly prepared Lutefisk. As far as this German, Irish, French, Danish, Scotch-Irish girl is concerned it all tastes like it looks, boiled sn.. I love how you left out the rinsing of the fisk. Cooked lye, that's what a person outta eat!

    Your trip sounds wonderful! What a blessing to be able to have such memories and brothers with whom you get to share them with (and us who get to eavesdrop).

  21. Wow, when I saw the flocked tree with red balls I knew the year. I am not sure the exact year I was out there but my brother lives there and his business is in sight of Disneyland. I have a bunch of old photos I need to check to see if I was there in 65 or 66. It is a good memory as I was inspired to be an artist because of all the creativity one sees out there in the land.


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