Sunday, May 31, 2009
Buffalo Gal and Bluebirds

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Chance : On Looking Handsome

Friday, May 29, 2009
Tale of Two Casts
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Noah is Ten!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wistful Wednesday : 1959

In 1957, there was a brand new grade school built in our nearby town, I was so disappointed, you see we lived just down the road from the old country school, I would be able to walk all by myself! Then they went and built the new school and I had to take the bus. But they we very smart people and hired Arvilla as the hot lunch cook. She greeted all the school children by name in the lunch line. Needless to say hot lunch was out of this world, everything was tasty, and you could never disappoint her so you always gave new foods and recipes a try.
When I was in first grade, I had to have my tonsils out. I couldn't eat normal food, so Arvilla would heat me up some soup in the kitchen and I got to have my lunch on one of her stools in the kitchen. She also saved jello and soft foods for me to eat. I may have had a very sore throat for quite a few more days than necessary ..just because I loved being in the kitchen with her! :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Loons eggs are hatching!
The Neighbors Farmhouse
They moved from Nebraska back in 1954, to the big old house, full of hope and possibility. We welcomed them as neighbors. They were friends of my parents, when my Mother went to work at the Osage Boat Factory their house became the daycare home for my brother and I .. and the lovely lady became our "Second Mom." Through the years, they have welcomed us back to the neighborhood twice, we lived across the road from them when we lived at the resort, presently we live just down the road. You couldn't have asked for better neighbors.
The house, had stood for 109 years. It had served its occupants well, it was time to move on.
On Saturday it was used as a control burn for the local Fire Department to train firefighters. For many young firefighters this was their first time being inside a burning house.
Early Monday morning, the elderly gentleman was called home. It is the end of a generation. The windmill keeps turning, the next generation is in place. Wonderful neighbors they are, part of the family that moved from Nebraska so long ago. You couldn't ask for better neighbors:)
Photos from Saturday May 23, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Decoration Day
Now we are encouraged to stop for one full minute of remembrance at 3 PM. Somehow sometime someplace something got all messed up...perhaps if we spent just one full minute communicating with a child about the importance of this tradition of decorating soldiers graves we would make more of a dent. Perhaps if they visited a graveyard and just appreciated the tiny flags flying in the breeze...:)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Wild Ride

Gone was the perfect photograph in my head, long billowing skirts, the beautiful flower adorned hat with the flowing ribbons, the breeze playing gently on my face. I was hanging on for dear life..we accelerated to speeds that would have been record setting if we had been in the Tour De France. Trees were flashing by so fast that they became a blur..briefly I thought about the Obit...Area resident, killed when she met a tree..then even worse.. Just an accident report..Victim was just skinned up over ninety percent of her body, but lives..unfortunately. I should have insisted on a helmet, and RULES before I ventured anywhere with my Son In Law on his Bicycle built for two. He did deliver me back home safe and sound..well safe anyway..Far Guy said "Wow what a ride..why didn't you use the brakes?" What brakes..there were none on my handlebars? Think old bike..the brakes are applied by pedaling backwards..I was a kid so long ago I had forgotten:)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Inside the Bluebird Box
Far Guy and I have two pairs of Bluebirds, one set near the house and another set along the driveway. We watch for them everyday. I know where to look, I know where the male loves to roost to defend his area. He is not bothered by our activity in the yard, or Chance playing ball. In fact he seems to watch the crazy dog sometimes. Bluebirds are gentle little souls, they aren't flighty like the Goldfinches, they aren't pushy like the Blue Jays. They seem very task orientated, and non social, everything they do is for the nest and the babies. Seems to me that there are some human parents that could take a lesson from the Bluebirds.
Did you know that only the female Bluebird has a brood patch? It is a bare patch of abdominal skin..which makes her the nest sitter. It also makes her mate the nest watcher, and watch he does.. I have only seen them on their branch together a few times...I would like to get a photo of them together. Of course I would also like to get a photo of the baby Bluebirds fledging from the nest too...once they have fledged and the nest is empty, the box should be cleaned out, they may use it again to build another nest and raise another batch. It seems heartless to remove the empty nest, but all the "experts" say that you should. So I guess we will..unless she lays more eggs again before we get it cleaned out.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Watching Chance
I took my turn with Chance while Far Guy visited a friend in the hospital. We walked around the perimeter of the medical facility. I watched Chance watching people. The first fellow we encountered was a security guard, complete with weapon.. he smiled at Chance and Chance wagged his tail. Way to go Chance..be friendly to people with guns. Some women passed by and Chance just looked at them. A woman with a stroller caused some serious tail wagging. Then we went and stood near the entrance where traffic was whizzing by, where we watched one of the gardeners weeding. Then Chance really perked up, his tail was wagging ninety miles an hour, obviously he could hear something that I could not, a gentleman emerged from the lower level parking ramp, he was walking with the aid of a cane, he paid no attention to Chance or me and kept shuffling along. Chance was visibly disappointed that the gentleman didn't stop to visit. Soon after that Far Guy emerged, one low whistle brought the dog into another tail wagging frenzy! I found it very revealing to watch the dog watch people. He likes smiling men better than women, women with small children and old men with canes. I wonder how much of this is just his nature, versus nurture. He spent the first eight weeks of his life on a farm with oodles of small children. He spent a number of years visiting the Nursing Home regularly. We have several people we know who use their canes as baseball bats to hit him some ground balls. We have children in the neighborhood that love to visit Chance...some have arrived in strollers, over the years.
Chance has only tried to kidnap one of the nearly five year olds in the neighborhood so far this spring. I was visiting, and Chance went home by himself..but Jordan followed him. Luckily the small child knocked on the window, much to Far Guys surprise.. he knew immediately that the dog was up to his kidnapping shenanigans again. The trio came walking down the road, just as we were leaving to find them. The child was scolded, it was too late to scold the dog...he had his innocent "I just went home, I can't help being irresistible look." Nice try Chance :)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Chance : Needs your help

As you may have noticed, she takes many photographs of me, she says hundreds because I am easily bored with her camera, and have learned that simply closing my eyes will cause her to stop! There is another contest at the local animal shelter, she will enter again. Last May we entered two photographs, and we want to enter two again this year. Throughout the summer they have a travelling display, for 25 cents people can vote for their favorite, the top thirteen vote getters are featured on a calendar. Anyway she has way too many photos to choose from, so she sat at her computer half the night and came up with five photos which she thinks are really good. Now she can't decide... women. Last year, my photos raised about thirty dollars for the Shelter. Not a fantastic amount..but hey..Far Side says "Every little bit helps."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wistful Wednesday : 1927

This is the first photo that I have restored that has a mark on it, in the lower left hand corner right under the wheel chair it reads Old Masters Studio, Fargo , N D I found that interesting. Someone from Fargo apparently was making the rounds taking photographs...it must have been pretty exciting for these kids!
Here is a glimpse into 1927. Calvin Coolidge was President. Powdered Kool Aid was invented by a man from Nebraska. Charles Lindbergh flew the first Trans Atlantic flight from New York City to Paris. In Britain 1,000 people a week die from an influenza outbreak. A new car was $495.00 this was the last year that Ford made the Model T. A loaf of bread was 9 cents a loaf, I imagine only big city people bought bread. A gallon of gas was 12 cents a gallon. A gallon of milk was 56 cents a gallon. No wonder everyone that could have one, had a cow!! The average annual income was $2,400.00
The handicapped child was obviously main streamed into the school, there were only two teachers. I wonder if he lived near the school...or if he was loaded into an old horse drawn wagon to get to school:)
If you click on the photo, it will enlarge for you!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Auction Purchase
Many years ago, my Mother shared a small inheritance with us. Three hundred dollars, we were to buy something we really wanted to remember our grandparents by. I tucked the money away, and have had one eye out for a spinning wheel. The antique ones were always too expensive. A new one was an affordable option, but I had never wanted to go there...it just didn't seem right.
Now are you wondering why it was so emotional for me? Me, who rarely bawls about anything unless it involves a dog, a cat or a horse. It was such a mixture of happiness, unbelief and sadness all rolled into one. It was a circle completed. Something I apparently waited just the right amount of time for. Of all the beautiful pieces of furniture and all of the keepsakes there that day, I know that this spinning wheel was one of my Uncles favorite treasures. He would be happy. I was sad because I still miss him so much, even though he has been deceased a number of years.
My daughters may not be thrilled, another piece of odd ball furniture for them to deal with someday. I have contacted my uncles only brother for more details about the spinning wheel, hopefully he can help to recall more of the story that should accompany this spinning wheel. Maybe someday at another auction sale, someone will purchase it, maybe my brother. Whoever ends up with it, I hope they appreciate it as much as I do:)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Minnesota Spring
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Missing Piece
In 1994, when Far Guys parents sold their home and moved into a Senior Citizen apartments complex to escape the snow removal and yard mowing problems that were becoming more difficult for them, they had an Auction Sale. I had a list, of all the treasures that we wanted to purchase. Some of the items we were able to reclaim, the old red couch, the one that Far Guy's Dad had picked out because it was extra long and he could stretch out and nap there..and it was red, his favorite color. Far Guy's Mom had a set of China, it was purchased and given to our youngest daughter. Many treasures were sold that day, we couldn't possibly purchase them all. Some went to neighbors, some to old friends, some to relatives. Some things went to strangers. That happens at auctions. One thing that we did not get that day in 1994, was the old card table. My Uncle purchased it, he had a great appreciation for wood inlaid items, it had a good home.
Then the unimaginable happened, my Uncle died, on his birthday of all days. I don't often quarrel with God, and there have been only two people in my entire life that I would have gone "toe to toe" with God for. My Uncle was one of those men. I learned more from him about laughter and life than I have from people I am actually blood related to. He was married to my Dad's sister. She has now moved into a retirement apartment. Yesterday was the Auction Sale. I had another one of my lists. Far Guy had a list. I made one special purchase that brought tears to my eyes..more about that some other day.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Frustrating Forsythia Failure
Friday, May 15, 2009
A New Friend

I think it is wonderful that I can live vicariously through my neighbors new puppy, I can visit, and play, and go home. Kinda like being a Grandma! No whining at night, no accidents during potty training, no new puppy smells ( Gosh I love the smell of a new puppy.) Sometimes I would like to have my very own dog. Chance loves me, but he is devoted to Far Guy. They are best buddies, and sometimes it is down right nauseating the interaction between my husband and his best friend. The other evening I was busy with something, and they were having a "talk"..it went like this. "Well, buddy, I guess it is time to cook something for supper, you are getting hungry aren't you dude?" grr..grr.. "Nope, she doesn't cook anymore." grr.. grr.. "I guess thirty- five years of cooking almost every night burned her out, so now it is our turn" grr.. grr.. pathetic arn't they? :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
193 Miles For Supper
We had been camping in the wilds of Wyoming for about a week, when we came out of the wilderness, all I could think about was standing for hours in my brother's very warm shower ( He lived in Big Piney, WY) Cold streams and partially warmed water in a primitive shower bag only go so far. Far Guy said, how would you like to go out for a really good supper on the way back home? Fine.. I am game.
We found it, Far Guy is like a little kid, so excited to share! We walk in, it is really, really dark. Then I notice a boardwalk, and a campfire, and stars twinkling in the ceiling, I hear some rendition of an old cowboy song, the boardwalk leads to covered wagons, private little covered wagons, lit inside with lanterns. We order Steaks, and Salads..they bring us an entire loaf of freshly baked bread, and butter..real butter. They also have real Coke, not Pepsi, so far this place is getting rave reviews from me. The steaks were perfect, tin plates and all, it was romantic, we played a little footsie under the table..we laughed and talked, enjoyed the campfire ( lit by some flame type light) the wolves and coyotes howled in the distance, Far Guy serenaded me as he sang along with some of the cowboy music. It was a perfect choice for a really good supper. During our meal, I shared about how I always wanted to wade in The Great Salt Lake, I had viewed this lake before when I was a teenager, but my parents wouldn't stop for some wading.
You want to wade in the water.. OK.. Far Guy has a new destination in mind now, so after supper we drove out to Antelope Island, it was a long drive, the closer we got, the more we noticed a strange odor in the air. About the time we both said, "How do people put up with this horrid odor?" It got worse, gag a maggot worse, then worse than that..finally we are there, we are both holding our noses..Far Guy says we should have done this before supper..not after..I did get to stick my toes in the water, amongst the swarms of little flies..while holding my nose. Later I soaked my feet in the tub for a really long time.
After more than twenty years, I wondered if this place of covered wagons still exists, indeed it does, it is called The Prairie Schooner. I highly recommend it, it is one of our fondest memories, not only the meal, but as a reminder that Far Guy is a bit romantic and he will go out of his way to make some of my oddball wishes come true:)