Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sign Of The Times
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wistful Wednesday: Early 1920's

These are Meady's children. Two girls and a boy, Far Guy's Mom is the oldest. This photo was probably taken in 1922, the children's ages would have been, 5, 3 and 8 that year. Somehow I cannot imagine perching a two year old up on that beautiful bench. A three year old 1922 it is! When I look at this photo I can see a number of cousins reflected in the faces of these children. I love that everyone has a bow, and is wearing some kind of stockings. This is a photo to treasure. The little boy is still living..he turned 92 this week. He is ageing..and can no longer hear people on the phone. He lives in a retirement community with his lovely wife, and a very spoiled dog that has been known to swallow a hearing aid. It was do I say this..retrieved in due time:)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Flat Adam"
Yesterday we had a visit from "Flat Adam" he was well travelled, too bad he didn't need a Grandma chaperone. He had been to Kodiak, Alaska..the lucky little flat guy, New Jersey and Washington State before ending up at his other Grandma and Grandpas way up in Northern Minnesota. Flat Adam has a few words written on him .... Try your best!
"Flat Adam" had quite an adventure here too..first we discovered how he became flat...
Monday, April 27, 2009
Trumpeter Swans: A Minnesota Success Story

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Swan Pond : Sven and Sophie

Sven is just a little larger than Sophie, he also spends much of his time with his head underwater eating vegetation. He is really hard to photograph. Sophie eats also..but not nearly as much as Sven..
Swan Pond is a very relaxing place to visit. I wish there was no traffic, about the time you are enjoying the silence and just listening to the sounds of the pond..a big ole truck comes roaring down the road. I also have to be very careful where I step, as the ditch is really steep, and the culvert is really flowing..if I end up down here..
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Snow on April 24, 2009
We had ONE lovely day of summer, it was actually hot on Thursday..77 degrees here, the neighbor had 83. He is always either warmer or colder than we are. I wore my crocs without my wool socks! We slaved away moving leaves, some were mulched, some were raked or blown into the woods. Far Guy was waging war with the sand and rocks that get on "the lawn" during snow removal, and wandering around with a bag of grass seed. Far Guy is way more particular with the lawn than I am, he grew up in the city, me in the country..that might be the big difference in our "lawn" ethics.
Just for the record I have not put my snow boots away yet..I wore them yesterday:)
Friday, April 24, 2009
I have gone Loony AGAIN!
The Live Cam is up and running, I have a link to it on my sidebar...on the left.. right above My Weather.This year Minnesota Bound ( The web site that hosts the Live Loon Cam) has added some extra features. There is a Loon Blog written by Larry, and a Loon Chat Room, It is my understanding that there is also a spot in the chat room for live chat. I left comments on both Larry's Blog and the Chat Room last evening..just type in your name.. and leave a comment if you wish.
Larry gives up the use of his lake shore property so that the Loons have a safe place to nest, he built a platform and supplies it with cat tails and weeds. The Technical Crew comes in and sets up the Cam and all it's various connections. After the Loons have hatched their young they will leave the nest, and Larry can have his lake shore back again.. he follows the Loons and their activity on the lake very closely.
Once the eggs have been laid the Loons will never leave the nest for very long. They trade spots day and night, wind and rain..Loons are very devoted to their eggs.
Last year, my grandsons were here when we watched the first chick go for his first swim. It was a wonderful sharing experience. I hope you enjoy this years Loon Experience as much as I will :)
Here is what I wrote last May 5, 2008:
I have been doing some reading about Common Loons (Gavia immer) ..I just love those scientific names! Imagine yourself a Male have had a foot loose, fancy free winter in the south. One day something says fly north...something draws you to the nesting site you had last year. Finally the ice is out and you use your magical calls to establish your territory. Then you wait for your mate, when she finally shows are really happy to see her.. "Hiya Toots"...lets get on with the laying of the eggs! You are both tireless parents, taking turns on the nest..then spending most of the summer rearing and protecting the chicks. One day you say, "Time to go junior or juniorette...hope you have a good loony life." You and your mate take off to gather with friends, and head south. You might see your mate over the winter, you might not, you may be 100 to 1,000 miles apart.."See ya at the lake in the spring Toots."Such is the life of a Loon..fascinating creatures!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Swan Pond: Ole and Lena
Lars flew back in by himself, then in came Ole and Lena as a pair. They flew in between Lars and the nesting island and landed.
They are all quiet now, Lars swims in the distance, while Ole and Lena swim to the Island and once there they huddle close together and preen their feathers. They preened and preened, Lars swam and swam..everyone was quiet.. I have no idea what they discussed in flight..but apparently Lars got the message.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wistful Wednesday: Old Car

I have many photographs of Far Guys Dad and cars. He loved cars. He loved looking at and talking about cars. In the eighty years that he lived (1914-1994) he had lots of cars. I think he must have made the rounds to all the car dealerships when all the new cars were released for the year. Car dealerships used to print out wonderful brochures, he stored them in his magazine rack next to his chair. Sometimes they would be all spread out on the floor. He could car shop from his chair!
When I was on a quest for a new to me four wheel drive vehicle back in 1987, it was just natural for him to accompany me on my quest. We spend days looking and comparing. I think he was just a little bit sad when I found the vehicle I wanted..our days out and about vehicle shopping in Park Rapids, Wadena, Perham and Detroit Lakes..were over..shucks..:)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Chance : Playing Ball With Lefty
Ah, the girls, they are giggly heaven, they call me Chancey...they like my kisses. Sometimes they let me wash their entire is starting to wear she tastes a little funny. After all the is time to find a ball. I do and I know I can get Maddie to play ball, IF Maddie can convince Far Side that we can be allowed to go outside together. Far Side says "NO, not now, he must be supervised." OVERPROTECTIVE isn't she? Finally we get to go out. More attention.. there are German Shepherd dogs across the street in their yard barking..should I go over and say Hi? Far Side says "No" She is SO bossy. " Get back here and play ball or you will go inside." I love to play ball..and it is allowed as long as I pay attention, and mind. I am such a good boy.
Off like a flash..
I always bring the ball back
Aren't I handsome running with a ball in my mouth!
We can't play ball for a real long time in the city..because they have an Ass-Fault drive, which is way different for my sensitive country, dirt road and grass pads on the bottom of my feet. I am a Border Collie, I like to "herd" but I am very ball driven. One time in Nebraska Far Side was not paying attention until I began to then I had ripped up my pads something painful..but I still wanted to play ball. It took a whole week for my pads to heal. So I guess it is a good thing I have Far Side and Far Guy to watch out for my feet. On the way home, Far Side said "Chance you did real good, but we need to work some more on your off leash skills, she wants me to be perfect all the time." Far Guy is a push over.. he just says "Get back here, and good boy." I guess I was a little wild during the Easter Egg hunt..running willy nilly trying to help the girls who were also running willy nilly to find hidden eggs..three girls and only one of me..that was quite a challenge for a Border Collie that wants to herd children:)
All photos taken with the HP now busted camera.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Old Lady Camera
Far Guy offered to give me his camera..which in reality is my old HP Photosmart (2.1mp.) He is so generous. But it still works..and it does take good photos.
I did some research.. and had my choices written for the shopping part..gosh I hate to shop. I walked around, looking at all the choices. Nikon or Canon?? A camera with lots of dials and settings..I barely understand shutter speeds ..I am camera stupid. I was discouraged. Then I found my old HP Camera, it must have been stuck in some warehouse someplace..I almost grabbed it and ran to the checkout counter. I stopped myself..and said self "You need a better camera..Perhaps not a Canon Mark III..but a better camera."
I compromised and got another old lady camera. One with automatic settings, but with the capability to choose my own settings..for when I am comfortable enough with ISO and all that technical jargon. When I have time to read the entire manual and feel like experimenting. I have thirty days to decide if this is the camera for me or not..and I will probably go back and get that HP Photosmart M627 and see if I can get a service package for ten years..because I really liked that camera..I can send my old one in for repair..but that will cost as much as a new camera.
One of the reasons I wanted a new camera was to take bird photos.. In my old camera they would have looked like this...honest..there is a bird in that photo.

The camera I ended up purchasing was a Canon (9 mp) Powershot SX 110 IS ..thirty days will tell the story:)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Fundraiser Photos
Handcrafted Boat Bookcase by an elderly craftsman.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Birthday Girls

Friday, April 17, 2009
Spring Fires
Last night was a busy night. Far Guy and Pyro (Nephew) burned off my wild flower area, then we got company and Pyro finished the burn and wet everything down, and brought Chance back to the house. A little while later a page came out for a Medical call, and shortly after that a report of a fire..on our corner! Now our fire could not have escaped ..could it? No, it was the flaming toilet paper perpetrators. ..and the fire was across the gravel road. Far Guy is only on duty during the day, last night he shut off his pager, he said it was a busy night for the Fire Department...hopefully it will rain soon..the grass will green up and the fire danger will have passed for awhile. The BIA has it's own fire crew, they stay really busy this time of year.
The Oaks, I may bitch and moan about how late they leaf out, and complain about the leaves. It only took one crowning Forest Fire in the property in the Pines south of us to make me a believer in Oaks.
May 01, 2004. I was working in my greenhouse..

There were a few "spot" fires that came over the road that day, they were quickly extinguished, the wind switched to the southwest and forced the fire toward the lake, and as soon as it hit the was manageable..and the fire went out. The fires back in the pines, smoldered for was determined to be a fire set by someone..they were never apprehended. Thank goodness for the Oaks. You couldn't pay me to live in the Pines..they are beautiful..but deadly in a forest fire. I will take my Oaks, leaves and all:)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Early Spring Happenings
Bluebirds: They are here, building a nest, they first showed up on Monday April 13. I sat out for an hour one day trying to get a photo, no didn't help that Chance wanted to play ball, instead of watching for birds. As soon as I got up and played ball, the Bluebirds were behind me chirping away.
Loons: None heard yet, a neighbor said he heard one.. so any day now.

Deer Ticks: They are here. The little tiny itty bitty size of a pin head ticks. Chance had one crawling on him yesterday April 15. We capture them on pieces of scotch tape, then we fold the tape over on itself and then cut the tick in half with a knife or a scissors. Duct tape works really well can line them up and then smother them. You can also get out a magnifying glass and watch their little legs go a hundred miles an hour trying to escape the tape. We use Frontline on Chance, I stopped by the Vet's Office and they said "Yup the Deer ticks woke up on Monday..and Frontline business was booming." They have a new Office gal..I am not sure that she will work out either..she might be a few sandwiches short of a picnic.