Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back on the path

Well we survived the snowstorm, we only got six to eight inches of the beautiful white stuff. It blew around so much, it is hard to tell an exact amount. We have now plunged into the deep freeze, it was 18 below last night ( -28 C). Spring seems far away... Minnesota weather in March can do just about anything.

I got my computer back. Nothing was saved from the crash. Far Guy held up my old hard drive and said "All your photos are in here sweetheart." Ya, well extract them then..instead he said he is going to take it apart and look around in there. He did bring me my dinner at the computer, I was online with HP trying to get a software issue resolved..finally success. My secure digital card reader is not working, luckily I have another one on my printer. Far Guy says "Maybe the backwoods guy just forgot to hook it up?" Maybe.. Far Guy says he will have a look see..

My old hard drive was like an old friend, I was familiar with him. I knew the in and outs of his moods. This new young guy hard drive..thought he would be a da Vinci screen saver with Fire Fox...that was not happening..he is now an Ocean with Explorer. Eventually I will get him all sorted out..right now his favorites are old guy had folders for favorites all organized into categories.. weather, news, television, my stuff, blogs, photo blogs, cooking blogs, ranch blogs, funny blogs, games, fun places to visit and animal shelters. He had seven years of favorites. He also had many email addresses, now he has only a few. Hopefully all my contacts will email me something and I can grab their address again. If not I guess they are SOL. Far Guy is of no help, he has a few e mail addresses..not many..I am so happy to be away from his disorganized computer.. SHE is a FireFox with HP (The boring one with the beams of light)..she isn't too bright, she will do in a pinch..but let me tell ya she is no lady..:)


  1. Oh no, you have my sympathy, for the computer and the weather. I hope we are done with that white stuff!

  2. OOoh.. how sad that you might have lost all your photos. I do hope you can find someone to salvage them.

    And brrrr! You really are in the deep freeze over there!

  3. I know how you feel about change! I'm still getting used to this new beast and we've been together now for over three weeks. At least I didn't lose my pictures.

  4. Oh, man, that is so sad! Sad! I lost years and years of genealogy research once, it was one of the hardest lessons I learned. I wish I could help you, I really do.


  5. I only lost Februarys Photos and the few photos I took in March. There were a couple of other files I wish I had too..some stories. But I feel fortunate that I backed up my photos when I could have been much worse:)

  6. Sorry for the computer problems and sorry for your horrible weather. We have some 40 degree weather coming all next week. Yay!!!

  7. your minn weather in march sounds a bit like ours in montana :) especially when it again does it in june... i guess you can say "time warp"

    Trust me also, I just had a bout of computer woes... nothing like a crash to get that tummy churning big time. Proverbs 3:5-6 is the only thing that helps methinks :)

    Deep breath and if all else fails, a glass of wine :)

  8. I have my computer backed up by Carbonite, $50.00 a year...I learned about them from listening to Rush, ( I love Rush ) But I think I would hate your weather it would drive me insane. Oh wait, to late.

  9. The snow looks really pretty in the picture. I know it will be a mess in a few days but it's lovely now.

  10. Nothing worse that a computer crash...though that snow doesn't look so good either!
    Sorry you lost everything on the puter Connie...i know what it's like..
    Julia ♥

  11. I know just how you feel when your hard drive crashes and you lose everything. That happened to me a couple of years ago. The "tech" was able to save a few things but not much. We lost all our photos and email addresses. We then bought an external hard drive and I now back-up my hard drive onto the external hard drive at least once a week. That way if the drive in my computer crashes I have at least everything prior to the crash saved. That was a hard lesson to learn.

  12. ONLY 6-8" of the new stuff?? Love your outlook:)))
    Sorry about the stupid computer!! But at least you got some of the old stuff back. These new guys can't hold a candle to the familar, old guys. (yes, that includes farguy)

  13. when mine crashed, we paid for one of those "retrieval" services. We pretty much got everything back.

    If you want to know which one it was, I'll ask my husband


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