Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thirsty Deer

 The deer are thirsty...they could go down to the lake and drink water...instead they empty the birdbaths. 

Caught red handed

I took this photo through the kitchen window...excuse the is a doe and one of her is little and one is big.  They both drank out of the bird bath.  They have also been eating my flowers during the night.

This is the bigger fawn...a male I think ...he is losing his spots. 

Well that was the excitement for yesterday!  

I did some laundry, some odds and ends...ordered groceries, worked on some more cards, and made a pan of lasagna.    Far Guy likes lasagna so some servings went in the was a chilly day so having the oven on felt comforting! It got real near freezing if not freezing early Wednesday morning.

Far Side


  1. Oh my, I am sure the deer think they must be in heaven at your place :)

  2. I love that the wildlife visits your garden so much. Thanks for sharing the experiences of it with us. :)

    I prefer the chilly weather myself, though I know what you mean about having the oven on being comforting on a chilly day.

  3. it got so cold so fast! I always love seeing the deer. I hope you and Far Guy have a great day :)

  4. What a good idea for lasagna! I might make a soup or lasagna dish for this week. We had to turn on the heat here.

  5. Lasagna! Yum! I've tried making it several times & it really was not worth eating. We already got a freeze & the garden is done.

  6. It's crazy to go from so hot to almost freezing in such a short time. It snowed in Colorado! :-)

  7. Those fawns are brave and know they are safe there. The deer always cleaned out the bird feeders and nibbled on various plants around our house too. Since the deer have broken the 2 bird feeders in the backyard we haven't replaced them. So now I notice they pass through, but don't spend as much time hanging out in the yard.

  8. The deer have gone back after my Hosta - - - probably because I have not put coffee grounds out there lately. I believe they are the ones who "dead-headed" my Knock-out Rose Bush a few nights ago, too. It had finally recovered from the invasion of the Beetles - - - bloomed profusely - - - looked gorgeous for about four days and had not a single bloom the next day - - and the flowers weren't on the ground! Oh well - - another summer of man/woman vs poor soil and critters! Life happens. It's time for a new strategy next year.

  9. Those deer! They are eating my tomatoes and the armadillos are back digging up the lawn. It's too hot to mow and too wet in the morning when it's cooler. My shoes and socks got soaked just walking through the grass. I've had it with summer and trying to garden and mow. I may just hire someone and only come outside in the REAL fall and winter! LOL!
    Oh, lasagna sounds good! I'm putting that on my menu along with a crockpot recipe for swiss steak I just saw on allrecipes. I need some comfort/fall food even if it is 88 outside.

  10. Bob the border collie really likes the birdbath water, too. Guess it has some special flavor attractive to animals. It doesn’t always look so appealing to me! I think she is saying thank you to you in the first picture.

  11. Our colder weather is slowing the fires here. Even stopping some. It's very early for this kind of cold. Still it's good because of all the fires. I have the wood stove going now.

  12. I broke down and turned the heat on. Hopefully, I’ll be able to turn it off this weekend.

  13. What sweet deer. I'm sorry they are being mischievious. I have to actually go into Walmart today. My new lenses for my glasses are in and I have to pick them up. It's a bit scary to think of going inside again. Last week I just dropped the prescription and ran, bought that shelf and left, but today I'm going try to find a few things that are always missing on my grocery order. Like cloves and ginger. How can they ALWAYS be out of stock?

  14. The deer are pretty but obviously cause some damage. I hope the frost holds off for you for awhile yet.

    Take care and stay well!

  15. The deer look so cute but I'm sure they can be a problem too. We love lasagna and I love that we can get two or three meals from it! We have had rain all week and I need to buy groceries today. I hate doing that in the rain. Take care you two!

  16. It's getting blessedly cooler here in northern-most Indiana too, praise God! Yes, the water is so much better coming from the bird bath rather than from the lake! *haha* At least that's the word, apparently, going around in the deer community. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  17. Those stinkers! Water and dessert at your place--LOL!
    Hope your trip to town goes well and you can get all your groceries. :)

  18. Freezing sounds good right now. We are heating up to 90 again today, but the east winds have calmed, so hopefully we can get a few more wild fires under control. I wonder how many deer have been lost. We only count the people, and that's adding up.

  19. The water must taste better coming from the birdbath. :) It's a job keeping birdbaths clean and full. I can't imagine how freezing weather would feel right now. It is hot and humid here. Downright sticky and miserable.

  20. It's ok that they drink out of the bird bath but eating your flowers? Shame on them! Lasagna sounds good right now, it's chilly here.

  21. I noticed you were going to be very cold. I think the deer are your new pets. I know for a few years they sold corn for farmers to feed the deer. You would not do that.

  22. Such lovely deers
    Grocery shopping is hit and miss now days

  23. Something is eating my flowers too, and I suspect your deer has wandered over to Michigan.

  24. Always interesting to have deer visit. Ours show up in the night.

  25. oh oh.....they're drinking your birdbath water and eating your flowers! what next? A frost???

  26. I know those deer munch on your flowers but they sure are cute.
    We could do with some of the cooler weather here. Today was another hot one (32C) and tomorrow is not going to be any cooler.

  27. How cool to get deer in your yard. All we get is one skunk. (bleah!)

    Yes, the fires here in Oregon are awful. Portland so far has been spared but the air is thick with smoke. So many of my favorite places to hike have burned. But I'm most sad for the small towns that have burned up and the people who have lost their homes.

  28. There are deer on Molokai which people like to hunt. None here on Oahu where I live.

  29. Well, your home is apparently a tasty place, inside and out!


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