Tuesday, June 2, 2020


I finished off some Wildlife Rescue Nests and got them in the mail to a rehab person in Michigan.

The double stranded nests are getting harder on my bad thumb so this is the last shipment for a bit. They have to be crocheted tightly.  Never fear I have plenty of other charity projects to work on.

I created my own wasp nest crochet pattern.  The pattern on the Internet was really large.  I started at the bottom with a magic circle and worked my way up adding stitches when ever I felt like it.  As you can see I am incapable of doing two nests exactly alike.  I had no beige yarn so I chose this dirty green color from my stash.

They are filled with plastic grocery bags.
I used Mod Podge to help protect them a bit...I figured that way they will last  two years instead of just one.

I hung them over the sink to dry...anchored by drinking glasses and a Loon.
Here they are all dry...I can still add a clear spray sealer to them...I found some in Far Guys stash....but I am not sure it is needed.

We will hang them up and see what happens.  One is going out at the Sauna and the other under the back deck (the scene of last years painful encounter.)

We had an exciting Monday...Far Guy tried to cut his finger off and I tried to faint.  I am absolutely worthless when he is bleeding and in pain...being an former EMT I am not bothered by anyone else bleeding or with gaping  wounds...just my husband.  He thought he might need stitches...instead we used steri strips to seal it up.

I am not feeling much better after the Shingrix Shot last Friday...one day at a time...I had another four hour nap.

Far Side


  1. Sorry to hear you are not feeling quite up to par.
    So do the crocheted wasps nest act as a deterrent for something?

    1. Hopefully the work to discourage wasps from building nests:)

  2. Those nests are neat. I never thought of putting up a fake nest to ward off bees! How neat is that and does it work?
    Hope you feel better and eeeks on the finger!

  3. Your nests are so pretty! I think I'll wait to see if your wasp nests work before I make any....lol! I'm like you....I used to help with autopsies and stuff like that never bothers me unless it is someone I love then I fall apart! LOL! So glad you are both okay! Scary especially at this time of Covid. I am conscious of being careful so I don't hurt myself and require a doctor visit.
    I had no reaction to the shot and she said they are both the same. I was very tires and went to bed early and my arm is sore but other than that I am good to go. Sorry, you have such a hard time. I know others have also. I am really fortunate.....old peasant stock I guess. You 2 take it easy, please!

  4. I like your nests. They are very cute. I know what you mean about you can take someone else bleeding, but not a family member. I am the same way. So glad you both are okay. I got the old shingles vaccine years ago. After all I keep reading and hearing about the new one, I'm not sure if I will get it or not. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. That is one of my biggest fears-that The Mister or I will do something that will lead to an ER or Urgent Care visit. No way. We have one of each in our little county and an every growing case load. I told The Mister just yesterday that if he did something like that I was going to use a needle and thread to sew him up like the old days.
    Those nests are so cool. We need something like that under our deck. They come every year and then sneak up through the cracks to terrorize us all summer and especially in the fall. Araignee

  6. I think I must have missed some posts.... so who is the wildlife person you mail nests to in Michigan? I might be able to help, and I live in Michigan. And what do the wasp nests do? AND I hope you feel lots better soon!!!

    1. I am a Volunteer for Wildlife Rescue Nests here is the link. Wildlife rehabbers requests nests from the organization and volunteers make nests, https://wildliferescuenests.weebly.com/

      The wasp nests are supposed to discourage other wasps from building nests in the area. It is worth a try!

  7. I've been doing some bird watching in our back yard & noticed your nests are really unique & something I had not ever thought about there was a need for. Interesting to add to my bird watching information.

  8. Very interesting! I thought at first you were making crocheted mice. And what nice nests you have made! You never stop. I hope FG will be okay. Ouch!

  9. These look like they should be made in red with green caps on them - strawberries!

  10. I realized I have missed several of your posts, so I just went back to catch up. That was some shot reaction you had.
    funny about fainting over blood. I can usually help someone else who is bleeding, but I faint over my own blood. I hope FG heals well.
    When you first wrote about making wast nest, I Googled and read about them. Apparently lots of people make them, so they must work.

  11. I hope they work really well. Brilliant idea whoever came up with it if it keeps them away.
    I hope FarGuys cut heals well. Scary!!
    Sorry you aren't feeling much better. Rest and heal. :)

  12. Clever idea! Hope Far Guy heals quickly. One of my girlfriends spent most of her career as an ER nurse who was always praised for being calm and collected. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I've seen her in the ER in action. Very calm. Until one of her kids was involved. He came to the ER with Legos in his nose, so nothing life-threatening. But I guess she freaked out and shocked her coworkers who had never seen her panic before. She laughs now when she tells that story.

  13. GNce you were able to finish and send out more nests, and sort out those fake wasp nests too. Sorry about you not being recovered from your shot yet, and about Far Guy's finger... Hope you're soon both on the mend.

  14. OH! MY! GOSH! I agree with you, it is terribly hard to see our husbands blood. I love your nests. You are a most creative person.

  15. If a simple paper bag is effective, I’m sure the crocheted nests will keep the wasps away for more than one season.

  16. Glad to hear stitches were not required for Far Guy's injury. Sorry to hear you're not feeling particularly well, hopefully this will pass soon.

    I love the bird's nests and I've never heard of the wasp nests. Hope they work!

  17. I wonder if wasps see in color. Green is close to gray so maybe they won’t notice! Will you wait to hang them until you see them starting to build? The birds’ nests are so cute and I’m sure will be quite cozy for their inhabitants. Glad you were able to patch up Far Guy’s cut without a trip to town for stitches. You better replenish the supply of steri strips quick before he starts another project.

  18. Well, I'm sure glad FG didn't succeed in cutting off his finger. Years ago my DH did succeed in cutting off the first 2 or 3 inches of his and he can attest to the fact that's no fun at all. Maybe being left-handed has something to do with it because he has come in many times dripping blood and mostly we just bandage it here at home and hope for the best.
    A few years ago I bought a fake wasp nest that was suppose to keep other wasps away. It didn't work.

  19. I have been thinking of trying to use paper bags as the hornet nests. You will have to let me know how these work!

  20. Four hour nap is almost a good nights sleep.

  21. The nests are great, Iliked this post

  22. Oh my gosh, what news coming from your place today. Love the wildlife nests and aren't those wasp nests interesting....sure hope they work. So sorry about far guy almost cutting off his finger...glad you were able to help him. You were an EMT....that's awesome! Thanks for your always interesting blog!

  23. Interesting on the wasps nests, will be curious if it works :) Ouch, that isn't fun Far Guy!!

  24. Thank you for showing us how you made the wasp nests. I have never heard of doing that so it's a good thing to learn. I sure hope Far Guy's finger is better. I hope he is not on blood thinners. Tom is on them and also very clutzy at times and scares me to death. Those things really make you bleed. I hope you are feeling better too. Aren't naps wonderful!

  25. I love the idea of crocheted nests for the wildlife, Connie. How wonderful! And I hope your bee hives work as a deterrent. I hope you feel better soon too, from that vaccination. Sometimes those things make us feel so poorly! Love, Andrea xoxo

  26. Great nests and wasp hives too. I didn't know you used to be an EMT. I'm glad you had the ability to help Far Guy so he didn't have to go anywhere and possibly be infected. I was always calm when I worked in the ER too. I cleaned up LOTS of messes that never bothered me. Unless it's one of my own kids or husband. If one of them is upchucking, I"m right beside them. If it's their blood, I almost pass out. What is it with that anyway?
    I'm sorry you're still feeling so poorly from the shot. I'm really thinking twice about getting them. I wonder if shingles are actually worse than the shot? Ha!

  27. Well, I'm glad you two didn't try any harder ;)

    1. I didn't read it that way the first time , but that is funny.:)

  28. I'm pleased you could fix Far Guy up without going to ED. I'm afraid I don't handle blood very well, whoever it is. Mxx

  29. My husband did that once; cut his finger badly when a zip cut blade broke and he came staggering to the house- he can't stand the sight of his own blood. I tried to get him in the truck to take him to the hospital for stitches but he collapsed in the hallway and I couldn't get him up. So I called the ambulance. He still has trouble with that finger when it gets cold. Glad you had the training to deal with the cut even though it freaked you!

  30. tried to cut his finger off and you tried to faint....made me grin ..even thought I am sure it was serious...


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