Saturday, March 16, 2024

St Urho's Day


In Menahga Minnesota there will be the Changing of the Guard at noon and shortly after that a parade on Main Street.  We have seen that parade in warm weather and with a snow bank down the center of the street.  Finlanders and wanna be Finlanders will be there celebrating St Urho as he chased the pesky grasshopper off of the grapes or so the legend goes...

Sadly we will miss the parade and all the doings this weekend. 

Far Guy is hanging in there, he is spending more time upright and walking around which makes him very tired. 

The parade in 2014

Happy St Urho's Day to you all.  I heard that a news station out of Fargo was doing a story on Menahga Minnesota this weekend. 

Far Side


  1. Until I started reading your blog, I'd never heard of St Urho!

  2. I didn't know about this event until you enlightened me years ago. I know you will be doing the right thing by staying home today. Best wishes for the weekend, hoping FG is feeling stronger soon.

  3. More upright is definitely good!!! Tired is expected. So thankful you see the improvement as well as recognizing the road of recovery still ahead.
    You have posted about St. Urho's Day every year and I love it. I never have heard of it reported anywhere else. Things that are normal legends in some areas are not familiar to many of us. It's like when I mention feeling like Rip Van Winkle because time seemed to accelerate when I was asleep. It is a NY legend that takes place in the Catskills near where I grew up.

  4. Happy St Urho's Day! May the memories of previous celebrations bring you joy, and watch out on Sunday that you don't get pinched. :-)

  5. Sorry you will miss the parade and fun this year.

    Not feeling well sucks. Far Guy will get there. Slow and steady wins the race. Hang in there.

  6. Even though I grew up in Minnesota, I had never heard of St Urho's Day until I began reading your blog years ago. A fun interesting celebration of the immigrants of Finland.

  7. Happy St. Uhro to you. Sorry you have to miss all the fun, but getting better is more important than having fun.

  8. Sitting upright and walking around some sounds like progress. Although, I'm sure it's not fast enough for FarGuy

  9. I always find your tales of the the parade fun to read. It's more important for Far Guy to get better and I know you know that. :-) I'm glad he's upright more and more. I know how frustrated Dennis would be and so I commiserate with you in keeping him content and happy while recovering. Gotta be able to get that car to the shows this summer.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Before I started following your blog, I’d never heard of Urho. You have educated me about other things as well. Maybe you can go home soon and enjoy your own space.

  11. tings have to be tough when it keeps a good Finn from a parade.

  12. Far Guy is progressing, that is good news. I spent up with an ill wife last night and she will recover but it usually is very slow. I need someone to get rid of spiders around here.

  13. I was wondering where in MN you lived. I have been through that area a few times. Perham, Dent, Fergus while hunting and visiting friends. Very nice area!

  14. I had never heard of St. Urho or seen the statue in Menagha until I got hooked up with a Finlander in the 80s--lol! Never did see the parade though.

    Glad FarGuy is able to be up and about a little at a time. Slow improvements are a test of our patience, that's for sure. But improvements are fantastic--however slow.

  15. I don't think I have ever heard of St. Urho. I need to read up on this. I'm sure it would be interesting .

  16. They're going to miss you guys at the parade....maybe next year.


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