Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Progress is slow

 Far Guy is much better than he was.  However I have witnessed respiratory distress many times with him, he can be fine one minute and struggling the next.  He says he is weak as a newborn kitten.   I remind him that he is stronger than he was a few days ago.  

I am finally getting some rest, I do not listen to his breathing constantly...I am not waking up every time he coughs or takes a deep breath.

So there is progress just a tad slow.

Flowers last summer.

Far Side


  1. I know that feeling of sleeping with one ear open.

    It is pretty stressful and hopefully your rest will get easier and easier.

  2. Good to hear that Far Guy is feeling better and you're getting some rest.

  3. That has to be so hard for you to see him struggling like that. Hopefully he gets his strength back soon.

  4. It must be frustrating for FG as he wants to get out and play. I'm sure he will be doing that soon. I hope and pray, anyway.

  5. It's wonderful that he IS getting better though. I can only imagine how scary it is for you. I'm also glad that you're getting your rest too. That's important or you'll be back down with a bug too. Praying for you both every day.
    Blessinga and hugs,

  6. Very glad to hear this report that you see progress. So sorry that he still has the distress at time. That is scary and takes more of his energy but at least he is still moving forward. Flu and pneumonia are both wicked, evil things.

  7. Glad Far Guy is feeling better at the moment.

  8. It's tough being a care giver.

  9. Progress, even slow progress is what you want to see. I feel bad for him, and you. You are a strong person.

  10. I'm glad he's making progress, but sure understand how frustrated with that progress being slow. And glad you are finally getting some rest too. Hang in there!!

  11. Hoping he is gaining strength each day. I know that with all the pollen it is so very hard on those who have upper respiratory problems. Continued prayers for him ... glad you are getting some rest as well. Care takers have to take care of themselves as well. Beautiful flowers!

  12. I hope things get better and easier.

  13. Hope he’ll be working on his car again soon. Things he enjoys…

  14. Any progress is good--no matter how slow. :) :)
    Glad you are able to sleep a bit better, too.

  15. That is good news! Looking forward to seeing you two this late spring - summer!

  16. Sounds like you're both getting more rest! That's good. I will continue my prayers for both of you.

  17. Good to know that Far Guy is getting better! And you can finally get some real rest.

  18. The older we get the longer it takes to heal. Hopefully each day he will feel better and each night you will sleep sounder.

  19. I'm so sorry he is struggling. It must be so scary for both of you. Being elderly is no fun. I've heard that before and now I'm living it. Sigh.


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