Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A different craft

 Quilting without sewing is what daughter Jen said. 

Yes but at the end you have to sew down the strips.  So I will just remain an assistant!

I helped her create this piece of art this week.  Mosaic fabric art.

The design is drawn on the paper...then you apply some kind of paper with sticky stuff onto fabric, then you cut the fabric into a million strips, pull the backing off and apply the strips to the design.  I was a stripper...ya know pulling the backing off and I designed those mountains off to the left...the ones that look like pointy boobs.  When the pattern is completely covered you hang it in front of the patio door to see what areas you missed.  Then it is pressed ...the iron heat activates the sticky stuff on each small piece of fabric, then Jen sewed straight lines all over the piece.  It is quite a large piece even if it looks small on the floor.  Andy will make a frame for it and it will be for sale at Flippin Happy Home. 

Far Guy had a pretty good day yesterday, and he has a Doctor's appointment today. 

Far Side


  1. Great - wonderful work.
    Something like that makes me happy to see and fun.
    How nice that you could join in. And yes, there is a lot of work behind it.
    Lots of love to you from Viola
    Thank you to you... I'm busy sewing right now too... Hug.

  2. That is unique artwork! Your daughter is quite talented to be making things like this!

    I can't imagine trying to put something like this together without a lot of whoopsies!

  3. Thanks for the update. I am glad to hear FG is continuing to get better.

  4. That is beautiful and very interesting! I wonder if that is how the artwork hangings are done at the Sanford Hospital, they are beautiful also!

  5. It's lovely, but I can understand how all those narrow little strips of fabric would be a lot of work. Having 2 sets of hands was probably a fun way to do it. I think it's a terrific result.

  6. It's lovely! What an interesting craft.

    Best wishes to Far Guy at the Dr's. appointment. I hope it is better news.

  7. You and Jen make an amazing crafting team! It is beautiful and definitely labor intensive - - but you all completed it! So very, very happy to hear FG had a good day, It had to be encouraging to him, too.

  8. That looks like a lot of work. How was your day as a stripper? :) I'm so pleased FG is on the mend.

  9. Beautiful piece! I haven’t seen anything like it in this area.

  10. I love the picture. It’s labor intensive I can tell.

  11. OK. Wow! I don't think I'll be trying that quilting process.
    Kind of amazing.

  12. Well, that is really neat, and unusual. I've been sitting here enjoying many of your posts I've missed. Still don't know how you post something interesting every day! Hope Far Guy is feeling much better.

  13. WOW! That is beautiful. I can't imagine the amount of work that would take. You obviously did well as a stripper. :-) Jen has a multitude of talents, just like her parents. I'm glad to hear Far Guy is continuing to do better every day.

  14. Nice, not something I could do for many reasons

  15. That's really, really cool. I'm sure it will sell right away. Glad Far Guy is doing pretty good!

  16. Very interesting piece. The pointy boob mountains made me laugh!

  17. Sounds like a lot of work, but it is beautiful! Great job you guys!

  18. Hadn't heard of this before. It really turned out nicely!
    Glad FarGuy is feeling better.
    I chuckled at the boob mountains, too! lol!

  19. That is pretty darn cool! How unique!

  20. I've never seen this before, but it is very interesting. Looks like it might take a lot of patience and time. Beautiful piece of art and very unique.

  21. That is so interesting how it is made! I've never seen or heard of anything like it. It turned out beautiful. It's sort of like how I apply wool applique and then stitch it down. Fascinating. Sounds like you were a big help.

  22. I came with the intent of looking for anything like this, then one of the things I saw mentioned Far Guy, about going out to eat so am scrolling back through to see what has happened.

    This is wonderful art!


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