Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 Our Great - Granddaughter Cee Cee was 4 on Sunday.   She had a trampoline park party with Aunts and Uncles present.  Afterwards they had pizza and cake. 

Photo stolen from her Mom's facebook page.
Looks like she had a good time!  She got a bike from her Aunts!  That balloon creation was something special! 
We were not able to attend the party but will ask her over to retrieve her gift when Far Guy feels all better. 

Far Side


  1. They grow up so fast don't they?

  2. Awww I can't believe how fast they grow up! I know 4 isn't grown up yet, but man...so fast!

    I'm sure she will be happy to see you guys when FG feels up to it!

  3. Amazing to realize it's been four years already! She's sure a cutie.

  4. Sounds like the perfect party for a 4 year old! She looks thrilled with all of those balloons too.
    Hope improvement is happening on the health front too.
    Blessings and love,

  5. Those are some fun-looking balloons! Who remembers being four? Hmmmm.

  6. Cute picture. Looks like she had a good time for her birthday.

  7. She is adorable! I hope you will see her soon.

  8. Four already! Wow!
    I hope she will see you guys soon. :)

  9. Four years old already. A great age to really enjoy her birthday party, and yes, that balloon creation IS really something.

  10. Cee Cee looks pretty thrilled to be 4.
    That balloon creation is quite something 🎈🎈🎈🎈

  11. So cute...4? Already? It seems like she was just a baby yesterday! She looks like Mikey. Sounds like she had a humdinger of a birthday!

  12. Great excitement for Great Grandma and the birthday girl.

  13. Great grandchild. We are probably a decade or so away from that, I hope we too someday will have great grandchildren!

  14. She's so cute!! Happy birthday Ce-Ce!!


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