Thursday, March 28, 2024


 The winter storm went South of us.   It was a big ta - do about nothing. 

Here is the lawn before the big bad three day storm.

There was still a bit of ice in the neighbors lawn.

After the big storm.

The sun came out and it warmed up...and poof all the snow is now it looks like the first photo again. 

Far Guy had an appointment with his Pulmonary Doctor.  She says it will take a long time to get back to normal...many, many weeks.   So he should be patient... 

One day at a time. 

Far Side


  1. Patience is the worst medicine. Easy to prescribe, but SO hard to take.

  2. I guess the slow healing process would be expected, but I'm certain it is frustrating for Far Guy. Hoping for small improvements every day.
    We're expecting snow tonight into Friday. I hope it is like your storm.

  3. I may have mentioned before that oftentimes men have to hear what the professionals say before they will believe something. All who know him - - some of us through the blog - - are very thankful he came out of the hospital and is improving. I know he may be discouraged at the slow rate of recovery but hopefully he is still able to enjoy something he likes to do each day.

  4. We got what missed you! Patience, how is FG handling that?

  5. Since the storm was a Colorado low , it has now got here. A Colorado low blows in from the east and since elevation increases the air cools and we get precipitation.

  6. I’d be glad that storm missed your town. Every storm here they make a big deal. They take over the local channels with constant talking. I guess it’s good for where it hits, but it’ll be completely south of me and I miss Jeopardy. That’s about the only tv show I like. Last year after griping, I found the next day homes were destroyed down south. I felt selfish and foolish about my” me, me” attitude!

  7. Good that the snow missed you. Didn't miss me down here tho. Whew!! We got just over a foot. But kudos to the plows that got on it when they could.

    Goodnight Gram

  8. Even though we got more than you did most all of it poofed away down here, too. Only the drifts and piles from the plows were left. It kind of missed us, too, south of you.
    So glad FarGuy is recovering well. Patience is a hard thing to deal with. I'm still recovering from the cancer treatments and it's been over a year now. Even if it takes a couple months for FarGuy--however long it takes--it is worth the wait! I hope he feels better sooner than expected! :)

  9. Far Guy can borrow my key word for the year.... patience....
    Glad you didn't get much snow, it's kind of depressing to get heavy snow in the spring. It's snowing here at the moment, just when everything was starting to melt.

  10. Same here...but ours was rain. we did get rain but most of it was South of us. Having patience is not that easy when you are the one feeling bad. Maybe he needs about 10 good days of warm sunshine to help. Prayers that he continues to improve.

  11. I'm sure it's hard to be patient.

  12. Patience can be sooooo frustrating.
    Those look like the "winter storms" we have had this year.

  13. And if went north of us! I'm very happy and will be celebrating tomorrow by planting more of my garden.

  14. We had more snow that that! And it was gone the next day. I'm sorry that it will take so long for Far Guy to feel better. I guess it's to be expected but I'm sure it's still frustrating for all of you.

  15. For People who like to GO FAST being patient is HARD!!!

  16. Patience is a difficult prescription.
    Good for you but not so good for whoever got your storm.

  17. Nice that the snow didn't linger, after all, it's almost April!

  18. I think I would rather have the "poof" of the near miss than the snow this time of year. I am ready for spring!

  19. Too funny about the "before and after" pictures of the big storm. At least Spring and sunshine and warm temps are on the way which hopefully will aid in his healing.


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