Thursday, March 14, 2024

Impatient patient

Far Guy is getting a tad impatient with himself.   He is taking his meds, eating well, drinking fluids and resting.  Things are just not moving fast enough for him.

I have to remind him that he is elderly now...that went over like a lead balloon. 

He has two appointments for his Infusion and then a Doctors appointment for the follow up after his hospitalization. I hope they both go well. 


My climbing roses before they froze out after a brutal Minnesota winter. 

Far Side


  1. I hope you are both wearing masks when you go out. There are a lot of germs out there!

  2. Oh Far Guy! You need to accept that it will take a long time to get over such a serious illness. My husband was in hospital twice recently and he is still taking things very slowly. Because he has to. It’s only sensible. Please be careful.

  3. It's a good sign that he's impatient to get better, isn't it? Sending more healing energy.

  4. Sounds like a great report on your husband! Definitely much better than a week ago. Hoping for good visits today, also. Your rose is beautiful.

  5. Praying for a good follow-up visit and infusion treatment. I can just imagine his reaction to the elderly comment. Dennis doesn't like being reminded that we aren't 30 any more either! :-)

  6. I could only imagine, I too would make a horrible patient!

  7. Beautiful rose. I'm surprised the deer didn't get to it first. Looks similar to the Canadian Explorer series "William Baffin" I left behind at our old place.

    Hope your Far Guy has a favorable appointment day!

  8. I hope both of his appointments go well.
    Patients are not always patient. :)

  9. I'm sure it's frustrating for him to be patient. But it definitely takes time. My grandson was very sick with Influenza A a couple of weeks ago, and I noticed he still gets worn out more quickly than usual and hasn't gained back the weight he lost when he didn't feel like eating or drinking. It's a slow process even for young people.

  10. I have a sick man here - not as serious as Far Guy, but from the way he's whining, you'd think so. I'm trying to keep him on the couch, doing nothing, but he doesn't have the patience for that!

  11. It's hard to be elderly---I know. Prayers for a faster recovery

  12. It sounds like Far Guy is improving enough to be impatient! I was once a rose grower, I love this rose photo. Mine have all succumbed to the weather over the years.

  13. Men are the worst patients! There is a reason that the word is patients.... because that's what it takes to heal!

  14. If he's that impatient, he must be feeling better, but regaining his strength will take a while, I guess. I'ts good that he will be seeing the doctor.

  15. I hope those appointments go well.
    Is there any hope that your climbing roses will let out new growth given time?

  16. Aging isn't for the young but it does come to all of us at some point

  17. An impatient patient is a motivated patient. Go Far Guy! (Just don't overdo.)

  18. Fingers crossed that all goes well today.

  19. Sure praying that all went well for far guy today with his two appointments. Hope you're doing better too! Prayers for both of you folks.

  20. I hope the appointments went well too. we are struggling over here, husband is still fighting side effects from Keytruda. And now from the drugs fighting the side effects. It's hard.

  21. When my hubby was referred to a 'Geriatric Physiatrist' he was rather upset.
    However, her specialty was dealing with elders that had many health issues.

    It isn't fun being labeled Elderly, but there we are.


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