Sunday, March 3, 2024


 My Mother was a maker of quilts. I took nine of my quilts to the church, but I still had a few in use at home. 

The quilt on the right is made from my fathers shirts, she made four of them one for each of us.  She was finishing the bindings on the last two when she took a turn for the cousin Wilma took them home and finished the bindings for Mom. 

Far Guy is a tad bit better today, I am still exhausted.  

Far Side


  1. The quilts are lovely, and so special. Such a lovely tribute.
    Take care.

  2. Stunning!
    I have a small quilt my grandmother made for me out of my grandfather's old wool pants. Perfect little woolen squares with a backing of soft felt. These she made for me to take to college.

    So yeah, I still have it.

    These ae amazing.

  3. The quilts are beautiful. Did you take them to the church just for her celebration of life or will they stay there?
    Exhausted is understandable. I believe young people experience that for up to ten days with flu recovery. We are young plus at this point. Thankful Far Guy is a tad bit better. That is a step in the right direction. Baby steps are better than no steps - - even crawling works when a person has been so sick.

  4. Oh. My. She was a maker of quilts. From the look of these, very nice quilts. I'm pleased FG is better, now on to your better health.

  5. Minute by minute! My prayers are with the both of you.

  6. Lynda, The quilts were there for her visitation and the celebration of life the next day, then we took them home.

  7. What beautiful quilts! My grandmother was a maker of quilts too and they are such a treasure to have. Love the idea of the shirt quilt. Glad Far Guy is feeling better and praying that you soon will be to.

  8. Cool way to display quilts. There's a lot of work to make quilts. I remember Grandma and her daughter in laws making quilts.

  9. My cousins did something similar when my aunt died. They displayed all of her crochet afghans, tablecloths, bedspreads, etc. it was beautiful and wonderful.

  10. Your Mom made some amazing quilts. The one made using your Dad's shirts is so special.
    I hope you regain your strength soon.

  11. Your Mom's quilts are so beautiful. How blessed you all are to have them to remember her by. And it's wonderful that she was able to quilt right up until she got so ill. We went to church this morning for the first time in two weeks. We left after Sunday school two weeks ago because I had started coughing. I'm sure it was influenza that we had. I'm still really short of breath with an pulse oxygen level of 93 which isn't great. Dennis is still coughing too but we're feeling much better, just tired. I've been hearing of people all over town with the flu. Not fun.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. I enjoy looking at quilts, and have even made a few, but I think the memory quilts, made from shirts or other personal clothing, are the most precious.
    Keep getting better, both of you.

  13. These are so precious! Glad your cousin could finish off the ones your mom was almost finished with. Hope you are both well soon. :)

  14. Great looking quilts! Thinking of you.

  15. The skill and art of making a quilt like these is if not lost becoming lost can't see many of the youth of todaymaking quilts

  16. Look at all those beautiful quilts! I was thinking of making a quilt out of Jim's shirts and after seeing the one she did from your Dad's shirts, I think I will. Please take care of yourself!

  17. The quilts look lovely in the church, and such a wonderful tribute to your mom. I’ve been to one funeral with quilts displayed like this. And at my MIL’s funeral we had her final quilt draped on her coffin.

  18. Glad to hear that far guy is making a little improvement but worried about you! Hope you can get enough rest to start feeling a bit better too. Prayers going up for all of you!

  19. Beautiful quilts. You will always have a piece of your mother with you

  20. All the quilts are just such stunning examples of love. So precious and what a gift to your friends and family to feature them. I hope both you and Far Guy are feeling better soon.

  21. The display of the quilts is such a great tribute. She was so creative and hardworking. I like the quilt with your dad's shirt.

  22. Beautiful quilts. I love them and I do have a few, but we did not have any quilt makers in our family. Your mom was certainly a talented lady. quilt making is a big thing in our area....guess I need to learn to make one.


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