Monday, March 18, 2024


 I finally caught up with the Thank you cards from my Mother's funeral.  I ran out of the normal cards that the funeral home supplied us with (250 cards), so I watercolored some of my own.  After my siblings and I met to do the original cards from the visitation and funeral, each of us has been in charge of sending out thank you cards to cards we each receive in the mail

I appreciated all the cards and notes I got from blog readers.  It is nice to know that people care enough to send a card. 

Far Guy had a quiet day Sunday, no huge improvements, but no going backwards either.  I still have a lingering cough and fatigue.  But with my Arthritis fatigue is normal.  Interesting fact to note when I was on antibiotics for a UTI for ten days I had no Arthritis the back, neck, left hip, left knee and left ankle pain is back. 

Far Side


  1. Wow, 250! You mother must have been loved. I would be lucky if 25 people showed up for my funeral. Hope things continue to improve for Far Guy!

  2. Sorry your pain is back, but glad to hear that FG is stable and hopefully slowly getting better.

  3. Good to se that thankyou cards are being sent.

  4. Your watercolor cards are beautiful. Anyone who receives one will appreciate the work of art. Thank you for the card and funeral program. I really enjoyed learning even more about your Mom's life.
    I'm sorry that you're still not up to parr. This stuff isn't fun. Dennis and I both still have sinus things going on from when we were sick weeks ago.
    Praying for Far Guy each and every day, usually several times a day.

  5. Just love that flowers in a jar stamp. So pretty.
    That is weird that you didn't have the usual aches and pains when you were on antibiotics. Makes you wonder why.
    Glad FarGuy is gradually feeling better. Hope you both have a wonderful week. 

  6. The flowers in the Mason jar remind me of my Mom. Just like your Mom, she loved flowers and grew as many as she could. Happy to hear you and FarGuy are making steady progress back to good health.

  7. Your cards are just stunningly beautiful! You are an amazing artist. I'm glad Far Guy is not going backwards. Maybe a little spot to rest some then more healing will occur.

  8. Your mom was obviously a valued person and loved by many. Stable is much better than regressing for FG. Interesting about the antibiotics.

  9. You and your family are so good at sending's very much appreciated on this end too. Glad Far Guy is moving forward albeit slowly. Isn't RS fun? Not! Between RA and old age I'm amazed we're even able to get out of bed in the morning! Take care...all of you. I hope Jen is still healthy and that Andy is feeling better. You sure have had more than your share! I hope that is the end of it for awhile.

  10. Dealing with pain is such a pain! Me too!

  11. Very interesting that the antibiotic took away the pain. Too bad it came back though. I hope both of you are on the mend.

  12. I don't know of anyone else who sends thank you cards for receiving cards. Your rural Minnesota community customs are wonderful.

  13. I find it sad that the younger generations don't get the whole sending cards thing, I am a firm believer in sending cards

  14. The folks who get a water color card are the luckiest.

  15. I know that doctors do not understand the relationship between RA and antibiotics. I wonder sometimes if your RA is some sort of weird infection right?

    Not that it relates to you, but I know that a lot of movements to my aching joints actually help improve the pain. AND I understand each of us are unique so what works for one won't help the other.

    I sure hope you guys feel better.
    This has been a tough winter for you.

    Spring Solstice is tomorrow!

  16. Wow, that is a lot of cards to send out. It's a tribute to your mother. Interesting about the antibiotic.

  17. Very interesting about the antibiotics and arthritis pain. I am sure you will mention that to the RA doctor. My guess is it is not something you could do all the time because your body could get antibiotic resistant but maybe a lower dose for a few days monthly or quarterly might help? I love that you are in tune with your body and know what works and what doesn't and when symptoms change. You do the same for your sweet husband, too.

    Your cards are so beautiful. You have a great eye for colors.

  18. That is so interesting that your pain went away while you were on the antibiotics. Wish they could figure out a way to keep you pain free forever. Hope far guy continues to improve.
    Saying a prayer for both of you these days!

  19. Sometimes I feel like a truck ran over me, a big truck. I find the winter to be worse for this. I do know the pain does make you tired. My intended card still hasn't been sent. Sorry. I like your watercolor cards. They remind me of a painting I did many years ago of daffodils in a jar like that. The warm days and then the cold wind chill days are tough on me.

  20. My beautiful card arrived in the mail yesterday. It's currently displayed on my desk as those may be the only flowers I see for awhile. We're expecting a little winter to show up again in the next few days.

    How interesting that the antibiotics took away that arthritis pain. Too bad antibiotics have their own side effects so often. Hope you're both continuing along that road to recovery.


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