Saturday, March 2, 2024

He's Home

 I picked up Far Guy at the hospital yesterday when they finally released him mid afternoon.  He is weak and will have to slowly build his stamina up again.  It all takes time.  Recovering from Influenza A and Pneumonia doesn't happen overnight.  I think they may have released him a bit early...but Jen and I have four eyes on him.   He is very discouraged...patience is not one of his endearing qualities. 

One day at a time.  If that doesn't work try an hour or if you have to minute by minute.

Far Side


  1. That is so true, it took my hubby about 6 weeks to recover somewhat from a cold.

    I'm glad he is back home with you guys, it is such a better environment.

  2. I do hope being home with family will help Far Guy feel better. No nurses waking him up in the middle of the night for vitals, etc.

    Thinking of both of you. Take care.

  3. Very thankful he is tough and has improved to the point to be with you all at home. A long recovery is discouraging as most our ages know. However his outlook will hopefully look up with the good food you all cook and the companionship of sweet Sadie - - - as well as you all, of course!

  4. I'm glad Far Guy is home again where he can get the BEST care. Patience is not a virtue most guys have. Dennis and his hand has been a prime example over the past 9 months. :-) I'll keep on praying for you all.
    Blessings and love,

  5. Yay for being home and more so for having four loving watchful eyes!

  6. Good that Far Guy is home and that he has people to look after him.

  7. Far Guy is in good hands. Sometimes it is minute by minute.

  8. Continuing prayers for his and your recovery. Sleep is sometimes the best medicine.

  9. Well being home is good

  10. I have no doubt that you and Jen will keep a sharp eye on Far Guy. You and FarGuy both need rest and some TLC.

  11. I am so glad he is home. Even if he wishes he was better faster, I do think people recover better at home. I hope you both rest and sleep as much as possible and get well soon.

  12. Sending best wishes for a smooth recovery ( i.e. no setbacks).

  13. Even when I was young, recovering from pneumonia was a slow process. Hoping you are both blessed with patience.

  14. You look after yourself, as well. All the best.

  15. It is miserable. Sometimes the nights and days are all just one clump of feeling bad. I hope some things can start to change for him.

  16. You are so right Connie! Patience is needed in getting well. So glad you brought far guy home and now to get him all well again. Will keep praying. Hope you're starting to feel a bit better too!

  17. So glad he is home and has four eagle eyes on him. It's hard to be sick and need so much time to recover. I'm praying for you both.

  18. Well, hopefully he'll get better rest at home. Sigh... Glad you are feeling better.

  19. The older we get the longer it takes to heal. It's not like when you're young. God bless you all and so glad he is home with the best caretakers! I hope you and Maddie are feeling better.

  20. It’s good that he’s home, and hopefully will follow orders so he keeps recovering. Same for you - make sure you take care of YOU too. Jen probably is keeping a good eye on both of you.


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