Monday, January 29, 2024

Weekend Stuff

Saturday I did a bunch of laundry, cleaned a bathroom and crocheted.  Noah joined us for a early supper/late lunch at the Blue Moose.  It was good to catch up with him over a meal.  

We had a quiet day Sunday, everyone is back home after meetings and weekend get aways.   Sadie is much happier with everyone at home. 

Far Guy and I did some grocery shopping and some more laundry.  We picked up Pizza from Papa Murphys and that was supper on Sunday.  

Our weather has turned warmer.  It was 35 F or 2 C eh yesterday...nice! 

Sweet Peas with raindrops, photo taken years ago one Summer day.

Far Side


  1. Our weather is scary warm. Supposed to get up to 60°F today, in January!

  2. My weekend sounds about like yours, warmer weather, pizza from Dominos, laundry, visiting with brother-in-law & wife.

  3. It is getting towards the end of January and I am thinking about flower gardens too!

    Those sweet peas are so pretty!

  4. Your Sunday was busier than mine but our temperature was warmer than yours. We reached a balmy 4C(39F). It's isn't supposed to be quite that warm today but warmer still tomorrow. Weird weather for January.

    Lovely photo of the sweet pea. They always remind me of my mom who grew them in the garden every year.

  5. After that week of excessive cold, we have the warmer than normal temps too. What a WEIRD winter this has been. I never left the house this weekend, although that wasn't the original plan. I'm in danger of becoming a recluse. LOL

  6. I had a similar day. In my case, I hung up freshly laundered clothes, repaired a bathroom (handle lever on the inside snapped in half on the toilet) and made three pizzas for supper, cheese, crab Rangoon and loaded baked potato.

  7. Heh, it's going to get better for you in the weather Dept. We had plus 8 here yesterday. We get 3 more days of above normal temp.

  8. I've got some sweet pea seeds for this year. I've never had luck with them, but I'm hoping to change that!

  9. The sun is finally shining here. still cool, but at least we have sunshine. It is nice to have a good quite Sunday...we had one of those as well...Watched the "Chief's" Win....and watched more football. Patrick Mahomes is from our area and is great friend of my nephew. The flower is so pretty with the raindrops on it. I'm ready to see some of these beauties popping out. Enjoy your week..

  10. From extra cold to melting away. At least the ice is basically gone.
    I bet Sadie would love a full house--lol! ;)

  11. I like peaceful weekends....they're supposed to be restful.

  12. Pretty flowers and I am out of clean shorts I am stuck wearing my pj's bottoms as shorts but at least I don't have to go out

  13. We broke a long-standing record today, 50 F. January. Really? I have green grass. You had a busy weekend.

  14. I went to the dentist today while Tom did housework. I got the laundry done. Tom worked in the yard this afternoon. I got a workout on the stationary bike. Tom is loving this warm weather but is going to ruin the livelihood of the mountain ski resort people.

  15. We're having an unusually warm week too. It was 10C (50F) this morning.

  16. The sweetpeas are gorgeous, and what a lovely way to remember summer :)

  17. We are having very similar temps. We are melting off a lot of snow now. I is great to see one grandson.


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