Sunday, January 21, 2024


 Our Amaryllis bloomed!  We were all excited to see it. 

So far there are three blooms but I think there is a fourth one tucked in there. 

Such a pretty thing on a cold Winter day.

Far Side


  1. This is a great gift. The wait makes the bloom prettier.

  2. My thought exactly, so pretty and it brightens up the winter!

  3. I would love to have this in my house! So pretty.

  4. Beautiful! I don't think mine is going to bloom - Dave kept moving it from the counter by the window (he said it was in his way - it wasn't) and now the green is turning brown around the edges.

  5. I Love winter blooms!! They always life the heart!

  6. So pretty! I hope your bulb experiment works so you can have even more blooms this winter.

  7. It is just gorgeous to see on these cold days--yes!!

  8. That is so beautiful and what a great gift you received. Very interesting how you explained waxing the bulbs. That is a clever idea.

  9. Amaryllis are tough to raise. Good for you for getting the blooms.

  10. It's a white one!!! I wondered what colour it would turn out to be. Pretty 💚

  11. It's beautiful. The white is just as elegant as the red ones.

  12. They are beautiful blooms. I keep saving my bulbs and eventually they just die out and don't bloom again. I will keep watching for more blooms.

  13. I've been following your Amaryllis adventure and have enjoyed your success, but I do have a question: do they have a strong scent? I forced hyacinths in water for a few years but discovered I couldn't stop sneezing after they bloomed.

  14. How beautiful! I love the white!

  15. So pretty! Something to enjoy on these cold winter days!

  16. Aren't they just something!!! Did you see my red ones?


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