Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Great Stuff

 The Greats visited here today after daycare/school.  They like pickles...and bananas.  Of course we have fruit snacks on hand all the time and Tootsie Roll Pop suckers for the road. 

Ree has her first tooth and has almost conquered sitting up by herself...she still has a round butt.  She is smiley and sometimes happy even though she is teething. 

I helped Jen with an art project.  It was Sadie's day at daycare....rumor has it that there are four Goldens there about her age and they keep each other running all day so she is exhausted when she gets home.   It is a day off for Little Elvis. 

Far Guy warmed up left overs for supper.  

The art project, hopefully I will get a photo of it when it is finished.  Can you guess what it is?

Far Side


  1. I've seen sound dampening panels that are made from various colors of wood blocks but I'm guessing it is some sort of mural and the colored blocks are just large pixels.

  2. Pickles and bananas together? I do not know what it is.

  3. I can't guess the project, but can't wait to see it! My granddog goes to doggie daycare twice a week. He just loves his friends and caretakers. They dress the doggies and take photos for every holiday. He really lives his best life at daycare.

  4. I have absolutely no clue what the art project might be. How intriguing!!

    My daughter's young Golden (Newt) is going to "school" one night a week. She mainly goes along but Mason has gone a few times now too. Mason and the twins are really good with the dogs. Newt is about 8 months old now and he wears out the older Golden (Samson) with his endless energy.

  5. I cannot guess.
    I love that name, The Greats! I call my the grandies!

  6. A tired wore out puppy is a VERY good thing!

  7. I can almost imagine Sadie and her daycare friends playing together. The art project looks intricate and interesting.

  8. I can't guess, but I love the colors.
    If you don't get a comment from me now and then, it;s because Blogger won't let me.

  9. Blogger "failed" my comment again. Trying "Refresh" again.
    Can't guess, but love the colors.

  10. Smart to tire Sadie out at doggie day care.
    I would imagine the greats would keep you hopping while they are there-lol!
    No clue as to what that is and am very curious. :)

  11. It sounds like Sadie loves daycare!

    I can't wait to see more of the art project. It looks like she could be doing a digitized type picture?

  12. Grayson loves pickles too. I think it is a picture of Sadie.

  13. I won't make a guess. I will be glad to see this finished piece but I bet it will be outstanding.

  14. Well, I sure can't guess what that art project is...but I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product! Glad you've got all the treats there like pickles and bananas when the little people come. Glad Ree is smiling through the teething. So nice that Little Elvis gets a break once in a while. Enjoy.

  15. I smiled at Sadie being worn out. And I have no idea what that is going to be!

  16. I have no clue what this might be. But it sure is colorful.


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