Thursday, January 4, 2024

One word intention

 I do not do resolutions.  I will attempt a one word intention.  Flow as go with the flow...don't cause ripples and don't try to go upstream...meander along at my own pace.  If that is slow be it. 

This was a sculpture on Main Street in Park Rapids, someone repurposed just a few tools.   I have no idea what the name of this one is...I would call it "A fish out of water"

I have a couple of goals for the New Year.  

#1 To update the grands photo albums with the photos I took of them in 2023. 

#2 Make a hard cover book out of the blog that I wrote about my husbands paternal grandparents. 

#3 To organize all my Mother's photos that are scanned and put them on flash drives for my siblings. 

#4 To back up the photos on my computer...which means going through all the folders month by month sorting many before they go on flash drives. 

All are big projects but good ones to work on over the Winter. 

Lately my crocheting and embroidery are going in spurts and twists and turns with no finishes. 

Oh well I must go with the flow:)

Far Side


  1. Your grands photos --- how do you get prints?

  2. You will accomplish them all, I predict! :-)

  3. I just backed up all my photos and deleted a ton of them too.

    I like that Steam Punk version of the fish. I have to admit, I do like that style of art even though it isn't for everyone.

    I like the idea of making a hard cover book with the family info. So nice to have something in your own hands to look at.

  4. I like the fish out of water! Going with the flow is much better than swimming upstream.

  5. Flow...good word . You can be adaptable with this and sometimes slow down and then pick up the pace when you need to.

  6. Hmmm - your photo organizing goals has reminded me how many photos I still have to organize and to scan. Maybe I should take one of the boxes of photos with me next week to sort while I kid/dog/house sit while my daughter and hubbie are on the beach in Mexico.

  7. Flow seems like a good word for these times. I like it.

    I have the same issue with backing my photos on my laptop. I really need to go through and purge some and move them to my external hard drive. One of these days! Definitely a good project for a week or so of winter.

  8. Sallysmom, I send them to Walmart on my computer and pick them up an hour later:)

  9. I like your word for the year. We all need to just go with the flow sometimes.
    You've got a LOT of big projects to do but I know you'll get them all done.

  10. Flow is a good word for you! (One can always regulate the flow as needed!)
    You have a lot of photo projects to do- it will be spring before you know it.

  11. Your photo goals are so admirable. I have a half finished project, probably down to a 1/3 finished project of photo sorting going. I need to be locked in a room until it is completed.

  12. I need to do some you've picked out for myself. When I start I get over-whelmed and stop. Sigh

  13. You have some ambitious goals, but I have no doubt you’ll achieve them or at least make a huge dent in them. Have fun. Love the fish!

  14. I like that fish and you came up with the perfect name for it--lol!
    I have found that fighting against a strong current is exhausting and doesn't always work. That's a good word for 2024. :)

  15. Organizing photos is a big job. You remind me that it is time to cull out my 2023 folders and save them to a flash drive.

  16. Organizing photos is a big job. You remind me that it is time to cull my 2023 folders and save them to my flash drive.

  17. All the best wishes for you in the new year.
    I wish you lots of joy and success in your plans for this year.
    Yes... we swim leisurely in the river - because we deserve it :-)))
    Hug from Viola

  18. I like the sculpture. It has a steampunk look to it. I have similar goals regarding my many photos. It has turned into a lifelong project I think!

  19. Sorting and storing photos is something many of us have to do at the start of the year I try to remember to backup stuff from my computer sometimes I just can't get in the mood to do it

  20. That is a good plan!
    I don't do them, truthfully.

  21. You've definitely got your work to do this winter. Flow is a good choice.

  22. Hey I like your FLOW for me too. You have quite a list of things to accomplish this year....hope it all goes well for you. Enjoy your cozy winter there with family. Stay well you guys.

  23. Nice word choice. It applies to most everything. Your goals are lofty, but if anyone can get them done ~ it is you!

    I wish I could make myself sort and organize my photo cards/computer/hard drives/phone...don't get me started on making books!

  24. I like the word you chose for 2024... and wow.... lots on your to do list. Keep on keeping on!

  25. Go with the flow... I love it!


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