Friday, January 5, 2024

Book Club 2024

Book Club was yesterday we read The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. 

I was impressed by the first part of the book but it went downhill from there.  It slid in my ratings from a 9 to a questionable 5.  It could have been better on so many levels.   Most of the women in the book club liked it. One said the violence was a bit much for her and she had to quit reading for a bit.  I just wanted the book to be over with.  

Far Side


  1. I requested “You Need to Talk to someone”. Reading “Teddy and Booker T.” I can’t recommend it yet!

  2. It's a shame when a book disappoints, especially when you feel you have to read it.
    Hopefully the next selection is better.

  3. A disappointing read like that is difficult for me to finish.

  4. I've noticed this author is popular, and not for me.

    In addition to what is really going on in the world, there seems to be an abundance of gory stuff shared visually and written. Apparently there are a lot of people that thrive on it. Not me. It is a wonder there are not more violent crimes.

    Glad you are done reading it & hope your turn to pick is coming up next - or at least soon.

  5. I've never heard of it and since I trust your review, I won't think about reading it. Hope your next read is much better.

  6. I think we have similar tastes in movies and books, so I am following your recommendations on historical fiction books as I begin a new year and am wanting to read more.

  7. I don't know if I should read it or not. I don't like violence, so maybe not.

  8. I used to plod to the end of stories like this. Now I stop reading when I don't see the story getting better.

  9. I agree - The Great Alone is not an enjoyable read and definitely not one of Hannah’s best.

  10. At least you finished it. I couldn't ---one of those awful ones

  11. It's so annoying when a book looks so promising and then goes downhill. I've read a couple of this author's books but not that particular one.

  12. Maybe why I've never been in a book club. I would have stopped reading. Life is too short to finish books you don't like--even a book club choice--lol! But the social part of a book club I imagine would be nice.

  13. Some books start off great but fizzle out into a somewhat boring book at times

  14. I've liked her books, at least the ones I've read which aren't that many but I will steer clear of that one.

  15. I won't be adding it to my list.
    I am finally reading "The Boys in the Boat".

  16. Thanks for the info on this book. I stopped reading violent/scary books some time ago. I'm a person who keeps the scenes in my mind I am reading much happier books. and like others have said, I don't get into book clubs because if I didn't like the book, I would just stop reading it. I love the Mitford books, the Miss Read books, even the Barbara Buncle books!


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