Sunday, January 7, 2024

A bud

 One of the Amaryllis bulbs has a bud.

I did a bit of research on these bulbs.  They are soaked in water and then the roots and the bottom of the bulb are cut off then dipped in paraffin wax a number of times and then spray painted.  There is no hope for these bulbs to be planted or bloom again because their roots are amputated.  

We had a quiet snowed.  Far Guy woodcarved, I embroidered a bit and then had a long nap...I had more arthritis pain than normal probably due to the snow.  The pain exhausts me.  Jen sewed and worked on craft projects.  Far Guy made ribs and french fries for supper, I made green beans and took the pickles out of the fridge.

Far Side


Val Ewing said...

Ouch on that pain. It sounds awful. So many people say that the weather sure dictates their arthritis pain.

Ed said...

I'm glad you explained the bulbs further. I wasn't quite sure what they were or how they functioned from the earlier post. I have never seen such a thing before.

thecrazysheeplady said...

I did not know about the waxed bulbs. How sad.

Sara said...

I'm so sorry that your arthritis pain is worse. How frustrating for you.

I had no idea that was the process for those bulbs. Interesting that they live at all after all that. We had snow yesterday, and icy roads that kept us from going to Brookings for basketball. So there may have been a nap for me in the afternoon.

sillygirl said...

We have one bulb that was in paraffin last year - my husband followed directions for how to make it bloom this year - and it is. Maybe the paint makes it impossible - ours had no paint.

Lynda said...

I am very thankful you have opportunity to rest. Pain and inflammation does make a person tired. I hate it happens to you though because you have always enjoyed doing "things" from projects to even annual deep cleaning in your home.
I love that your new duty and phrase of 2024 is "I took the pickles out of the fridge." It reminds me of Baby in Dirty Dancing when she first sees Johnny and says, "I carried a watermelon." So cute.

Maebeme said...

I wonder, are the amaryllis able to come back again when they are planted like this? And who on earth came up with the idea. I'm seeing lots of them so they seem to be quite popular.

Sorry about the continuing pain. It is good you are able to sleep.

Terry and Linda said...

The coming and going of storms are so bad... horrid. I'm always glad for the STORM and for the after storm...REPRIVE!!

Shirley said...

Sorry to hear your pain flared up- have you heard of Back On Track? They make stuff for people as well as horses. I have several of their people products for joint pain.
I think those waxed bulbs are a marketing ploy so that people will buy a bulb every year instead of growing one year after year from the same bulb.

KennyD said...

We had one of these waxed bulbs last year. After some beautiful blooms, we trimmed it back, removed all of the wax and a couple of dead outer layers and replanted it in a clay pot of Miracle Grow potting soil, watered it and set it in the windowsill. It hasn't done too much yet, but it has sent up a couple of nice green spiky leaves, so it is not dead. We will have to wait and see if it ever blooms again, though. They do not like too much water, they are easy to over water.

Red said...

You have a cooking regime that works.

DJan said...

Fascinating what they do to those bulbs to keep them from being reused. Sigh. And I do hope your pain lessens very soon, like right now! :-)

Sandra said...

My body is sensitive to the change in barometer. Sometimes I have what I call a full body toothache. You did your part, getting the pickles is important!

Sandy said...

They are such pretty flowers, seems a shame to keep them from blooming. Sorry about your arthritis pain, hope the weather improves so your pain level will improve as well.

Linda Reeder said...

I am sorry about your pain. I think you are a bit like those amaryllis bulbs, wrapped in pain rather than paint, roots clipped, and you can't go outside to play or grow.
Continue being kind to yourself. Carrying the pickle jar is enough. :-)

Galla Creek said...

You are really good at getting those pickles out! Sort of sad about the bulbs. You’ll enjoy them.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Never heard of such bulbs but there is an ocean of stuff I haven't heard of

Alana said...

My Mom had Rheumatoid arthritis and she suffered greatly from damp or rainy weather, so it is certainly possible the snow may have done this. I hope you feel better now. I've never tried growing the amaryllis that are processed the way you describe. Quiet weekends are good weekends.

diane in northern wis said...

I love hearing what you guys are doing every always make it so interesting. I'm sorry to hear about all your pain....praying it will get better for you. Your dinner sounded good. I am making a chicken and stuffing recipe in the crockpot today....we'll see how that turns out. I usually like crockpot dinners. We are due for a little snow on Tuesday...but they will get much more south of us. Hope you get snow and not more ice! Take care!

Anonymous said...

I totally understand about the arthritis pain...worsened by our winter weather. ☹️ I'm sorry about that for you.

Bonnie said...

Your Amaryllis looks wonderful. You will have flowers before you know it. I received one before Christmas as a gift and it has two buds with one of them just starting to open. In fact, I was about to do a post on it too.

Sorry about your arthritis pain. The weather makes mine worse too and we have a big snow moving in over the next two days. Far Guy sounds like a good cook!

Jenn Jilks said...

I am so sorry for your pain. It is a difficult way to live.
You are a trooper!

Granny Marigold said...

I've always wondered about the Amaryllis with their strange waxed bulbs. Now I know. Mine are in various stages of growth/budding. They take up too much space in the sunroom. Those that don't bloom may not stick around long.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I have never come across bulbs treated like that. It seems very strange and not quite right somehow. But I hope you get to enjoy the flower when it blooms.

Rita said...

Sorry about the pain. It is truly exhausting. The meal sounds delicious. Can hardly wait to see the bloom. The wax and paint sound hard on the bulbs, but one is managing to send up a flower, regardless! :)

Marty said...

A couple of years ago I had a waxed bulb, one in water and one in potting soil. They all did well. My granddaughter took the wax coating off the bulb. Since I know nothing about amaryllis I planted them outside on the north side of the house. About midsummer they bloomed again. Planted them back into pots last winter and they bloomed, back outside this summer no blooms. I now have several since they produced more bulbs. Planted back in potting soil last week. They are sending out shoots. Interesting experiment!

Betsy said...

I hope you get flowers soon, the buds are hopeful. But, I'm so sorry about your arthritis pain. Mine isn't nearly as bad as yours but golly my feet were hurting today. I know it's because of the snow coming tonight. Happens everytime it gets really cold or wet. We're supposed to have 10-12 inches tonight through Tues. morning. Biggest snow since we moved back here and this is our third winter. (If it happens.)
I like your cooking style. We had leftovers for dinner so not much cooking at all.
Blessings and hugs,
Betsy said...

I've never seen bulbs like that so thanks for explaining what they did to them. That RA pain is terrible...I don't have it anymore...just twinges once in awhile but I remember. Do you take Tylenol? I was on heavy duty steroids for quite a long time...I looked like the Incredible Hulk! Yes, the cold is not good for RA and they told me to move someplace warmer so I did but ac has the same effect.
I see you're expanding your cooking repertoire! Pickles and now beans! You go girl!

Miss Merry said...

Exciting to see the bud!!!!

L. D. said...

I have never seen them before. I suppose the water is all reserved in the bulb and wonder how long the bloom will last. It might sprout new roots if it were scraped at the bottom getting rid of the paint.