Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Christmas Book

 Just before Christmas I read a very entertaining book.  It was Jen's Book Club selection at the local library, so I read it but we were not able to attend book club the evening they discussed it.   

I thought it was a hilarious book, it made me smile.  Jen did not finish the book and it was not to her liking at all.

Has anyone else read it?   I suggested it for the book club that I belong to for next Christmas. 

Our weather has turned into freezing rain and snow again.  Just what we need snow on top of ice we already have to disguise its whereabouts. 

Far Side


  1. Never heard of this book. Looks comical.

    I haven't been reading lately, stuck on a half read book...

  2. I've not read it, but find it interesting that James Patterson is one of the authors. He's well known for murder mysteries so unexpected (at least by me).

    Snow here the last two days but thankfully no freezing rain. Hopefully, the temperatures drop enough that it's just snow for you soon.

  3. Interesting how people have very different opinions on a story.

  4. We got a dusting of snow with a little more coming later today. I have not heard of the book.

  5. That looks like an interesting read with Patterson as the author. Not his usual tale. We had just a bit of snow yesterday but lots more coming on Monday if the forecast holds us. That would be fine for me. I'll just stay inside.

  6. James Patterson has been doing a lot of joint authorships lately.
    I suspect I might be like Jen. I don't like "messy" and don't find them funny.

  7. I read the blurb on this book and went immediately to our local library site and requested it.

  8. Also haven't heard of it and thought James Patterson wrote about murders and such. :)

  9. Not a book I have heard of but there are many such books

  10. Haven’t read it. Today someone recommended Demon Copperhead! Have you read it?

  11. Galla Creek, I have hear of it but not read it yet.

  12. I've not read that book but put it on a "to be read" list and, like you, thinking of proposing it to my book club for next December's reading. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  13. this book looks interesting! We got snow today and will get more in a day or two....but no ice so far. Sorry you have the ice. that's nasty. Take good care and don't fall!

  14. Have you read the Bernie and Chet mysteries? Patterson comes up as "another author you might enjoy" connected with them. I'll have to look into him.

  15. I'll have to write that book down for next Christmas. Get your Yak Tracs out! I leave mine on an old pair of shoes as they are hard for me to get on and off. A pair of golf shoes would do the trick too. Be careful!


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